Powers of Products

Powers of Products

Rule: For all numbers x and y , and integers n,

Powers of Products 1“Notice: each factor of the product gets raised to the new power.”

“Be sure to notice that this rule ONLY works when the inside of the parentheses is a single term (a product). ”

“(no + signs or – signs separating the items).”


Powers of Products 2

Check out these examples of this rule at work:

  1. (4a)4 = 44a4 = 256a4

    Notice how the 5 inside the parentheses is also affected by the power of 5.
  2. (2a2)4 = 24(a2)4 = 24a8 = 16a8

    Notice how the “power to a power” rule was used here to raise a2 to the power of 4.
  3. 4(2x3)2 = 4•22(x3)2 = 4•4•x6 = 16x6

    Notice that the number 4 out in front is not affected by the power of 2 since it is not within the parentheses.
  4. P = (2K)2W = 22K2W = 4K2W

    Formulas often involve working with powers.
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