Speech on Importance of Good Manners

Good Manners refers to the polite and good social behaviour. Good Manners plays a significant role in building human relationships. It lays the foundation of a stable social pattern. It implies certain values of human relationship that kept the society alive and kicking.

It is true that human life today has become speedy and hectic. Life has become too much diversified and fast. There are national and international societies that can meet within the shortest possible time, because time and space have been conquered. Naturally it is commonly thought that good manners that bound the social relations have now fallen out of use. I, however, disagree with the view.

Good manners are still needed, because manners imply stable values. They do not depend on social structures; rather all kinds of social structures depend on them.

The values like respect, loyalty, gratitude or obligation are fundamental in their character and quality. Our social and family ethics of behaviour have been determined by our respect for such values. A highly educated son bows in respect to his parents and seniors, because that is part of his social and family ethics.

Even big international dealings are based on good manners. Nations that flout good manners in such dealings are exposed. Good manners do not cost us much. It is the mark of nation’s character. If a nation cites the Bible and the Geeta, but behaves like a fraud, it becomes a target of attack for the world at large.

Good manners are an index of the degree of refinement, whether it is in individual, in a society or in a nation. The mode of observing such manners do change. The ways of being hospitable today are not the same as in our ancient days. But to be hospitable is yet a yardstick of one’s culture and character. To tell lies, to behave like a turncoat, to take undue advantage of one’s goodness have been bad and are bad even today. These are the parts or constituents of good manners. One cannot enumerate them. The norms of human behaviour change in our fast changing social life, but the status of ‘good manners’ remains constant. Good manners are closely linked to moral values. Shakespeare’s line, “The baby beats the nurse and athwart goes all decorum” is a self aeons of human existence.

I believe that good manners are very important for success in life. Man today is indeed hard pressed for time. But, it is not something that stands in his way. On the contrary it ensures a much more sound interaction, a finer ground for him to develop and consolidate. It is the very lifeblood of a healthy human relationship.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good manners are an essential part of our daily lives and play a crucial role in the way we interact with others. They help us to build positive relationships and create a harmonious society. In this speech, I would like to discuss the importance of good manners in our lives.

Good manners help us to show respect for others and to create a positive impression. They involve simple gestures like saying please and thank you, being polite in conversation, and showing empathy towards others. When we use good manners, we demonstrate that we are considerate and respectful towards others, and this can help to build trust and positive relationships.

Good manners also help to create a positive and respectful atmosphere. When we are polite and respectful towards others, we create a welcoming environment that encourages people to be their best selves. This can be especially important in the workplace, where good manners can help to build a professional and productive atmosphere.

In addition to helping us to build positive relationships, good manners are also important for our personal growth and development. They help us to develop social skills and to communicate effectively with others. This is especially important in a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected and where communication skills are essential for success.

Finally, good manners are important for the well-being of our society as a whole. They promote positive interactions and help to create a harmonious community where everyone can feel valued and respected. In a world that is often filled with conflict and negativity, good manners can help to bring people together and promote peace and understanding.

In conclusion, good manners are an essential part of our lives and play a crucial role in the way we interact with others. They help us to build positive relationships, create a positive and respectful atmosphere, and promote the well-being of our society. So, let us all strive to be polite and considerate towards others and to make good manners a part of our daily lives.

Thank you for listening.

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