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56 posts
Name of Ten Sikh Gurus with Brief Description
A brief description of the Ten Sikh Gurus has been given below: 1. Guru Nanak: Those who believed in the…
4 min read
Vaishnavism and Shaivism
Vaishnavism and Shaivism The followers of Vaishnavism worship various forms of Lord Vishnu. The followers of…
1 min read
Origin of Bhakti Movement
Origin of Bhakti Movement The Bhakti movement originated as a reaction against caste division, untouchability…
1 min read
History of Buddhism
History of Buddhism In the history of Buddhism we notice four distinct stages of development which helped the…
9 min read
Hindu God Surya
Hindu God Surya From the Vedic times worship of Surya, i.e. the Sun can be traced. It came down through ages…
1 min read
Sufism Sufi or Sufism is related to Islam. The Sufis originally drew their ideas from certain verses of the…
3 min read
Sufism in India
Sufism The source of Sufism was Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. The Sufi reformers started…
3 min read
Bhakti Movement in India
Bhakti Movement in India The essence of the Bhakti movement is the union of the human soul with supreme being…
5 min read
Hindu Goddesses Saraswati and Lakshmi
Hindu Goddesses Saraswati Saraswati, the consort of Brahma, the female Shakti or energizing principle which…
1 min read
Lord Shiva (Bhagwan Shiv) – Hindu God
Lord Shiva is also known as Bhagwan Shiv. Lord Siva, the cosmic destroyer, was not a Vedic god, and in his…
1 min read