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Simplifying Complex Fractions (simplifying numerator and denominator)

Simplifying Complex Fractions (simplifying numerator and denominator)

Method 2:

This is one of two methods for simplifying complex fractions.

To Simplify a Complex Fraction by Simplifying the Numerator and Denominator

1. Create one single fraction in the numerator (if necessary).

2. Create one single fraction in the denominator (if necessary).

3. Remember the main fraction line means “divide”. Rewrite the fraction using a division symbol .

4. Follow the normal rules for dividing fractions: Invert the the second term (the denominator of the complex fraction) and multiply (by the numerator of the complex fraction).

5. Simplify if needed.

Let’s see Method 2 at work on the following problems:


Complex Fractions are EASY to simplify if you show your work!

Just remember that the fraction bar means DIVIDE.

Rewrite each fraction using a division symbol in the correct position and solve as you would any other problem involving fractions.


Remember: when dividing fractions, invert (flip over) the second fraction and multiply. Reduce the final answer if needed (or reduce as you multiply).


Remember: a mixed number should be converted to an improper fraction (heavier on top) before simplifying.




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