Ziplining in Wayanad: Find Adventure At The Heart Of Kerela


Endless greenery and untapped nature as far as the eye can see. The town of Wayanad in the state of Kerala is loaded with dense flora and fauna. This biodiversity hotspot is a great retreat for people of all ages. If you are looking to just kick back and stay in a resort, or try some adventures like ziplining in Wayanad, you will find everything you need here.

The state has always been highly progressive and forthcoming about its tourism. The facilities are top-notch and the preservation of nature is taken very seriously by the government and the people of the state. Apart from exploring the avenues of adventure, you can also visit the national parks and explore offbeat locations and waterfalls. The Edakkal Cave is proclaimed to be one of the most mesmerizing spots to visit in Wayanad.

About Ziplining in Wayanad

girl during zipling

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The zip line we talk about is the longest zipline in Kerala and South India’s second-longest. This beautifully maintained zipline is managed by highly trained adventure groups and is one of the best places for ziplining in Wayanad. This line is around three-hundred meters long and spans over some thickest forest covers of Wayanad. Located in Pozhtana in Wayanad, the zipline is on the must-do thing in Wayanad for every traveler.

Once your safety equipment is installed, the swift zipline will fly you over green plantations and tall trees. The company managing this deals with the customers very professionally and promises the utmost safety. People of all ages can hop on and give ziplining in Wayanad a chance.

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Pricing and Timing

girl during zipling

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This great experience comes for a very affordable price of only INR 250/- per person. This pocket friendly price for ziplining in Wayanad will encourage you to take a shot at it more than once on your trip. The zipline is open from 9 AM to 6 PM. The ideal time for ziplining is later in the evening so the sun’s glare is milder. It will also make for a great photo opportunity. The location can be easily found on the online map, you will spot it from afar before you get there. For obvious reasons, the zipline is not advisable at night since. The weather could also play a huge factor. The best time to go ziplining in Wayanad is during the summers.

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Highlights of ziplining in Wayanad

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  • The speed of the zipline will be faster than you expect, so make sure to enjoy the ride rather than worry about photos or a selfie.
  • The location is four kilometers away from the main city of Wayanad.
  • If it’s your first time ziplining, then be aware that you are not expected to hold on the whole time. The harness will be attached to a comfortable saddle that you will sit on and holding the rope is advised to avoid you from flipping or swinging.
  • Try to avoid ziplining during strong wind or rainy season as these are not safe conditions for the activity.
  • The safety equipment will include a rugged helmet to keep your head safe from any impact, a pair of mittens to avoid you from scratching your hands and a safety harness.

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Tips For Ziplining in Wayanad

Here are a few useful tips for ziplining in Wayanad:

  • Check the weather conditions and ziplining in wayanad reviews before you drive to the destination.
  • Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and well-fit-clothes. Do not wear sandals/slippers that can slip from your feet when you zipline.
  • Ask the person in charge as many questions as you like and clear all your doubts before you get on the zip. If it helps, see a few people before you to get an idea of what to experience.
  • Keep all your valuables in your bag or car when you zipline. If something is to fall from your hands when you zipline they could be untraceable.
  • Children below the age of 5 are not allowed on the zipline.
  • If you wish to record your ziplining experience, then its best to use a GoPro camera on an extended stick. They are light and can easily be attached to your wrist.
  • If you have a fear of heights or any other medical conditions, check with the instructor before you hop on and get yourself harnessed.

Further Read: 30 Best Things To Do In Wayanad For A Delightful Stay In 2022

Though there are a number of avenues of adventure in Kerala, ziplining in Wayanad is something that will give you a wholesome experience. Since this the second-longest zip line in South India, it’s sure to keep your excitement levels high. So what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Wayanad and experience what it feels like zip lining through the most alluring vistas of Kerala.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Ziplining In Wayanad

What is the best time to visit Wayanad?

The best season to visit Wayanad is from October to May. With the changing weather, the landscape also changes. The monsoon season are still a good time to visit but the heavy downpour may hamper your outdoor plans.

Is Wayanad safe now?

Post the floods of 2019, the city has recovered fully and it is now very safe to travel to Wayanad. The roads are accessible again and all the hotels are functional.

Where to go ziplining in Wayanad?

When thinking of ziplining in Wayanad, one of the best places for ziplining is Muddy Boots located in the town of Pozhtana which is at a distance of four kilometers from the Vythiri, Wayanad.

How long is the zipline in Wayanad?

The zipline here is one of the longest in the south of India and extends to around 300 meters.

What is the maximum weight that allows on the zipline?

Usually, any person with the weight of 120 kilograms or more is now allowed on the zipline. This number may change from base to base depending on the elasticity of the rope and the capacity of the harness. If you are above 120 kilograms, make sure to call the agency and cross-check.

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