What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table

There are 3 methods for calculation of mean :

  1. Direct Method
  2. Assumed mean deviation method
  3. Step deviation method.

1. Direct Method for Calculation of Mean

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 1

According to direct method

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 2

2. Assumed Mean Method

Arithmetic mean = (a + frac }} }})

Note : The assumed mean is chosen, in such a manner, that

  1. It should be one of the central values.
  2. The deviation are small.
  3. One deviation is zero.

Working Rule :

Step 1 :       Choose a number ‘a’ from the central values of x of the first column, that will be our assumed mean.

Step 2 :      Obtain deviations di by subtracting ‘a’ from xi. Write down hese deviations against the corresponding frequencies in the third column.

Step 3 :      Multiply the frequencies of second column with corresponding deviations di in the third column to prepare a fourth column of fidi.

Step 4 :      Find the sum of all the entries of fourth column to obtain ∑fidi and also, find the sum of all the frequencies in the second column to obtain ∑fi.

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3. Step Deviation Method

Deviation method can be further simplified on dividing the deviation by width of the class interval h. In such a case the arithmetic mean is reduced to a great extent.

Mean ((bar x)) = a + (frac}} times h)

Working Rule :

Step-1 :     Choose a number ‘a’ from the central values of x(mid-values)

Step-2 :    Obtain ui = (frac{h})

Step-3 :    Multiply the frequency fi with the corresponding ui to get fiui.

Step-4 :    Find the sum of all fiui.e., ∑fiui

Step-5 :     Use the formula  = a + (frac}} times h) to get the required mean.

Grouped Frequency Distribution Table Example Problems with Solutions

Example 1:    

Mid-values 2 3 4 5 6
Frequencies 49 43 57 38 13

Find the mean by direct method.


Mid Values   frequencies (fi) fixi
2 49 98
3 43 129
4 57 228
5 38 190
6 13 78
Total N = Σfi = 50 Σfixi = 2750

Mean = (frac}}) = (frac) = 3.615

Example 2:    Find the mean of the following frequency distribution :

Class Interval Frequency
10-30 90
30-50 20
50-70 30
70-90 20
90-110 40


Class Interval f Mid value (x) f × x
10-30 90 20 1800
30-50 20 40 800
50-70 30 60 1800
70-90 20 80 1600
90-110 40 100 4000
Σf = 200 Σfx = 10000

Mean = (frac}}) = (frac) = 50

Example 3:    A survey was conducted by a group of students as a part of their environment awareness programme, in which they collected the following data regarding the number of plants in 20 houses in a locali
ty. Find  the mean number of plants per house.

Number of plants 0 – 2 2 – 4 4 – 6 6 – 8 8 – 10 10 – 12 12 – 14
No. of houses 1 2 1 5 6 2 3

Which method did you use for finding the mean and why ?


Number of plants Number of houses (f) Mid value (x) f × x
0-2 1 1 1
2-4 2 3 6
4-6 1 5 5
6-8 5 7 35
8-10 6 9 54
10-12 2 11 22
12-14 3 13 39
Σf = 20 Σfx = 162

Mean = (frac}}) = (frac) = 8.1

Example 4:    Calculate the mean for the following distribution:

Variable 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency 4 8 14 11 3


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 3

∴ Mean = (frac = frac)  = 7.025

Example 5:    Find the mean of the following frequency distribution :

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 4


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 5

Mean = (frac = frac = 32.8overline 6) or 32.87 (approx.)

Example 6:    Find the mean of the following distribution by direct method.

Class interval 0 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50
Frequency 3 4 2 5 6


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 6

Mean = (frac = frac) = 28.9

Example 7:    For the following distribution, calculate mean using all the suitable methods.

Size of Item 1 – 4 4 – 9 9 – 16 16 – 27
Frequency 6 12 26 20


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 7

Mean = (frac = frac)  = 13.25

Example 8:    The following table gives the distribution of total household expenditure (in rupees) of manual workers in a city.

Expenditure (in rupees)  100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-450 450-500
Frequency 24 40 33 28 30 22 16 7

Solution:    Let assumed mean = 275

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 8

(bar x = a + frac}}) = 275 + (frac) = Rs 266.25

Example 9:    Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following distribution :

Class Interval Frequency
0 – 50 17
50 –100 35
100 –150 43
150–200 40
200– 250 21
250– 300 24

Solution:    Let assumed mean = 175 i.e. a = 175

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 9

Now , a = 175

(bar x = a + frac}}) = 175 + (frac)

= 175 – 26.39 = 148.61 approx.

