Gonzales cabbage variety is a green, early season hybrid that is common in European grocery stores. The mini heads measure 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) and take 55 to 66 days to mature. The firm, softball-size heads mean less waste. They are a perfect size for most family-size cabbage meals and have a sweet, spicy taste. Read on to learn how to grow Gonzales cabbage plants in your garden.
Growing Gonzales Cabbages
This cabbage plant is moderately easy to grow indoors or by directly sowing in soil outdoors. The cold hardy cabbage (USDA zones 2 to 11) can be grown in spring, fall, or winter and can tolerate a hard frost. Seeds should germinate within 7 to 12 days. The Gonzales cabbage plant also is suitable for container culture.
To grow indoors, start seeds four to six weeks before the last frost. Sow seeds two to three per cell in soil temperature between 65 and 75 degrees F. (18-24 C.). Fertilize seedlings every 7 to 10 days with a water-soluble fertilizer at ¼ recommended strength. Move the transplants outside before the last frost.
To sow Gonzales cabbage outdoors in spring, wait till soil is warmed to 50 degrees F. (10 C.). For fall planting, sow in midsummer. Choose a site that receives six to eight hours of full sun each day. In soil enriched with organic matter, space two to three seeds 12 to 15 inches (31-38 cm.) apart in rows.
When seedlings emerge, thin to the strongest seedling per space. Plants reach 8 to 12 inches tall (20-31 cm.) and 8 to 10 inches wide (20-25 cm.).
Provide consistent water and fertilizer. Mulch to retain moisture and deter weeds.
Harvest the heads when light pressure feels firm as soon as possible to prevent splitting.
Gonzales cabbage variety is a green, early season hybrid that is common in European grocery stores. The mini heads measure 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm.) and take 55 to 66 days to mature. The firm, softball-size heads mean less waste. They are a perfect size for most family-size cabbage meals and have a sweet, spicy taste. Read on to learn how to grow Gonzales cabbage plants in your garden.
Growing Gonzales Cabbages
This cabbage plant is moderately easy to grow indoors or by directly sowing in soil outdoors. The cold hardy cabbage (USDA zones 2 to 11) can be grown in spring, fall, or winter and can tolerate a hard frost. Seeds should germinate within 7 to 12 days. The Gonzales cabbage plant also is suitable for container culture.
To grow indoors, start seeds four to six weeks before the last frost. Sow seeds two to three per cell in soil temperature between 65 and 75 degrees F. (18-24 C.). Fertilize seedlings every 7 to 10 days with a water-soluble fertilizer at ¼ recommended strength. Move the transplants outside before the last frost.
To sow Gonzales cabbage outdoors in spring, wait till soil is warmed to 50 degrees F. (10 C.). For fall planting, sow in midsummer. Choose a site that receives six to eight hours of full sun each day. In soil enriched with organic matter, space two to three seeds 12 to 15 inches (31-38 cm.) apart in rows.
When seedlings emerge, thin to the strongest seedling per space. Plants reach 8 to 12 inches tall (20-31 cm.) and 8 to 10 inches wide (20-25 cm.).
Provide consistent water and fertilizer. Mulch to retain moisture and deter weeds.
Harvest the heads when light pressure feels firm as soon as possible to prevent splitting.