Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 12 Collection of Data

Kerala Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 12 Collection of Data

Plus One Economics Collection of Data One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Which among the following is a method of primary data collection?

(i) Direct personal interview

(ii) Telephonic interview

(iii) Mailed questionnaire method

(iv) All the above


(iv) All the above

Question 2.

Identify the random sampling method from the following.

(i) Judgment sampling

(ii) Stratified sampling

(iii) Convenience sampling

(iv) Quota sampling


(ii) Stratified sampling

Question 3.

Which among the following is a source of secondary data?

(i) CSO

(ii) NSSO

(iii) RGI

(iv) All the above


(iv) All the above

Question 4.

Identify an advantage of the sample method.

(i) Less time consuming

(ii) Less cost is needed

(iii) Gives more reliable information

(iv) All the above


(iv) All the above

Question 5.

Name the different types of data.


Primary data and secondary data

Plus One Economics Collection of Data Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Differentiate between census survey and sample survey.


Under census method, we collect information from each and every unit of population relating to the problem under investigation. On the other hand, the under-sample method, rather than collecting information about all the units of population, we collect information from a few selected items from population.

Question 2.

Name the two important errors related to sampling?


  1. Sampling error.
  2. Non – sampling error.

Question 3.

Give one example of primary data and one example of secondary data.


The price of rice collected from a shop is primary data. The price of rice collected daily is secondary data.

Question 4.

Do samples provide better results than surveys? Give reasons for your answer.


In sample method, we take part of the information. A small number of trained investigators can collect complete data. This information is reliable. In the case of doubt, enquiries can be undertaken for verification. Follow up is made easy in this case. In survey, many difficulties are faced when the universe is very large. A large number of investigators are required in surveys. In case of doubts, it is difficult to undertake the enquiry again for verification.

Question 5.

List out the different steps involved in planning the survey.


  1. Purpose of the survey
  2. Scope of the survey
  3. Unit of data collection
  4. Sources of data
  5. The technique of data collection
  6. Choice of the frame
  7. Degree of accuracy needed
  8. Miscellaneous considerations

Question 6.

Point out the advantages of sample method over census method?


The advantages of sample method over census method are:

  1. Less time consuming
  2. Less cost is needed,
  3. Gives more reliable information
  4. Gives more detailed information.

Question 7.

Suppose you want to select 50 households from a total of 5100 households by giving equal opportunity to all the units. Which method you would prefer for this purpose? Substantiate.


Simple random sampling is appropriate for this purpose. It refers to that technique in which each and every unit of population has an equal opportunity of being selected in the sample. The selection depends purely on chance. Random samples may be selected by lottery method.

Plus One Economics Collection of Data Three Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

What are the advantages of mailed questionnaire method?


Advantages of mailed questionnaire method are the following.

  • Least expensive
  • The only method to reach remote areas
  • No influence on respondents
  • Better for sensitive questions

Question 2.

How the non-sampling errors can be controlled?


Sampling errors can be controlled by taking the following steps.

  1. Sample should be selected with care.
  2. Scientific methods of data collection should be used.
  3. The investigator should be well trained.
  4. A test check should be done.

Question 3.

List out the errors you would expect in the field survey by census method?


Some of the errors expected in the field survey by census method are:

  1. Errors of measurement
  2. Errors due to mishandling of the questionnaire
  3. Recording mistakes
  4. Errors of non-response
  5. Arithmetic errors

Question 4.

Suppose the Wayanad district Panchayat wants to study the literacy of tribal population in the district.

  1. Which method would you suggest for data collection? Why?
  2. Give a popular instance Is this method suitable in all cases? If not, what are the drawbacks?


1. I would suggest census method of data collection to the panchayat authorities in this situation. In this method, we get reliable information from all units of the population for which the study is conducted.

2. A popular instance where this method is used is population census conducted ever 10 years.

3. It is not suitable in all cases because there are some drawbacks – the effort, money and time required will be very high.