Example 10:    Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution :

Class interval  50– 60 60–70 70–80 80–90 90– 100
Frequency 8 6 12 11 13

Solution:    Let assumed mean = 75 i.e., a = 75

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 10

a = 75, Σfidi= 150, Σfi = 50

Mean (bar x = a + frac}}) = 75 + (frac) = 78

Example 11:    Thirty women were examined in a hospital by a doctor and the number of heart beats per minute were recorded and summarised as follows. Find the mean heart beats per minute for these women, choosing a suitable method.

Number of heart beats per minute Frequency
65– 68 2
68–71 4
71–74 3
74–77 8
77– 80 7
80– 83 4
83– 86 2

Solution:    Let assumed mean a  = 75.5

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 11

Mean = (a + frac = 75.5 + frac) = 75.5 + 0.4 = 75.9

Example 12:    To find out the concentration of SO2 in the air (in parts per million, i.e.ppm), the data was collected for 30 localities in a certain city and is presented below :

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 12

Find the mean concentration of SO2 in the air.

Solution:    Let the assumed mean a = 0.10.

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 13

By step deviation method

Mean = a + (frac
}}) × h

= 0.10 + (frac times 0.04)

= 0.10 – 0.0013

= 0.0987

= 0.099 ppm

Example 13:    The weekly observation on cost of living index in a certain city for the year 2004–2005 are given below. Compute the mean weekly cost of living index.

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 14

Solution:    Let assumed mean be 1750 i.e., a = 1750

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 15

By step deviation method

Mean ((bar x)) = a + (frac}}) × h

= 1750 + (frac times 100)

= 1750 – 86.54

= 1663.46

Hence, the mean weekly cost of living index

= 1663.46

Example 14:    Find the mean marks from the following data by step deviation method

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 16

Solution:    Let assumed mean = 55 ⇒ a = 55

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 17

Here, a = 55, h = 10,

Σfi = 85,  Σfiui = –56

Mean ((bar x)) = a + (frac}}) × h

h = 55 + (frac times 10)

= 55 – 6.59 = 48.41

Hence, mean mark = 48.41.

Example 15:    Find the mean age of 100 residents of a colony from the follwing data :

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 18

Solution:    Let assumed mean a = 35

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 19

Here, a = 35,  h = 10

(bar x) = a + (frac}}) × h

⇒  (bar x)  = 35 + (frac times 10) = 31

Hence, the mean age = 31 years

Example 16:    The following distribution show the daily pocket allowance of children of a locality. The mean pocket allowance is Rs. 18.00. Find the missing frequency f.

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 20

Solution:    we have,

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 21

Mean  (bar x) = (frac)  ⇒   18 = (frac)

⇒   18 (44 + f) = 752 + 20f

⇒   752 + 20f = 792 + 18f

⇒   2f = 40

⇒      f = 20

Hence, the missing frequency is 20.

Example 17:    The arithmetic mean of the following frequency distribution is 50. Find the value of p.

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 22


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 23

Mean (bar x) = (frac)  ⇒  50 = (frac)

⇒   50 (92 + P) = 5160 + 30 P

⇒   4600 + 50 P = 5160 + 30P

⇒   20 P = 560

⇒   P = 28

Example 18:    The mean of the following frequency distribution  is 62.8 and the sum of all frequencies is 50. Compute the missing frequencies f1 and f2 :

What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 24


What is a Grouped Frequency Distribution Table 25

30 + f1 + f2 = 50 ⇒ f1 + f2 = 20    ….(1)

Mean  = (frac) ⇒  62.8 = (frac})

⇒  62.8 = (frac}{5})

⇒  206 + 3f1 + 7f2 = 314

⇒   3f1 + 7f2 = 108                     ….(2)

3f1 + 3f2 = 60                            ….(3)

[Multiplying (1) by 3]

On Subtracting (3) from (2), we get

4f2 = 48  ⇒  f2 = 12

Putting f2 = 12 in (1), we get

f1 = 8

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