Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles

A line joining common points of two intersecting circles is called common chord.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 1 AB is common chord.

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Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles Example Problems with Solutions

Example 1:     If two circles intersect at two points, prove that their centres lie on the perpendicular bisector of the common chord.


Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 2

IInd method

Let PC1C2 Q is a line. We will prove that line PQ is ⊥ bisector of common chord AB.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 3

Example 2:     If two intersecting chords of a circle make equal angles with the diameter passing through their point of intersection, prove that the chords are equal.

Solution:     Given that AB and CD are two chords of a circle, with centre O intersecting at a point E. PQ is a diameter through E, such that ∠AEQ = ∠DEQ. We have to prove that AB = CD. Draw perpendiculars OL and OM on chords AB and CD, respectively. Now

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 4Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles

Example 3:     Three girls Reshma, Salma and Mandeep are playing a game by standing on a circle of radius 5 m drawn in a pack. Reshma throws a ball to Salma, Salma to Mandeep. Mandeep to Reshma. If the distance between Reshma and Salma and between Salma and Mandeep is 6 m each. What is the distance between Reshma and Mandeep ?

Solution:     Let the position of Reshma, Salma and Mandeep be at R, S and M on the circumference of the circular park.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 6Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 7

Example 4:     AB and CD are two parallel chords of a circle such that AB = 10 cm and CD = 24 cm. If the chords are on the opposite sides of the centre and the distance between them is 17 cm, find the radius of the circle.

Solution:     let O be the centre of the given circle and let its radius be r cm. Draw OP ⊥ AB and OQ ⊥ CD. Since OP ⊥ AB, OQ ⊥ CD and AB || CD. Therefore, points P, O and Q are collinear. So, PQ = 17 cm.

Let OP = x cm. Then, OQ = (17 – x) cm.

Join OA and OC. Then, OA = OC = r.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 8 Since the perpendicular from the centre to a chord of the circle bisects the chord.

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Example 5:     If two chords of a circle are equally inclined to the diameter through their point of intersection, prove that the chords are equal.

Solution:     Given. Two chords AB and AC of a circle C(O, r), such that AB and AC are equally inclined to diameter AOD.

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Example 6:     Two equal chords AB and CD of a circle with centre O, when produced meet at a point E. Prove that BE = DE and AE = CE.

Solution:     Given. Two equal chords AB and CD intersecting at a point E.

To prove. BE = DE and AE = CE.

Construction. Join OE, Draw OL ⊥ AB and OM ⊥ CD

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 12Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 13

Example 7:     O is the centre of the circle and PO bisects the angle APD. Prove that AB = CD.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 14Solution:     Given. A circle with centre O. Chords AB

and CD meet at point P. PO bisects the angle APD.

To prove.    AB = CD

Construction. Draw OM ⊥ AB and ON ⊥ CD.

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Example 8:     O is the centre of the circle. If ∠BOA = 90° and ∠COA = 110°, find ∠BAC.

Solution:     Given : A circle with centre O and

∠AOB = 90°, ∠AOC = 110°.

To find : ∠BAC = ?

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 16Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 17

Example 9:     Two circles with centres, A and B and of radii

5 cm and 3 cm respectively touch each other internally. If the perpendicular bisector of segment AB meets the bigger circle in P and Q. Find the length of PQ.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 18Solution:     Given. Two circles touch internally at S, A and B be the centres of the bigger and smaller circle respectively. The perpendicular bisector PQ bisects AB and meets the circle at P and Q.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 19Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 19

Example 10:     O is the centre of the circle with radius 5 cm. OP ⊥ AB, OQ ⊥ CD, AB || CD, AB = 8 cm and CD = 6 cm. Determine PQ.

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 21Solution:     Given. AB and CD are two parallel chords.

AB = 8 cm, CD = 6 cm, radius = 5 cm.

To find. PQ

Construction. Join OA, OC where O is the centre of the circle.

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Example 11:     If a line intersects two concentric circles (circles with the same centre) with centre O at A, B, C and D, Prove that AB = CD (figure)

Common Chord of Two Intersecting Circles 24Solution:     

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