Lowering Phosphorus Levels – Correcting High Phosphorus In Soil

N P K Letters Alongside Green Seeding

Image by ittipon2002

Testing and maintaining adequate soil nutrients is an essential aspect of growing a beautiful home garden. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are all nutrients which are essential to healthy plant growth. While nitrogen helps plants to produce lush leaves and foliage, phosphorus assists in flowering and the formation of seeds and strong roots.

Monitoring and correcting high phosphorus levels in soil will be essential in ensuring optimal plant growth in the garden.

About Excessive Phosphorus

a garden soil sample tested
is a great way for gardeners to learn more
about the needs of their garden. Becoming more familiar with the nutrients
present in the soil can help growers adapt their garden beds for the best

Unlike other plant nutrients, phosphorus does not leach in
the soil. This means that too much phosphorus in the soil can build up over the
course of several growing seasons. Excessive phosphorus can occur for several
reasons. Most commonly this issue is caused by repeated use of manures or
non-organic fertilizers.

While a surplus of any nutrient may not seem like an issue,
lowering phosphorus levels is actually quite important. Too much phosphorus in
the soil can be detrimental to the overall health of the plants. High
phosphorus can cause deficiencies in zinc
and iron
in the soil, as they quickly become unavailable for use by the plants.

These micronutrient deficiencies often present themselves by
yellowing and withering of the garden plants. While commercial growers may be
able to treat zinc and iron deficient plants through foliar feeding, this
option is often not realistic for home growers.

How to Correct High Phosphorus

Unfortunately, there are no ways to actively reduce
excessive phosphorus in garden soil. In working to moderate phosphorus levels
in the garden, it will be imperative that growers avoid the use of fertilizers
that contain phosphorus. Avoiding the addition of phosphorus for several
growing seasons will help reduce the amount present in the soil.

Many growers choose to plant nitrogen
fixing plants
in garden beds with excessive phosphorus. In doing so,
growers are able to increase the amount of available nitrogen in the soil
without fertilizing the garden bed. Increasing the available nitrogen without
the introduction of phosphorus will be helpful in returning soil conditions
back to normal nutrient levels.

This article was last updated on 12/09/21
Read more about Soil, Fixes & Fertilizers

Testing and maintaining adequate soil nutrients is an essential aspect of growing a beautiful home garden. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are all nutrients which are essential to healthy plant growth. While nitrogen helps plants to produce lush leaves and foliage, phosphorus assists in flowering and the formation of seeds and strong roots.

Monitoring and correcting high phosphorus levels in soil will be essential in ensuring optimal plant growth in the garden.

About Excessive Phosphorus

a garden soil sample tested
is a great way for gardeners to learn more
about the needs of their garden. Becoming more familiar with the nutrients
present in the soil can help growers adapt their garden beds for the best

Unlike other plant nutrients, phosphorus does not leach in
the soil. This means that too much phosphorus in the soil can build up over the
course of several growing seasons. Excessive phosphorus can occur for several
reasons. Most commonly this issue is caused by repeated use of manures or
non-organic fertilizers.

While a surplus of any nutrient may not seem like an issue,
lowering phosphorus levels is actually quite important. Too much phosphorus in
the soil can be detrimental to the overall health of the plants. High
phosphorus can cause deficiencies in zinc
and iron
in the soil, as they quickly become unavailable for use by the plants.

These micronutrient deficiencies often present themselves by
yellowing and withering of the garden plants. While commercial growers may be
able to treat zinc and iron deficient plants through foliar feeding, this
option is often not realistic for home growers.

How to Correct High Phosphorus

Unfortunately, there are no ways to actively reduce
excessive phosphorus in garden soil. In working to moderate phosphorus levels
in the garden, it will be imperative that growers avoid the use of fertilizers
that contain phosphorus. Avoiding the addition of phosphorus for several
growing seasons will help reduce the amount present in the soil.

Many growers choose to plant nitrogen
fixing plants
in garden beds with excessive phosphorus. In doing so,
growers are able to increase the amount of available nitrogen in the soil
without fertilizing the garden bed. Increasing the available nitrogen without
the introduction of phosphorus will be helpful in returning soil conditions
back to normal nutrient levels.

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