Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Paper March 2019

Kerala Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Paper March 2019 with Answers

Class Plus One
Subject Computer Application
Category Plus One Previous Year Question Papers

Time Allowed: 2 hours

Cool off time: 15 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 60

General Instructions to Candidates:

  • There is a ‘cool off time’ of 15 minutes in addition to the writing time of 2 hours.
  • Use the ‘cool off time’ to get familiar with the questions and to plan your answers.
  • Read questions carefully before you answering.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Calculations, figures, and graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
  • Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
  • Give equations wherever necessary.
  • Electronic devices except non-programmable calculators are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

Answer all questions from question numbers 1 to 5. Each carry 1 score. (5 × 1 = 5)

Question 1.

The number of symbols used in a number system is called ………….


Base or Radix

Question 2.

Pictorial representation of an algorithm is known as …………..



Question 3.

What is the escape sequence characterfor new line in C++ program?



Question 4.

The starting symbol of a preprocessor directive statement is ………….



Question 5.

Write the full form of MAC.


Media Access Control

Answer any 9 questions from question numbers 6 to 16. Each carries 2 scores. (9 × 2 = 18)

Question 6.

What is the importance of registers in computer system? Name any two registers.


Registers are temporary storage locations inside the CPU. It stores the intermediate results temporarily. Memory Address Register, Instruction Register, Memory Buffer Register, Program Counter, Accumulator (Any 2)

Question 7.

What do you mean human ware? Give any two examples.


Persons (Humans) who use computers are called human ware. System Administrator, System Manager, System Analyst, DBA, Programmers and Naive Users.

Question 8.

Explain any two limitations of flow chart.


The limitations are given below

  1. To draw a flowchart, it is time consuming and laborious work.
  2. If any change or modification in the logic we may have to redraw a new flow chart.
  3. No standards to determine how much detail can include in a flowchart.

Question 9.

Differentiate between character literal and string literal.


Character literal: A single character enclosed in single quotes. Eg. ‘M’, ‘F’, etc

String literal: A combination of characters enclosed in double quotes. Eg. “India”

Question 10.

What is the use of comments in a programme? List out two ways to Include comments in C++ program.


To give tips in between the program comments are used. A comment is not considered as the part of program and cannot be executed. There are 2 types of comments single line and multiline.

Single line comment starts with //(2 slashes) but multi line comment starts with /* and ends with */

Question 11.

List out type modifiers in C++.


With the help of type modifiers we can change the sign and range of data with same size. The important modifiers are signed, unsigned, long and short.

Question 12.

Assume that recently your school computer lab is networked. List any four advantages you can experienced when using networked computers instead of stand alone computers.


The advantages of Networks are given below.

  • Resource sharing: All the computers in a network can share software (programs, data ……….) and hardware (printer, scanner, CD drive etc.).
  • ‘Reliability: If one computer fails, the other computer can perform the work without any delay. This is very important for banking, air traffic control and other application.
  • Price Vs Performance: A main frame computer can be 10 times faster than a PC but it costs thousand times a PC. Therefore instead of a main frame 10 personal computers are used with less cost and same performance.
  • Communication Medium: It is a powerful communication medium. We can exchange information between computers in a network.
  • Scalable: This means, System performance can be increased by adding computers to a network.

Question 13.

Name the major parts of an optical fibre cable.


Optical fibre has the following parts

  • Core: The thin glass rods that carries the light signals
  • Cladding: The outer optical material surrounding the core.
  • Coating: The plastic coating that act as a shield.
  • Jacket: Outer covering of the cable.

Question 14.

“Servers have much importance in a client server network”. Write the importance and list any two classifications of servers.


A server is a powerful computer with high storage capacity that provides services like sharing data, software and hardware.

Eg. File server, Print Server, Database server, Web server Etc.

Question 15.

E-mail is a popular communication tool. Discuss any two advantages of E-mail.


The advantages of E-mail is speed, easy to use, facility for attach files, eco-friendly, cost-effective, anywhere any time, etc.

Question 16.

Write any two challenges for implementing e-Governance.


Challenges to E-Governance:

  • Due to lack of e-Literacy, there is a difficulty to access the service of E-Governance.
  • High security measures are required because of possibility of cyber attack.
  • Implementation and maintenance requires huge amount and planning
  • Some people refuses to give personal information due to anxiety
  • Various Departments’ integration is needed for the efficiency and effectiveness of e-Governance

Answer any 9 questions from question numbers 17 to 27. Each carries 3 scores. (9 × 3 = 27)

Question 17.

Explain any three freedom designed by FSF for software.


The Four freedoms are

  1. Freedom 0: To run program for any purpose
  2. Freedom 1: To study how it works and allows you to adapt according to your needs. Also allows to access source code.
  3. Freedom 2: Allowsto take copies and distribute
  4. Freedom 3: Allows you t6 change source code and release the program.

Question 18.

As a student, explain any three approaches that you can adopt to Promote ‘Green Computing’.


Following are the steps to promote green computing

  • Green design: Design energy efficient and eco-friendly devices
  • Green manufacturing: reduce non eco-friendly parts while manufacturing
  • Green use: Use energy saver devices
  • Green disposal: Use easily disposable devices

Question 19.

Differentiate between Entry Controlled Loop and Exit Controlled loop.


