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Life of Lord Gautama Buddha

Life of Gautama Buddha There is no contemporary and authentic account of the life of Gautama Buddha except a few data provided by the Buddhist Sutras. We have to depend upon comparatively later works for details of Buddha’s life. The `Sutta…

The Origin of Buddhism | The rise of Buddhism

The causes for the origin of Buddhism are many. Infact, the Rise of Buddhism is a result of several contemporary factors combined together. Let us have a review at those factors. The Rise of Large Kingdoms The political, social and…

Organization of Buddhist Church (Buddhist Sangha)

Buddhist Church and its Organization Gautama Buddha not only preached his religious doctrines but he laid down rules for the organization of the Buddhist church (Buddhist Sangha). These bodies of rules and their rigorous observance by the…

Philosophy of Buddhism

The Buddhism Philosophy There are good reasons to believe that Buddhism to begin with, was a body of moral principles rather than a metaphysical system. But in course of time philosophical background became necessary for its survival and…

Jainism Philosophy | Beliefs of Jainism

Beliefs of Jainism and Jainism Philosophy The Jaina stream of thought emerged as a result of its preaching by various Teachers. Tradition ascribes the credit of preaching different aspects of Jainism to 24 Tirthankaras, among whom…

Compare and Contrast Jainism and Buddhism

Jainism and Buddhism: A comparative study Buddhism and Jainism originated from the prevailing pessimism of the time and both the creeds had some common points. This has led certain scholars to suggest that Jainism was an offshoot of…

Shaivism – The Origin and Growth of Shavism

Shaivism – The Origin and Growth of Shaivism Origin of Shaivism The origin of Shaivism in India can be traced from very early times. It may be a legacy of the non-Aryan religious belief of the pre-historic period. The excavations in the…

Importance of Bhakti Movement

Importance of Bhakti Movement The Bhakti Movement played a significant role in transforming the character of Vedic Hinduism. By introducing the cult of Bhakti as the means of salvation, Bhagavatism reduced the importance of the ritual of…

Ajivika (Ajivikas), Ajivikism and its Features

The Ajivika (also Ajivikas) creed was one of the most popular protesting creed against the Brahmanical religion during 6th century B.C. Its preacher Gosala Mankhaliputta was born in the family of a commoner. Gosala was a fundamental thinker…