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Gender Inequality in India

Know what is Gender Inequality In India, its Definition, Concept, Causes and Forms of Gender Inequality. Also know Legal and Constitutional Safeguards against Gender Inequality.

Bonded Labour System

Know what is Bonded Labour (Bandhua Majdoori) System in India, How it Works, Origin, Forms, Abolition, Provisions, and Role of the Supreme Court in Abolition of Bonded Labor.

Paragraph on “Save Girl Child”

Save girl child is a motto that we should all take to heart. Girls are currently at risk from a variety of ills in the world, and it is crucial to take action to help them. Female rates of literacy are lower than rates of literacy for…

10 Key Indian Traditions

Many of India’s traditions date back for centuries, and numerous Indian traditions have been woven tightly into everyday life in this country. Here, we will look at 10 key Indian traditions and explain what these traditions mean for Indians…

Essay on Casteism in India

Casteism in India Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on Casteism in India in English language for Children and Students.