Essay Collection on Indian National Flag (Tiranga) for Students

Indian Flag – Essay 1

Every country has a national flag which has huge importance, and every countryman should respect their country’s flag.

Indian country’s flag is one of the best and the most beautiful flags. The flag got adopted on 22nd July 1947, and since then India has the same flag. The name of our flag is Tricolor because it is a horizontal rectangular flag which has three colors namely Saffron, White, and Green.

The flag also has an Ashoka Chakra which has 24 spokes and which gets seen at the center of the flag in navy blue color. The flag got designed by Pingali Venkayya, and we should thank him for his great efforts which will let us have such a beautiful flag.

Why is our National Flag called Tiranga?

The Indian National Flag gets called Tiranga because it has three colors in it and all three colors have its own importance in our national flag. The saffron color got placed to pay tribute to all the sacrifices people made and courage people shown to fight against cruel people. The White color represents that even when the country contains a lot of castes and communities in it, still the country has an inner peace which is definitely required for any country. The green color represents the greenery and the prosperity that the country has. The flag also has an Ashoka Chakra in navy blue color, but the color doesn’t reflect anything the Ashoka Chakra got placed for the internal law.

Three colors of the Indian National Flag

The Indian national flag contains three colors, and that is why it gets called Tiranga or Tricolor. Every color has its own importance, and a lot of people have their unique definition of these three colors. Some of the people feel that the three colors tell about the sacrifices that Indians have done. Others feel that the colors represent the unity that India. And some of the people feel that the colors represent the growth and prosperity India has even after a lot of foreign invasions.

The Significance of 24 Spokes

The 24 spokes collectively get called as the Ashoka Chakra, and each spoke in it has its own meaning. We will start from the ending, and the meaning of every spoke is as below:

  • The meaning of 24th spoke is that people of India have wisdom beyond books.
  • The meaning of 23rd spoke means that people here do not abuse their rights.
  • 22nd spoke means that people here obey their duties.
  • 21st spoke means that people here love co-operation.
  • 20th spoke means that justice is equivalent to all the people.
  • 19th spoke means that various policies would get made for the betterment of the country.
  • 18th spoke means that people here would use the money in an optimum manner.
  • 17th spoke means that even though the country has lots of castes and creeds, everybody is equivalent in the eyes of the law.
  • 16th spoke means that everyone should be aware of the truth and never support a lie.
  • 15th spoke means that one should always get ready to help the country.
  • 14th spoke means that people should always help to build more industries.
  • 13th spoke means people should participate for the prosperity in the country.
  • 12th spoke means that people should actively participate in welfare programs.
  • 11th spoke means that people should participate to save the integrity of the nation.
  • 10th spoke means that people should maintain a brotherhood in the country.
  • 9th spoke means that people should maintain a friendship with each other.
  • 8th spoke means that people should have a feeling of love between them.
  • 7th spoke means that people should always get ready to forgive others.
  • 6th spoke means that people should get ready to serve the country.
  • 5th spoke means that people should maintain morality in their lives.
  • 4th spoke means that people should always get ready to sacrifice for their country.
  • 3rd spoke means that people should maintain peace in the country.
  • 2nd spoke means that people should stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.
  • 1st spoke means that people should live a simple life.

History of the Indian flag

A lot of flags got used between the time when Britishers came to India and India acquired Independence, but it can clearly get seen that none of the flags were as good, as meaningful and as beautiful like the Tricolor. Some of the pre-independence flags were:

  • Flag of British India
  • Flag of Indian Independence
  • Gandhi’s Flag
  • The Swaraj Flag


All in all, Indian national flag the tricolor is a flag which gets loved by people from all around the world. There would be no other flag which has such a beautiful meaning, and that is why the people of India have lots of love and unity within each other.

National Flag of India (Tiranga) – Short Essay 2

Every free nation of the world has its own flag. National Flag is an emblem of a free country. We have our National Flag. It is the symbol of our nation, of our independence.

The Indian National Flag is also referred at “Tiranga” or “Tri-color” because the flag has three colours bands in its design. Besides the three colours, our national flag features a wheel with 24 spokes in the centre. This wheel, known as‘Ashoka Chakra’, is named in honor of the great Indian King ‘Ashoka’.

The three colors of the Indian flag are saffron, white and green. The colors and the Chakra have their own meanings. The saffron band at the top is the symbol of sacrifice and signifies the strength and courage of Indian nation. The white band in the middle stands for truth and purity. The green at the bottom of the flag is the symbol of youth, energy and the growth potential of India as a country. The Chakra means peace. It stands for activity and progress.

