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Short Paragraph on Advertising

Advertising is a method of conveying a message to the public. In particular, an advertisement seeks to present a positive image of a company, brand, product or service. Thus, advertising what we call a brand’s communication to the general…

Brief Note on Sole Proprietorship Business

What is sole proprietorship? Sole proprietorship is the term for the business owned by an individual. This individual is referred to as the ‘sole proprietor’. Features of Sole Proprietorship. 1. Unified. Legally, there is no distinction…

Branding: Its Meaning and Importance

Introduction: There are lots of confusions surrounding branding as the topic; this article is therefore intended to create some clarity. What is Branding? Branding is simply a high-level marketing strategy created to influence a brand.…

Short Paragraph on Outsourcing

What exactly is “outsourcing”? Outsourcing is the process by which companies hire third-party companies to get their work done. It helps in reducing the expenses and increasing the profit. Although a company can provide a certain service…

Partnership: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is the Meaning of Partnership? A partnership occurs when several people work together for a common aim. Partnership means engaging with one’s partner. A partnership usually involves two people, however, it can involve three or more.…

Communication: Its Meaning and Importance

What is Communication? The word ‘communication’ comes from the Latin word ‘communicare’, which means ‘to share’. So, communication is a sharing of information. This sharing aspect is very important: some people think that communication is…