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Ozone Layer Depletion: Meaning, Causes, Effects

What is ozone layer depletion? The ozone is a layer of gases in the stratosphere, which is a thick (20 km thick, to be precise) layer of gas that rests about 30-50 km above the surface of the earth. It is mainly made up of ozone gases, and…

What are the main Waste Disposal Methods?

Waste disposal means getting rid of waste. Waste can mean many things: it might mean the household waste that you place in your bins or it might mean compost from the garden – or, it could be industrial waste such as the waste metals left…

What are flora and fauna?

Flora and fauna is a phrase that is often used to describe life on earth. Broadly, the portmanteau phrase flora and fauna is used to mean ‘plants and animals’, however the meaning is something more specific than that. Let’s take a look at…

Where is the hole in Ozone Layer?

The ozone layer is a layer of gases, containing a significant amount of ozone (O3), that is located 30-50 km above our earth’s surface. The ozone layer is in the part of the atmosphere called the stratosphere, and it is about 20 km thick.…