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Lord Indra Dev (Hindu God)

Lord Indra Dev, the son of Sage Kashyapa and Aditi, was the main god in the Rig Veda. Lord Indra is primarily the god of rain and thunder, and the protector of cows, priests and even gods. He in invoked in about one-fourth of the hymns of…

Karma in Hinduism

Three concepts in Hinduism are interlinked: Karma, Samsara and Moksha. Action, the chain of action and re-action. Only through Karma can Karma be conquered. Only by working in time, can we be free from the trappings of time. These are…

Sanatana Dharma

Sanatana Dharma literally means Eternal Dharma, embodying fundamental values. It has been described as the highest common factor of all religions. That which gives stability to an individual is ‘sva-Dharma’. That which gives stability to…

Dharma Shastra in Hinduism

Introduction Dharma Shastras are part of the Smriti tradition, the secular heritage as distinct from the revealed. Smritis deal with the practical application of eternal principles according to changing times, and varying social…

Importance of Religion in Politics

Importance of Religion in Politics Religion plays an important role in Indian Politics. Religion and Politics co-exists in India. Religion can guide a politician but a politician biased in favor of one religion, can never be good for all.…

Vardhamana Mahavira (Biography)

Lord Vardhamana Mahavira Vardhamana Mahavira (also Lord Mahavira) was the 24th and last Tirthankar and it was he who made Jainism a separate religion. Life of Vardhamana Mahavira The early name of Lord Mahavira was Vardhamana. He was born…

Life and Teachings of Gautama Buddha

In this article we will briefly discuss the life and teachings of Lord Gautama Buddha. Life of Gautama Buddha Siddhartha, later known as Gautama Buddha, came from the republican tribe of the Shakyas, and his father Sudhadhana was the…

Rig (Early) Vedic Religion

Rig Vedic Religion (Early Vedic Religion) Worship of the Forces of Nature The Rig Vedic hymns throw liberal light on the Rig Vedic Religion or Early Vedic Religion. The Rig Vedic Aryans ascribed life to many objects of nature. Worship of…