Good Manners: Short Essay on Good Manners

Good manners are all about having a feeling of courtesy and politeness towards others. It is about respecting yourself, your family members and others around you.

Good manners should be practiced at all times, even at home so that it becomes an integral part of your character.

If people did not follow good manners, then they are considered to be rude and manner-less. For instance, it feels bad if someone.

Examples of What Could be Considered Bad Manners

  • Pushed you when you were about to sit on a seat and sat on it.
  • Slammed the door on your face when you were about to walk through it.
  • Did not say thank you or please.
  • Took your things but never shared theirs.

How is Good Manners Reflected?

Expressing gratitude, apologizing where necessary and politely requesting for what you want are the three biggest ways in which good manners are reflected.

  1. Appropriate use of ‘Sorry,’’ Thank you, ‘and ‘Please’ words is to be made. This is especially true to raise well-mannered children.
  2. Wishing people ‘Good day’ ‘Good evening’ ‘Good night’ when you meet them or pass them on roads, with the proper eye contact is also important.
  3. One should hold doors for other before one passes.
  4. One should offer to help when you see people in need, e.g., the elderly with heavy bags.
  5. One should ask politely when you want to pass, especially in a crowded place with an ‘Excuse me’.
  6. Table manners are also very important as a part of graceful behaviour which are a separate set of instructions to be an agreeable meal time


Good manners make people feel pleasant and reflect your good upbringing

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