The national flag is hoisted on Independence Day, the republican day and on all other important national festivals. The nation flag is a sacred thing. We should all love and honor our national flag. We should maintain it at any cost.

Our National Flag – Short Essay 3

Our National flag has three colors i.e., white, India Saffron and India green. Its shape is a rectangle and in the horizontal form. Ashok-Chakra, a 24 spoke wheel is present in the center of the flag in Navy blue color.

General Assembly passed it on its session which was held on 22 July 1947. Afterward, it became the Indian National flag on 15 August 1947. Tri-colour term in India is always being referred to its national flag. This came basically from the flag of the Indian National Congress.

The Indian national flag is called the ‘Tiranga’ or the ‘Tri-coloured’ flag. The flag is made of horizontally arranged bands of three colors one below the other – Saffron, White and Green. In the center of the White band is a blue colored wheel called the – Ashoka Chakra? This design of the Indian national flag is roughly based on; it is a simplified version of the flag used during the Indian Independence Struggle by the Indian National Congress Party.

Facts about the National Flag

Its fabric is khadi-a special satin cloth. Mahatma Gandhi made it famous. Bureau of Indian Standards specifies the standards and design of the Indian Flag. Khadi Development and Village Industries Commission gave the manufacturing rights of the flag. Then it was allocated to the regional groups. Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha in 2009 has been the manufacturer of the Indian flag.

Separate authorities and a committee govern flag laws of India. It has a specific code of flag. In 2005 the flag cloth was modified.


The Indian National Flag is a unique combination of the values necessary for the people of India. The national flag always holds an exceptional place in everyone’s Heart. It’s a symbol of respect and peace. Everyone should respect it. It represents the country and its legacy.

National Flag (India) – Short Essay 4

National Flag of every country has its importance, and similarly, for our country, the importance of our country is way more than anything else in the world. The name of our country India represents us, and we must pay special respect to the beautiful flag of our country. Indian national flag was first adopted in the assembly in the year 1947 on July 22nd.

The national flag of India reflects about the culture, the civilization and the heritage of the country because everything that is a part of the flag has its For example, the colors, the Chakra, the cloth of the flag, etc. everything has its importance.

The National flag of India gets huge respect from every government employee because the national flag gets flown on the top of every government institution of the country. The national flag on every government institution represents that the building is part of Indian government and the flag is hoisted every year on 26th January and 15th August by the head of that Government institution.

There are some rules built to pay respect to the national flag which is – The national flag should not get lowered before anything unless the high officials to do so. The national flag should always remain at the top even if there are several other flags are placed at the same location, and Horizontally the saffron color of the flag should always remain at the top.

The national flag reflects the sacrifices that people have made for the freedom of India, and we should never disrespect, throw, tear or cut any part of the flag as it is a shameful act for the entire country.

In all sporting events, every individual and teams represent their national flags as after every game, the national flags of first three medal achievers are flown high. So, one should try his/her best to attain the first position in sporting events like the Olympics to see his flag flying at the top.

These were a few important points that everyone should know about the Indian national flag. No matter what happens in the country, one should never disrespect its country’s national flag.

Short Paragraph on Our National Flag for Kids – Essay 5

We are Indians and our National Flag is very important for us. It is the symbol of unity, honour and freedom. This flag is referred to as the Tiranga. It has three colors. They are saffron, white and green.

The National Flag is an emblem of national dignity. It is hoisted on special national days such as Independence day, Republic day, Gandhi Jayanti, etc. It is hoisted in all important government buildings. We are proud of our national flag.

On the occasion of Independence Day, the Prime Minister of India, hoists the National Flag and addresses to the nation. On this day, the National Flag is also hoisted at several places such as offices, schools, communities, societies, etc.

We honor and respect our national flag. Far from being a piece of cloth, our National Flag is a symbol of dignity and freedom for all of us.

10 Lines Essay on National Flag of India – Essay 6

Please find 10 lines on National Flag of India.

1. A National Flag is a symbol of pride for any country.

2. Our country, India, has a tri-colour National Flag.

3. The three parallel band of colours in our National Flags are saffron, white and green.

4. There is a 24 spoked wheel, known as Ashoka Chakra, in the center of the flag.

5. The Indian National Flag is also known as “Tiranga” meaning “Tricolour”.

6. The flag is based on the “Swaraj Flag” designed by Pingali Venkayya.

7. Upon independence, the present form of the flag became the official flag of India w.e.f., 15th of August, 1947.

8. National Flags are hoisted in public places during National Festivals such as Independence day (15th of August), Republic Day (26th of January) and Gandhi Jayanti (2nd of October).

9. The clothes used in the making of the flag is khadi silk or khadi cotton.

10. The Flag code of India governs the usage of National Flag of India.

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