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Nutrition In Ruminants

Nutrition In RuminantsHave you seen a cow chew continuously and ever wondered why they do so? Actually, cows and some other plant-eating animals swallow their food after chewing once. Later, they bring back the swallowed food into the mouth…

How Many Types Of Teeth Do We Have

The Four Types of Teeth and How They FunctionThere are four different types of teeth. They are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.Types of teethIncisors: They are also called biting teeth. They are flat, blade-like teeth. The incisors…

Nutrition In Plants

Nutrition In PlantsPhotosynthesis: Photosynthesis is the primary mode of food production in green plant. ” The process by which green plants synthesize food from simple substances carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight is…

What Is Nutrition

What Is NutritionOrganisms need energy to live and grow. This energy is obtained from food. Any substance that can be broken down by chemical processes in the body of an organism to give energy is called food. The process of intaking the…