Short Essay on Types of Unemployment in India

Unemployment Problem in India Unemployment is a social problem the world over. Though unemployment varies from 2-12% in developed countries, the picture is considerably different in developing countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,…

Short Essay on The Joy of Winter Season

The Winter Season in India is moderately cold. The coldest months are December and January in most parts of the country. Nature grows old in winter. It is a period of decay. Who can love this old lady? There is no beauty anywhere. There is…

Autobiography of River Ganga

I am river Ganga and I am writing my autobiography. As a river I am known to all of you. I was generated from the Himalayas – thousands of years ago. It is said in mythological story that I was born inside the hollow cavity of Lord Shiva’s…

Short Essay on Winter Season

Content: Description, its agents, its importance, problems, conclusion. Winter Season Its description: The winter is one of the most important seasons of India. This season comes after the rainy season. Winter stays in our country for…

Short essay on Flood

This short essay on Flood contains information on what is Flood, how it is caused, its effect, relief and preventive Measures. What it Flood and how it is caused? Rain-water falls on big mountains as well as upon plains. As the river bed…

Brief note on Kanva Dynasty

The founder of Kanva Dynasty was Vasudeva who killed Devabhumi, the last ruler of the Sunga dynasty. According to the Vayu Purana the Kanva was a minor dynasty having only four rulers: Vasudeva, Bhumimitra, Narayana, and Susarman…

I Love My Family Essay

Family is a very important part of our lives, and there can be nothing better than having love and support of your family. The significance of having a family is that a child can learn all his/ her values from it, reflecting on his/ her…

My School Fete/School Carnival Essay

My School Fete/School Carnival Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on My School Fete/School Carnival in English language for Children and Students.