World No Tobacco Day 31st May 2022 | History and Importance of World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day: 31st May is considered and observed as World No Tobacco Day all across the world. This day’s primary concern is to promote awareness of the harmful effects that Tobacco has on human beings and how the massive tobacco epidemic is being fought against.

World No Tobacco Day – 31st May (All across the World)

Tobacco consumption can take several forms—the most widespread of them being Smoking. Apart from smokers, around 1.2 million of non-smokers die every year from unclean tobacco consumption.

It owes to the widespread consumption of Tobacco, as many as 8 million deaths occur every year throughout the world. Tobacco has its fair share of ill effects on the human body. Its consumption and use should be immediately curtailed.

Hence, World No Tobacco Day aims to bring attention to how harmful Tobacco can be as a substance; it seeks to fight against tobacco addiction and compensate for the deaths and illnesses caused by it.

On this particular day, health organizations and well-being organizations from across the globe come together to demean the substance of Tobacco and top promote its ill effects and adverse impacts.

World No Tobacco Day 2022 Theme is “Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use”.

World No Tobacco Day 2022

The National Tobacco Day is celebrated on 31st May, every year. As mentioned earlier, World No Tobacco Day aims at popularising the hazardous effects that Tobacco and its consumption has on human lives.

World No Tobacco Day Theme 2022, that is slated to be held on a Sunday, is “The Secret’s out – Tobacco Exposed.”

This year’s theme aims to expose the various tactics that tobacco selling firms implement to increase the sale of Tobacco, and hence its consumption. Such Tobacco based industries, glorify the use of Tobacco and brainwash the impressionable youth in widespread buying of Tobacco and other related products.

The consumption of Tobacco kills a large number of people all across the world. The tobacco selling industries promote the sale of this product in exchange for valuable human life. The well throughout the theme of 2022 for the World No Tobacco is to expose the dehumanizing policies adopted by such industries. It aims to raise awareness regarding such unfavorable promotion. It aims to create a world that would be completely free from the consumption of products, cigarettes, and secondhand smoke.

The campaign carried out by the tobacco companies motivates adolescents and the youth in the consumption of the bad stuff, thereby risking their lives for mere profit.

World No Tobacco Day 2022 theme will take up the mission to debunk such schemes. There are various World No Tobacco Day Quotes to celebrate Anti-Tobacco day.

How We Celebrate World No Tobacco Day?

The World Health Organisation leads the celebrations each year on World No Tobacco Day. The WHO, along with its intermediary governmental and non-governmental health organizations, spread across all the countries to raise awareness against Tobacco.

Every year, a particular theme is assigned to celebratory practices. Celebrations are carried out that pertain to that specific theme. The theme for 2022 is “Secret’s Out: Tobacco exposed.” The ideas for the last two years were Tobacco and Lung Health and Tobacco and Heart Diseases.

Simultaneously, it also aims to restrict and keep a check on those organizations that promote the use and sale of Tobacco.

Celebrations on this day take the form of demonstrations, marches, social functions. Banners and world no tobacco day posters concerning the topic are put up on roads and streets for everyone to notice. Meetings and conferences are held to raise awareness.

Millions of people die every day, and a lot of them are inflicted with lethal heart diseases. The World No Tobacco Day enhances and propagates the harmful and adverse effects and wants to make the society Tobacco-free.

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History of World No Tobacco Day

The World Health Organisation designated 31st May as the World No Tobacco Day in the year 1988. On 31st May 1988, WHO proclaimed 7th April as the world’s no-smoking day. The objective of this day was to abandon all Tobacco-related consumptions for 24 hours.

Later in the same year, another resolution was passed; WHO declared 31st May to herald as the celebration of the World No Tobacco Day. Since then, every year, the organization celebrates 31st May as the World No Tobacco Day with a unique the,e every time.

On World No Tobacco Day 2008, the theme assigned was: Tobacco-free youth”. On this day, the WHO declared a no-exemption ban on all tobacco promotion and advertisement services. The aim was to debunk the manners in which the high-end tobacco industries were coaxing people into harmful consumption and use.

In the following years, more concerning uses and burning subjects revolving around the matter of Tobacco and its harmful impacts were addressed and paid attention to.

WHO initiated various policies In the last few years, the WHO targeted the adverse impact that tobacco consumption inflicts upon the heart and the lungs.

Importance of World No Tobacco Day

The celebration of World No Tobacco Day is of immense significance. Since it addresses a topic as vital as Tobacco and its aftereffects, it should be more widely recognized and observed.

The day is essential because it grabs attention to several matters. It discusses the consequences of Smoking and secondhand Smoking and its inflictions on the lungs of the smoker. It openly talks about the number of deaths every year as a result of tobacco consumption, the number of people affected, and recovered.

The day also focuses on critical concerns of how tobacco use is linked to tuberculosis and other harmful diseases such as cancer. It discusses the degree of harm tobacco has on people of different age groups.

It talks of ways and measures that could reduce the amount of tobacco consumption and utilization worldwide. It raises the need to take severe actions about the matter at hand.

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10 Lines on the Topic of World No Tobacco Day

  • Tobacco consumption can take many forms, such as chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, and utilizing other Tobacco based products.
  • The effects of widespread tobacco consumption fall very adversely on human health.
  • Millions of people die every year owing to uncontrolled and addictive use of Tobacco.
  • The purpose of having the World No Tobacco Day is to address the issues mentioned above and raise the necessary awareness.
  • World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on 31st May.
  • 1988 was the year since it was celebrated.
  • The day was first celebrated by the WHO.
  • WHO leads the celebrations every year.
  • Every year a new theme is assigned, and celebrations are made based on such topics.
  • The day also aims at establishing appropriate measures to curate the harm caused by Tobacco and its consumption.

FAQ’s On World No Tobacco Day

Question 1.

When is World No Tobacco Day celebrated?


World No Tobacco Day is celebrated on 31st May every year.

Question 2.

Is World No Tobacco Day significant?


Yes. World No Tobacco Day is of crucial significance. It raises awareness about the sensitive issue of how Tobacco and its consumption has irreparable unfavorable conditions on the consumers’ health.

Question 3.

What is the objective of World No Tobacco Day in 2022?


This year’s theme is to debunk and de-glamourize all those industries that indulge in the promotion and sale of Tobacco, especially among the youth.

Question 4.

What was the last theme?


The theme for 2019 was Tobacco and Lung Health.

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