Growing Roses Indoors: Can You Grow Roses As Houseplants

Potted Indoor Rose Houseplant

Image by duh84

Did you know that you can keep roses as houseplants? Growing
roses indoors is certainly possible if you can provide the right conditions for
your plant. The most common type of rose that is grown indoors is the miniature
. Let’s take a look at how you can keep a rose indoors.

Indoor Rose Care

If you have been wondering if you can grow roses indoors, the answer is yes, but you’ll need to know a few important things. The most important aspect in indoor rose care is being able to provide enough light. Miniature roses require quite a bit of direct sun indoors in order to thrive. Provide at least six hours of direct sun. Southern or western exposure windows are ideal.

Daytime temperatures of 70 to 75 degrees F. (21-24 C.) and nighttime temperatures of around 60 degrees F. (15 C.) would be ideal. Avoid any cold drafts indoors, but if you can provide good air circulation, this will help minimize instances of diseases that roses tend to be prone to.

If your indoor air is exceedingly dry, they can be prone to spider
mites indoors
. To combat this, you can set your plant on top of a tray of
pebbles to which you have added a little water to. As the water evaporates, it
will increase
the humidity

As far as watering, it is important to be very attentive to
the soil moisture needs of your miniature rose. Use your finger to judge if
your plant needs water. If the surface of the soil feels damp, don’t water.
Allow the top inch (approximately 2.5 cm.) of the soil to dry out and then give
your plant a thorough watering. Never allow your rose to completely dry out
because this can quickly be detrimental to your plant. 

You should regularly fertilize your miniature roses during
periods of active growth. 

Moving Indoor Roses Outside

If you would like to move your rose outdoors during the warm
months, be sure to place the plant in complete shade at first outside. Your
plant will need to harden
off outdoors
; otherwise, the rose will quickly burn. After you’ve had your
plant in complete shade for a few days, gradually increase the amount of sun so
you don’t shock and burn the leaves of your plant. Return your plant indoors
before the temperatures get too cold.

Be sure to remove
any spent flowers
regularly, as this will encourage more blooming. Remove
any yellow or brown leaves as well. You will also want to periodically trim your
roses. Trim each cane back to right above the last leaf that has five leaflets.
This will help encourage new growth and flowering. 

This article was last updated on 12/13/21
Read more about Roses

Did you know that you can keep roses as houseplants? Growing
roses indoors is certainly possible if you can provide the right conditions for
your plant. The most common type of rose that is grown indoors is the miniature
. Let’s take a look at how you can keep a rose indoors.

Indoor Rose Care

If you have been wondering if you can grow roses indoors, the answer is yes, but you’ll need to know a few important things. The most important aspect in indoor rose care is being able to provide enough light. Miniature roses require quite a bit of direct sun indoors in order to thrive. Provide at least six hours of direct sun. Southern or western exposure windows are ideal.

Daytime temperatures of 70 to 75 degrees F. (21-24 C.) and nighttime temperatures of around 60 degrees F. (15 C.) would be ideal. Avoid any cold drafts indoors, but if you can provide good air circulation, this will help minimize instances of diseases that roses tend to be prone to.

If your indoor air is exceedingly dry, they can be prone to spider
mites indoors
. To combat this, you can set your plant on top of a tray of
pebbles to which you have added a little water to. As the water evaporates, it
will increase
the humidity

As far as watering, it is important to be very attentive to
the soil moisture needs of your miniature rose. Use your finger to judge if
your plant needs water. If the surface of the soil feels damp, don’t water.
Allow the top inch (approximately 2.5 cm.) of the soil to dry out and then give
your plant a thorough watering. Never allow your rose to completely dry out
because this can quickly be detrimental to your plant. 

You should regularly fertilize your miniature roses during
periods of active growth. 

Moving Indoor Roses Outside

If you would like to move your rose outdoors during the warm
months, be sure to place the plant in complete shade at first outside. Your
plant will need to harden
off outdoors
; otherwise, the rose will quickly burn. After you’ve had your
plant in complete shade for a few days, gradually increase the amount of sun so
you don’t shock and burn the leaves of your plant. Return your plant indoors
before the temperatures get too cold.

Be sure to remove
any spent flowers
regularly, as this will encourage more blooming. Remove
any yellow or brown leaves as well. You will also want to periodically trim your
roses. Trim each cane back to right above the last leaf that has five leaflets.
This will help encourage new growth and flowering. 

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