What Is A Hot Bed – Tips For Gardening In A Hot Box

Hot Bed Box In Garden Next To Potted Flowers

Image by StockSolutions

Gardening in a hot box or hot bed has many benefits. It allows you to extend your growing season, provides a way to tart warm climate vegetables earlier, gives a warm place to root cuttings, and allows you to do much of what you can do in a greenhouse in a smaller, more simple, cost-effective space. Keep reading for some garden hot box plans and ideas.

What is a Hot Bed?

A hot bed, also known as a hot box, is a heated cold frame.
A cold
is a plant bed that is protected from the environment to keep it a
little bit warmer than outside the frame. Essentially, a hot box is a miniature

The main reason to use a hot box is to extend the growing
season. There are several ways to do this, and many other reasons to look into
garden hot box plans and to build your own. For instance, you can start seeds
outside rather than inside, when it’s still too cold to start them directly in
the ground.

You can also start warm-weather vegetables, such as melons
and tomatoes,
earlier than you would be able to otherwise. Grow your vegetables longer into
the fall or winter for an extended harvest.

With root cuttings from woody plants, you can use the warm
soil to stimulate root growth more quickly. A hot box also allows for overwintering
semi-hardy plants and hardening
off transplants

How to Build a Garden Hot Box

A hot bed or box is a simple structure and, with basic tools
and DIY abilities, you should be able to make one. Look for garden hot box
designs online to guide your construction or just build a very simple structure
with four planks of wood or concrete blocks on each side. Add a hinged lid with
clear glass or plastic.

The above describes a simple
cold frame
. What makes a hot box a little more complicated is the addition
of a heating element. The simplest way to heat a bed is to put a layer of manure
under the soil. As it decomposes it will warm the soil.

Without access to enough manure, the next easiest way to
heat a bed is to use electric heating cables. To use cables, first check with
your local
extension office
to determine how many watts per square foot you need to
provide heat in your hot box climate.

When using heating cables in a hot box, it’s best to create an insulated bottom for the bed. Over this, place a lining of landscape fabric. Use a staple gun to fasten the cable to the fabric. Lay it out in a spiral with about three inches (7.5 cm.) between cables. Use about two feet (61 cm.) of cable for every square foot (0.1 square meters) in the box. Cover the cables with sand and then soil.

Make sure the cables you choose have a thermostat so you can
control the temperature. Carefully bury the cable extending from the box to the
outlet. Otherwise, it can be damaged by yardwork or lawn mowing.

This article was last updated on 11/26/21
Read more about Greenhouses

Gardening in a hot box or hot bed has many benefits. It allows you to extend your growing season, provides a way to tart warm climate vegetables earlier, gives a warm place to root cuttings, and allows you to do much of what you can do in a greenhouse in a smaller, more simple, cost-effective space. Keep reading for some garden hot box plans and ideas.

What is a Hot Bed?

A hot bed, also known as a hot box, is a heated cold frame.
A cold
is a plant bed that is protected from the environment to keep it a
little bit warmer than outside the frame. Essentially, a hot box is a miniature

The main reason to use a hot box is to extend the growing
season. There are several ways to do this, and many other reasons to look into
garden hot box plans and to build your own. For instance, you can start seeds
outside rather than inside, when it’s still too cold to start them directly in
the ground.

You can also start warm-weather vegetables, such as melons
and tomatoes,
earlier than you would be able to otherwise. Grow your vegetables longer into
the fall or winter for an extended harvest.

With root cuttings from woody plants, you can use the warm
soil to stimulate root growth more quickly. A hot box also allows for overwintering
semi-hardy plants and hardening
off transplants

How to Build a Garden Hot Box

A hot bed or box is a simple structure and, with basic tools
and DIY abilities, you should be able to make one. Look for garden hot box
designs online to guide your construction or just build a very simple structure
with four planks of wood or concrete blocks on each side. Add a hinged lid with
clear glass or plastic.

The above describes a simple
cold frame
. What makes a hot box a little more complicated is the addition
of a heating element. The simplest way to heat a bed is to put a layer of manure
under the soil. As it decomposes it will warm the soil.

Without access to enough manure, the next easiest way to
heat a bed is to use electric heating cables. To use cables, first check with
your local
extension office
to determine how many watts per square foot you need to
provide heat in your hot box climate.

When using heating cables in a hot box, it’s best to create an insulated bottom for the bed. Over this, place a lining of landscape fabric. Use a staple gun to fasten the cable to the fabric. Lay it out in a spiral with about three inches (7.5 cm.) between cables. Use about two feet (61 cm.) of cable for every square foot (0.1 square meters) in the box. Cover the cables with sand and then soil.

Make sure the cables you choose have a thermostat so you can
control the temperature. Carefully bury the cable extending from the box to the
outlet. Otherwise, it can be damaged by yardwork or lawn mowing.

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