The 7 Largest Snakes Near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast

Think You Know Snakes?

Apart from being one of the most snake-populated states in the United States, Florida is also known to have some of the largest snake species. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the state houses 44 native snake species, and many of these species are found near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast.

If you’ve ever wondered which of Florida’s snakes are large, either by weight or length, you’re in for a treat. Discover the largest snakes near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast. This article covers all the details.  

Burmese Python (Python bivittatus)

Burmese Python in a Tree
Burmese pythons are the largest species of snakes found in Florida.

Heiko Kiera/

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The largest species of snake found in Florida is the Burmese python. However, these pythons aren’t native species – they invaded Florida many years ago. When species invade a location, it becomes easier for them to thrive because the area may lack natural predators that can eat or compete with it for food.

Consequently, they grow larger than they normally would in their native or natural habitats. This is one reason that Florida has a large number of large Burmese pythons. Other animals also fear Burmese pythons as they are among the deadliest predators and are known to attack animals much larger than them.

Naturally, Burmese pythons are large. As babies, they are as long as 2 feet and grow up to 16 feet in length. In Florida, species as large as 18 feet and as heavy as 300 pounds have been recorded!

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus)

eastern diamondback rattlesnake curled up in grass
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake was a symbol on one of the first flags of the United States.

Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are venomous rattlesnakes found all over North America and can be spotted near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast. These snakes weigh 4 to 5 feet on average but have been known to grow up to 7.8 feet.

In addition to their size, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are one of the most venomous snakes on the continent. They are quick to bite and have primarily hemotoxic venom that attacks blood cells. Hemotoxins also lead to circulatory and respiratory problems, cause swelling, necrosis, and damage tissues in the bitten area. Victims often report bleeding from the mouth, swelling, hypotension, and intense pain. Untreated eastern diamondback rattlesnakes’ bites have a fatality rate of 10 to 20%. 

They are colored blackish-gray, olive green, and muddy gray, making it easy for them to hide or camouflage in the wild. They have keeled scales with irregular botches close to their heads. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are pit vipers, which hints at their pit organs which give them infrared vision.

Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor)

What Do Boa Constrictors Eat - Boa on Tree
Boa constrictors are found in tropical Southern America and some islands in the Caribbean.

Jan Hejda/

Boa constrictors are also known as red-tailed boas or common boas and are found in tropical Southern America and some islands in the Caribbean. These snakes are large and heavy-bodied, making them deadly constrictors. Luckily, they do not produce venom as they are members of the Boidae snake family.

On average, boa constrictors measure 6-10 feet but can measure up to 12 feet long. These snakes are equally heavy and weigh 22 to 33 pounds on average, with some species attaining 100 pounds. It is important to note that this species is highly variable in size and weight depending on its locality and the presence of prey and predators.

Central African Rock Python (Python sebae)

close up of African rock python
The largest snake species in Africa is the Central African rock python.

Uwe Bergwitz/

The Central African rock python is the largest species of snake in Africa as well as one of the six largest snake species in the world. Also known as the rock python, this constrictor measures 9 feet 10 inches to 11 feet 7 inches (3 to 3.53 meters) with a maximum of 20 feet.

As you might decipher from its name, the Central African rock python isn’t native to Florida. However, just like the Burmese python, the rock python, first spotted on Florida’s grounds in 2009, is an invasive species. Due to its size, the Central African rock python has claimed human lives through constriction.

Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)

Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) lyin in grass. The Eastern Indigo Snake is the longest snake in America.
Eastern indigo snakes are nonvenomous colubrid snakes.

Patrick K. Campbell/

Eastern indigo snakes are nonvenomous colubrid snakes known for their docile natures. They are also North America’s largest native species. On average, eastern indigo snakes measure 3.6–7.7 feet (1.2–2.36 m) and anywhere from 1.6 – 9.9 pounds (0.72–4.5 kg).