An entry controlled loop first checks the condition and execute(or enters into) the body of loop only if it is true. But exit control loop first execute the body of the loop once even if the condition is false then check the condition. The for loop and while loop are entry controlled loops but do-while loop is an exit controlled loop.

Question 20.

Write an algorithm to find the biggest of two numbers.


Step 1: Start

Step 2: Input 2 numbers. n1, n2

Step 3: If n1>n2 then

Step 4: Print n1

Step 5: Else

Step 6: Print n2

Step 7: Stop

Question 21.

What is statements? Explain any two types of statements in C++.


Statements are smallest executable units end with semicolon.

Eg: Declaration

int x;







and control statements

Question 22.

a) What is constant?

b) Write the keyword for constant declaration in C++.

c) Give an example.


a) Its value doesn’t change during execution.

b) const

c) const int bp=100; (Note that value must be initialized)

Question 23.

Explain the different types of logical operators.


Logical operators: Here AND(&&), OR(||) are binary operators and NOT(!) is a unary operator. It is used to combine relational operations and it gives either true(1) or false(0).

If x=1 and y=0 then

Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Paper March 2019, 1

Both operands must be true to get a true value in the case of AND (&&) operation

If x = 1 and y = 0 then

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Either one of the operands must be true to get a true value in the case of OR (||) operation

If x = 1 and y = 0then

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Question 24.

Consider the following code.

int i=1





a) Find the output

b) Rewrite the code by using while loop with i<=10 and i = i+2 inappropriate place for successful code execution.


a) It is an infinite loop. It prints 1 infinitely

b) int i=1;




i = i+2;


Question 25.

a) Define Network Topology.

b) Compare Ring Topology with Star Topology.


The way in which the nodes are physically interconnected to form a network is called a topology.

Star topology:

  • It looks like a star
  • All computers are connected to a hub or switch
  • The signal is sent only to the intended node
  • Failure of hub/switch leads to failure of network

Ring topology:

  • It looks like a ring
  • There is no central computer
  • The signal transmitted to each node
  • If one node fails, entire network will fail

Question 26.

Your, friend wants to take an internet connection. Explain and compare any three types of broadband connectivity available now-a-days.


Wireless broadband connectivity

a) Mobile broadband: Accessing Internet using wireless devices like mobile phones, tablet, USB dongles.

b) Wi MAX (Wireless Microwave Access): It uses micro waves to transmit information across a network in a range 2 GHz to 11 GHz over very long distance.

c) Satellite broadband: Accessing internet through satellite. A Very Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT) dish antenna and transceiver and modem are required at the user’s location. Expensive and highspeed.

Question 27.

e-Learning playing an important role in education field.

Discuss any three advantages of e-Learning.


Advantages of E Learning:

  • It can offer variety courses to large number of students from distant location.
  • It saves journey time and money, instructor fees, etc.
  • People can enjoy e Learning with lower cost
  • It enables people to do courses conducted by national or international institutions.

Answer any 2 questions from question numbers 28 to 30. Each carries 5 scores. (2 × 5 = 10)

Question 28.

a) List down the functional units of a computer by using a diagram. (2)

b) What are the advantages and limitations of a computer? (3)


a) Functional units of computer:

A computer is not a single unit but it consists of many functional units(intended to perform jobs) such as Input unit, Central Processing Unit (ALU and Control Unit), Storage (Memory) Unit and Output Unit.

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Advantages of computer:

  • Speed: It can perform operations at a high speed.
  • Accuracy: It produces result at a high degree of accuracy.
  • Diligence: Unlike human beings, a computer is free from monotony, tiredness, lack of concentration etc. We know that it is an electronic machine. Hence it can work hours without making any errors.
  • Versatility: It is capable of performing many tasks. It is useful in many fields.
  • Power of Remembering: A computer consists of huge amount of memory. So it can store and recall any amount of information without delay.

Disadvantages of computer:

  • No IQ: It has no intelligent quotient. Hence they are slaves and human beings are the masters. It can’t take its own decisions.
  • No feelings: Since they are machines they have no feelings and instincts.

Question 29.

a) What is operator? Classify the operators based on number of operands. (2)

b) Find the output of the following operations if x = -11 and Y = 3

i) -x + -y

ii) x% – y

iii) x% – 11

iv) (x>y)&&(x<y)

v) ! (x<y)

vi) x * y (3)


a) An operator is a symbol used to perform an operation. The classifications are

  • Unary: It requires only one operand
  • Binary: It requires two operands
  • Ternary: It requires three operands

b) i) -(-11)+ -3 = 8

ii) -11 % -3 = -2

Hi) -11 % -11 = 0

iv) (-11>3)&&(-11<3)

0&&1 = 0(false)

v) !(-11<3) = !(1) = 0(false)

vi) -11*3 = -33

Question 30.

a) List the four components of a Loop Statements.

b) Write a C++ program to find the sum of numbers up to 100 by using any loop statement.


a) Following are the components of loop statement

  • Initialization: The loop variable must be initialized
  • Checking: Loop variable must be checked.
  • Body: The statements to be executed is written in the body
  • Update: The loop variable must be updated

b) #inclUde<iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


int i=1, sum=0;



cout<<“The sum of numbers upto 100 is “<<sum;


Plus One Computer Application Previous Year Question Papers and Answers

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