Varieties Of Caraway – Are There Different Caraway Plant Species You Can Grow


Image by Inahwen

Fans of caraway seed muffins know all about the seed’s
heavenly aroma and slightly licorice flavor. You can grow and harvest your own
seed to use in the spice cupboard, but first you need to choose the varieties
of caraway that will perform best in your garden. There are approximately 30
caraway plant species, mostly native to Asia and Mediterranean regions. Caraway
plant varieties are used across the globe, but they are usually classed by
region and growth habit. 

Different Kinds of Caraway

has been used in food and as a medicine for centuries. The commonly cultivated
variety has several cultivars but most remain unnamed. It is best to group the
different kinds of caraway by their growth pattern, either annual
or biennial.
Technically, there are no listed named varieties. Annual caraway requires a
longer growing season, while biennial types of caraway are grown in cooler

Biennial Caraway Plant Varieties

Biennial varieties of caraway (Carum carvi f. biennis) need two seasons to produce umbels and the
“fruits,” erroneously called seeds. Caraway plant varieties are
classed in the carrot family and produce characteristic umbrella-shaped
clusters of flowers. Each of these will develop into a fruit that, when dried,
is used in cooking and traditional medicines.

In the first year, biennial plants form rosettes. In the
second year, a stalk is sent up to bear the umbels. In some cases, a third year
of flowers may develop but repeat sowing annually is necessary for a consistent
supply of seed.

Annual Types of Caraway

There are different kinds of caraway due to cultivation
preferences and wild hybridization, although none have been named. Of these,
annual caraway plant species (Carum carvi
f. annua
) are grown in warm regions and planted in winter. The long growing
season allows the plant to produce the rosette and flowering stalks all in one

In these areas, the plant will often reseed itself and
purposeful re-sowing is not necessary. Some gardener’s state the flavor of
annual caraway plant varieties is sweeter than that grown in northern regions
as a biennial.

Tips on Growing Different Kinds of Caraway

All types of caraway prefer well-draining, humic rich soil
in full sun. Caraway is slow to germinate and can take up to three weeks to
sprout. It is best to plant directly outdoors rather than to transplant. This
is to avoid disturbing its taproot, which can interrupt establishment.

Provided soil is fertile, no supplemental food is necessary.
Keep soil somewhat moist. You can lightly harvest the leaves for salads and use
the taproot after the fruit is harvested.

As seed heads begin to dry, tie a permeable sack around the
umbels to preserve the fruits. Separate the chaff and dry seeds for storage in
a cool, dark location.

This article was last updated on 10/11/21
Read more about Caraway

Fans of caraway seed muffins know all about the seed’s
heavenly aroma and slightly licorice flavor. You can grow and harvest your own
seed to use in the spice cupboard, but first you need to choose the varieties
of caraway that will perform best in your garden. There are approximately 30
caraway plant species, mostly native to Asia and Mediterranean regions. Caraway
plant varieties are used across the globe, but they are usually classed by
region and growth habit. 

Different Kinds of Caraway

has been used in food and as a medicine for centuries. The commonly cultivated
variety has several cultivars but most remain unnamed. It is best to group the
different kinds of caraway by their growth pattern, either annual
or biennial.
Technically, there are no listed named varieties. Annual caraway requires a
longer growing season, while biennial types of caraway are grown in cooler

Biennial Caraway Plant Varieties

Biennial varieties of caraway (Carum carvi f. biennis) need two seasons to produce umbels and the
“fruits,” erroneously called seeds. Caraway plant varieties are
classed in the carrot family and produce characteristic umbrella-shaped
clusters of flowers. Each of these will develop into a fruit that, when dried,
is used in cooking and traditional medicines.

In the first year, biennial plants form rosettes. In the
second year, a stalk is sent up to bear the umbels. In some cases, a third year
of flowers may develop but repeat sowing annually is necessary for a consistent
supply of seed.

Annual Types of Caraway

There are different kinds of caraway due to cultivation
preferences and wild hybridization, although none have been named. Of these,
annual caraway plant species (Carum carvi
f. annua
) are grown in warm regions and planted in winter. The long growing
season allows the plant to produce the rosette and flowering stalks all in one

In these areas, the plant will often reseed itself and
purposeful re-sowing is not necessary. Some gardener’s state the flavor of
annual caraway plant varieties is sweeter than that grown in northern regions
as a biennial.

Tips on Growing Different Kinds of Caraway

All types of caraway prefer well-draining, humic rich soil
in full sun. Caraway is slow to germinate and can take up to three weeks to
sprout. It is best to plant directly outdoors rather than to transplant. This
is to avoid disturbing its taproot, which can interrupt establishment.

Provided soil is fertile, no supplemental food is necessary.
Keep soil somewhat moist. You can lightly harvest the leaves for salads and use
the taproot after the fruit is harvested.

As seed heads begin to dry, tie a permeable sack around the
umbels to preserve the fruits. Separate the chaff and dry seeds for storage in
a cool, dark location.

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