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Variables and Constants in Algebra

Variables and Constants in AlgebraLITERALS OR VARIABLES The letters used to represent numbers or some other quantities in general are called literal numbers or simply literals. Literals can take any value. They are also called variables.For…

Nature Of The Roots Of A Quadratic Equation

Nature Of The Roots Of A Quadratic EquationThe nature of the roots depends on the value of b2 – 4ac. bx2 – 4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 and is generally, denoted by D. ∴ D = b2 – 4ac If D > 0,…

Nature Of The Roots Of A Quadratic Equation

Nature Of The Roots Of A Quadratic EquationThe nature of the roots depends on the value of b2 – 4ac. bx2 – 4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 and is generally, denoted by D. ∴ D = b2 – 4ac If D > 0,…

Decimal Representation Of Rational Numbers

Decimal Representation Of Rational NumbersExample 1:    Express (frac { 7 }{ 8 }) in the decimal form by long division method. Solution:    We have, ∴ (frac { 7 }{ 8 }) = 0.875Example 2:    Convert (frac { 35 }{ 16 }) into decimal form by…

What is a Ratio and Proportion

What is a Ratio and Proportion RATIO In our day-to-day life, we compare one quantity with another quantity of the same kind by using the ‘method of subtraction’ and ‘method of division’. Example: The height of Seema is 1 m 67 cm and that…