Importance and Contribution of Dayananda Saraswati

Swami Dayananda Saraswati was and no doubt still is one the most important reformers and spiritual forces India has known in recent times.

The dominant personality of Dayananda Saraswati had found extraordinary reflection in the virility of the Arya Samaj movement, and in almost every one of its adherents.

The contribution of Arya Samaj in the field of education is commendable. The establishment of education institutions, particularly in the northern and eastern parts of India, and the formation of the Gurukula Academy at Hardwar exemplify the very rightful eagerness of many Samajists to revive the ancient ideal and traditions of Hindu education.

The members of Arya Samaj movement are also in the forefront of other public services of the country. This is evident from the number of members of the Samaj who have attained public eminence and have won the gratitude of the Indian nation.

Not the least among these stands the name of Lala Lajpat Rai, a prominent congress leader, who sacrificed his life in the ‘thirties fighting for the emancipation of his motherland’.

The contribution and importance of Swami Dayananda will remain alive in the country so long as the Arya Samaj exists and continues its activities of religious and social reforms.

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