Short Essay on Library

This short article on Library explains what a Library is, its sections, its benefits and uses, and a conclusion.

What is a Library?

The library is a place where there is a large collection of books. Libraries are of two kinds – public and private.

Some people are very fond of books and collect them to satisfy their thirst for knowledge. They go to public libraries which are open to all and anybody can go and read the books.

Some people like lawyers, chartered accountants, doctors, etc., have to consult many books in connection with their respective professions. So, they have to maintain a library of their own. These are private libraries.

Sections of a Library

Public libraries have got two sections generally. One is the reading-room section and the other is the issue section. In the reading-room varieties of newspapers, weeklies, and monthly magazines are placed on the tables. Anybody can go and read them. A catalog of books is maintained by the librarian. Everybody can consult this catalog and get any book issued for reading in the reading-room.

In the issue section a list of members is maintained. The members have to pay a small monthly subscription. They have also to pay an initial deposit as a security for the books. Then they can get books for use at home. The rules regarding issue of books for home-use different from library to library.

Benefits and Uses

The library is a very useful institution. It is not possible for everybody to purchase books on every subject. In the library the same books pass through several hands by rotation. A man can read a large number of books at a very little cost or even no cost. It is a fit place for close and careful study. Here, there is no disturbance and everybody can read with rapt attention.

The library helps a good deal in spreading knowledge and education. Many books are so costly that a man of average means cannot purchase them. People can derive benefit from these books by consulting them in the library.


In India, there are very few good libraries. There is great need for opening a library in each village. Only then can the huge illiteracy prevailing in Indian villages be removed.


A library is a place where books, journals, newspapers, and other written materials are stored for public use. It serves as a hub of knowledge and learning, where people can come to read, research, study, and expand their understanding of the world around them. In a library, one can find books on a wide range of subjects, from science and technology to history and culture, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the world.

In addition to books, many libraries also offer access to digital resources, such as online databases, e-books, and other multimedia materials. This allows people to access information from the comfort of their own homes, making it easier for them to learn and grow. Libraries also provide a quiet and safe environment for people to read and study, making it an ideal place for students to do their homework and prepare for exams.

Libraries also serve as a community resource, providing access to information and resources that might otherwise be unavailable to some people. For example, they may offer computer and internet access, as well as classes and workshops on a variety of topics. Some libraries also host events, such as book clubs, author readings, and other cultural events, bringing the community together and promoting literacy and learning.

In conclusion, libraries are essential to our communities and our lives. They provide us with access to knowledge, resources, and learning opportunities that we might not otherwise have. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone looking to expand your understanding of the world, a library is an invaluable resource that should be cherished and supported.

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