These snakes are named after their beautifully colored dorsal and ventral scales. They take on a glossy blackish-purple shade in bright light. Eastern indigo snakes are often kept as pets but are listed as federally threatened in Florida, mostly due to humans. Habitat loss and fragmentation are two major reasons they have been virtually erased in the northern parts of Florida.

Florida Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus)

Florida Pine Snake
Though non-venomous, the Florida Pine snake squeezes its prey to death.

Florida pine snakes are nonvenomous colubrids that grow between 48–90 inches on average and are native to the southeastern United States. Although they vary slightly in color, they are usually gray with dark brown blotches that run down their backs, but not their bellies which are plain white.

Despite their lack of venom, these snakes are known to bite- and powerfully too. However, they hardly bite and often bluff-bite and hiss out loud to scare their prey off. Most recorded bites from these animals were in a bid to protect themselves, which they do not hesitate to do. Luckily, their bites aren’t life-threatening due to their lack of venom.

Eastern Rat Snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)

Large adult Eastern black rat snake in defensive coiled posture on road. The snake has a shiny black body with a checkerboard belly.
Eastern rat snakes are smart snakes known to mimic venomous snakes to scare away predators.

Mike Wilhelm/

Generally, rat snakes are one of the longest snake species, and eastern rat snakes, a subspecies, are no exception. Eastern rat snakes measure from 36 to 72 inches with a maximum length of 90 inches. They have shiny black scales over their upsides and cream or white bellies, and their throats and chins are also white.

Eastern rat snakes are smart snakes known to mimic venomous snakes to scare away predators. One way they do this is by fiercely vibrating or flicking their tails to mimic rattlesnakes. They are also known to inflate their head to give it a large and triangular shape, just like venomous snakes.

What To Do If You Come Across A Snake Near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast

Most snake bites occur due to humans not respecting snakes’ boundaries as few snakes are aggressive or known to bite without being incited. So, if you come across a snake, respect its boundaries and leave it alone. If you’ve been bitten by a snake, venomous or not, sit still to avoid circulation and contact emergency services immediately.

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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Think You Know Snakes?

Apart from being one of the most snake-populated states in the United States, Florida is also known to have some of the largest snake species. According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the state houses 44 native snake species, and many of these species are found near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast.

If you’ve ever wondered which of Florida’s snakes are large, either by weight or length, you’re in for a treat. Discover the largest snakes near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast. This article covers all the details.  

Burmese Python (Python bivittatus)

Burmese Python in a Tree
Burmese pythons are the largest species of snakes found in Florida.

Heiko Kiera/

7,279 People Couldn’t Ace This Quiz

Think You Can?

The largest species of snake found in Florida is the Burmese python. However, these pythons aren’t native species – they invaded Florida many years ago. When species invade a location, it becomes easier for them to thrive because the area may lack natural predators that can eat or compete with it for food.

Consequently, they grow larger than they normally would in their native or natural habitats. This is one reason that Florida has a large number of large Burmese pythons. Other animals also fear Burmese pythons as they are among the deadliest predators and are known to attack animals much larger than them.

Naturally, Burmese pythons are large. As babies, they are as long as 2 feet and grow up to 16 feet in length. In Florida, species as large as 18 feet and as heavy as 300 pounds have been recorded!

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus)

eastern diamondback rattlesnake curled up in grass
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake was a symbol on one of the first flags of the United States.

Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are venomous rattlesnakes found all over North America and can be spotted near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast. These snakes weigh 4 to 5 feet on average but have been known to grow up to 7.8 feet.

In addition to their size, eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are one of the most venomous snakes on the continent. They are quick to bite and have primarily hemotoxic venom that attacks blood cells. Hemotoxins also lead to circulatory and respiratory problems, cause swelling, necrosis, and damage tissues in the bitten area. Victims often report bleeding from the mouth, swelling, hypotension, and intense pain. Untreated eastern diamondback rattlesnakes’ bites have a fatality rate of 10 to 20%. 

They are colored blackish-gray, olive green, and muddy gray, making it easy for them to hide or camouflage in the wild. They have keeled scales with irregular botches close to their heads. Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are pit vipers, which hints at their pit organs which give them infrared vision.

Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor)

What Do Boa Constrictors Eat - Boa on Tree
Boa constrictors are found in tropical Southern America and some islands in the Caribbean.

Jan Hejda/

Boa constrictors are also known as red-tailed boas or common boas and are found in tropical Southern America and some islands in the Caribbean. These snakes are large and heavy-bodied, making them deadly constrictors. Luckily, they do not produce venom as they are members of the Boidae snake family.

On average, boa constrictors measure 6-10 feet but can measure up to 12 feet long. These snakes are equally heavy and weigh 22 to 33 pounds on average, with some species attaining 100 pounds. It is important to note that this species is highly variable in size and weight depending on its locality and the presence of prey and predators.

Central African Rock Python (Python sebae)

close up of African rock python
The largest snake species in Africa is the Central African rock python.

Uwe Bergwitz/

The Central African rock python is the largest species of snake in Africa as well as one of the six largest snake species in the world. Also known as the rock python, this constrictor measures 9 feet 10 inches to 11 feet 7 inches (3 to 3.53 meters) with a maximum of 20 feet.

As you might decipher from its name, the Central African rock python isn’t native to Florida. However, just like the Burmese python, the rock python, first spotted on Florida’s grounds in 2009, is an invasive species. Due to its size, the Central African rock python has claimed human lives through constriction.

Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi)

Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) lyin in grass. The Eastern Indigo Snake is the longest snake in America.
Eastern indigo snakes are nonvenomous colubrid snakes.

Patrick K. Campbell/

Eastern indigo snakes are nonvenomous colubrid snakes known for their docile natures. They are also North America’s largest native species. On average, eastern indigo snakes measure 3.6–7.7 feet (1.2–2.36 m) and anywhere from 1.6 – 9.9 pounds (0.72–4.5 kg).

These snakes are named after their beautifully colored dorsal and ventral scales. They take on a glossy blackish-purple shade in bright light. Eastern indigo snakes are often kept as pets but are listed as federally threatened in Florida, mostly due to humans. Habitat loss and fragmentation are two major reasons they have been virtually erased in the northern parts of Florida.

Florida Pine Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus)

Florida Pine Snake
Though non-venomous, the Florida Pine snake squeezes its prey to death.

Florida pine snakes are nonvenomous colubrids that grow between 48–90 inches on average and are native to the southeastern United States. Although they vary slightly in color, they are usually gray with dark brown blotches that run down their backs, but not their bellies which are plain white.

Despite their lack of venom, these snakes are known to bite- and powerfully too. However, they hardly bite and often bluff-bite and hiss out loud to scare their prey off. Most recorded bites from these animals were in a bid to protect themselves, which they do not hesitate to do. Luckily, their bites aren’t life-threatening due to their lack of venom.

Eastern Rat Snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis)

Large adult Eastern black rat snake in defensive coiled posture on road. The snake has a shiny black body with a checkerboard belly.
Eastern rat snakes are smart snakes known to mimic venomous snakes to scare away predators.

Mike Wilhelm/

Generally, rat snakes are one of the longest snake species, and eastern rat snakes, a subspecies, are no exception. Eastern rat snakes measure from 36 to 72 inches with a maximum length of 90 inches. They have shiny black scales over their upsides and cream or white bellies, and their throats and chins are also white.

Eastern rat snakes are smart snakes known to mimic venomous snakes to scare away predators. One way they do this is by fiercely vibrating or flicking their tails to mimic rattlesnakes. They are also known to inflate their head to give it a large and triangular shape, just like venomous snakes.

What To Do If You Come Across A Snake Near Tampa and the Florida Gulf Coast

Most snake bites occur due to humans not respecting snakes’ boundaries as few snakes are aggressive or known to bite without being incited. So, if you come across a snake, respect its boundaries and leave it alone. If you’ve been bitten by a snake, venomous or not, sit still to avoid circulation and contact emergency services immediately.

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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