Question 5.

Give two examples each of sample, population and variable.


1. Examples each of samples:

  • A representative group of few individuals taken form a particular locality to study the impact of rise in prices of petroleum products
  • A group of students from the school is selected to study average monthly expenditure

2. Examples each of population:

  • All individuals residing in a particular locality about . whom the information is to be collected
  • All students in a school for whom the information is to be collected.

3. Examples of each of variables:

  • Changing price of petrol
  • Increase or decrease in the production of rice.

Question 6.

List the demerits of telephone interviews.


Demerits of telephone interview are:

  • Reactions cannot be watched
  • Limited use
  • Possibility of influencing respondents.

Question 7.

Point out the precautions to be taken while using secondary data?


While using secondary data it should be ensured that the following precautions are taken

  1. Ability of the collecting organisation
  2. Objective and scope of investigation
  3. Method of collection of secondary data
  4. Time and conditions of collection of data Definition of the unit, and
  5. Accuracy of the data

Question 8.

Point out the advantages of conducting pilot survey.


Once the questionnaire is ready, it is advisable to conduct a try out with a small group which is known as Pilot Survey or PreTesting of the questionnaire. The pilot survey helps the investigator in the following ways.

  • The pilot survey helps in providing a preliminary idea about the survey.
  • It helps in pretesting of the questionnaire, so as to know the shortcomings and drawbacks of the questions.
  • Pilot survey also helps in assessing the suitability of questions, clarity of instructions, performance of enumerators and the cost and time involved in the actual survey

Question 9.

Explain the procedure of sel
ecting a random sample of 3 students out of 10 in your class by using random number table.


The procedures of selecting a random sample of 3 students out of 10 are as follows

  1. Prepare 10 slips of paper of identical size and shape
  2. Write the names of students on the slips
  3. Place the slips in a box and mix them properly
  4. Draw three slips without looking into the box
  5. The students, whose names appear on the slips drawn, constitute the required random sample.

Question 10.

Mention the important sources of collecting secondary data.


The main sources of secondary data can be classified into two. They are:

A. Published sources

  • Government publications
  • Semi government publications
  • International publications
  • Private publications
  • Research publications

B. Unpublished sources

  • Studies made by scholars
  • Studies of various institutions

Question 11.

Prepare a note on NSSO?


The National Sample Survey Organisation was established by the Government of India to conduct nationwide surveys on socioeconomic issues. The data collected by NSSO surveys on different socioeconomic subjects are released through reports and its quarterly journal Sarvekshana.

NSSO provides periodic estimates of literacy, school enrolment, utilisaiton of educational services, employment, unemployment, manufacturing and service sector enterprises, morbidity, maternity, child care, utilisation of the public distribution system, etc.

The NSSO also undertakes the fieldwork of annual surveys of industries, conducts crop estimation surveys, collects rural and urban retail prices for the complication of consumer price index numbers.

Question 12.

“Non-sampling errors are more serious than sampling errors”. Do you agree? Mention the possible nonsampling errors occur in sampling.


Yes, I agree with the statement that non-sampling errors are more serious than sampling errors because a sampling error can be minimized by taking a larger sample. It is difficult to minimize non-sampling error, even by taking a large sample. Even a Census can contain nonsampling errors.

Some of the non-sampling errors are:

1. Errors in Data Acquisition:

This type of error arises from the recording of incorrect responses. Suppose, the teacher asks the students to measure the length of the teacher’s table in the classroom. The measurement by the students may differ. The differences may occur due to differences in measuring tape, carelessness of the students, etc.

2. Non-Response Errors:

Non-response occurs if an interviewer unable to contact a person listed in the sample or a person from the sample refuses to respond. In this case, the sample observation may not be representative.

3. Sampling Bias:

Sampling bias occurs when the sampling plan is such that some members of the target population could riot possibly be included in the sample.

Plus One Economics Collection of Data Four Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Prepare a chart showing different methods of sampling.


Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 12 Collection of Data 4M Q1

Question 2.

Give the advantages of direct personal interviews.


Advantages of direct personal interview.

  • Highest response rate
  • Allows use of all types of questions
  • Allow clarification of ambiguous questions
  • Better for using open-ended questions

Question 3.

“Certain principles should be kept in mind while drafting a questionnaire” explain.


The principles that are to be kept in mind while drafting a questionnaire are given below.

1. The questionnaire should not be too long. The number of questions should be as minimum as possible. Long questionnaires discourage people from completing them.

2. The series of questions should move from general to specific. The questionnaire should start from general questions and proceed to more specific ones.

3. The questions should be precise and clear.

4. The questions should not be ambiguous, to enable the respondents to answer quickly, correctly and clearly.

5. The question should not use double negatives. The questions starting with “Wouldn’t you” or “Don’t you” should be avoided, as they may lead to biased responses.

6. The question should not be a leading question, which gives a clue about how the respondent should answer.

7. The question should not indicate alternatives to the answer.

Plus One Economics Collection of Data Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

State true or false

  1. there are many sources of data
  2. telephone survey is the most suitable method of collecting data when their population is literate and spread over a large area
  3. data collecting by investigator is called secondary data
  4. non-sampling errors can be minimized by taking large samples
  5. there is a certain bias involved in the non-random selection of samples.


  1. true
  2. true
  3. false
  4. false
  5. true

Plus One Economics Collection of Data Eight Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.

Prepare a seminar report on the topic “methods of collecting primary data”


“Methods of collecting primary data”


The plus one commerce batch of (Name of school) conducted a seminar on the topic “methods of collecting primary data” on 05/08/2017 at 11.0 a.m with the ample guidance of our economics teacher. Our class was divided into three groups to cover the entire area of the topic. Each group presented one objective each. They focused on the area given to them and the group leader presented the seminar paper after required preparation.


There are three basic ways of collecting data:

  1. Personal Interviews,
  2. Mailing (questionnaire) Surveys, and
  3. Telephone Interviews

1. Personal Interviews:

This method is used when the researcher has access to all the members. The researcher (or investigator) conducts face to face interviews with the respondents. Personal interviews are preferred due to various reasons. Personal contact is made between the respondent and the interviewer.

The interviewer has the opportunity of explaining the study and answering any query of the respondents. The interviewer can request the respondent to expand on answers that are particularly important. Misinterpretation and misunderstanding can be avoided.

Watching the reactions of the respondents can provide supplementary information. The personal interview has some demerits too. It is expensive, as it requires trained interviewers. It takes a longer time to complete the survey.

2. Mailing Questionnaire:

When the data in a survey are collected by mail, the questionnaire is sent to each individual by mail with a request to complete and return it by a given date. The advantages of this method are that it is less expensive. It allows the researcher to have access to people in remote areas too, who might be difficult to reach in person or by telephone.

It does not allow the influence of the respondents by the interviewer. It also permits the respondents to take sufficient time to give thoughtful answers to the questions. The disadvantages of mail surveys are that there is less opportunity to provide assistance in clarifying instructions, so there is a possibility of misinterpretation of questions. Mailing is also li
kely to produce low response rates due to certain factors.

3. Telephone Interviews:

In a telephone interview, the investigator asks questions over the telephone. The advantages of telephone interviews are that they are cheaper than personal interviews and can be conducted in a shorter time. They allow the researcher to assist the respondent by clarifying the questions.

Telephone interview is better in the cases where the respondents are reluctant to answer certain questions in personal interviews. The disadvantage of this method is accessible to people, as many people may not own telephones. Telephone Interviews also obstruct visual reactions of the respondents.


All three groups presented their topics with the necessary facts and figures. After the presentation, there was a question-answer session. The active participation of everyone made this session live and interesting. On the whole, the seminar was a big success.

Plus One Economics Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

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