Short Essay on Birds – 2 Essays

Birds – Short Essay 1.

Birds refer to the group of animals that have the ability to fly because they have wings. The bodies of birds are covered with feathers while their feet are covered by scales. Birds have a pair of compound eyes. Most birds live in nests which are set up and attached on trees or roofs of houses. Birds exist in many different species some of which are growing extinct. Different birds are found in different places as determined by climate.

Birds were used to help send messages in ancient tribes where birds have been used even as spies to warn of impending dangers.

They are also kept as pets and therefore a domestic friend for human beings. This kind of relationship is symbiotic.

Birds have been used in war to deliver calls of help from distant allies whenever a commonly dreaded enemy attacks.

Birds are important animals and should therefore be preserved. The unwarranted hunting of birds should be avoided and in as much as they have a destructive impact on plants as they grow, birds also contribute to the natural ecosystem in their own way.

Birds – Short Essay 2.

Birds are the winged and feathered friends that form an important part of our ecosystem.


Birds bring a variety to the animal world. They are the only creatures that can fly apart from bats. There are so many different types of birds, some that can’t even fly.


Birds bring a kind of beautiful addition to the scene. Birds like peacocks, kingfisher, Flamingos come with such beautiful colours that it’s a delight to spot them.


People like to keep birds as pets. More popular as pets are the parrots who imitate human sounds and also finches and other little pretty looking birds.

Nature sounds

The sounds that birds make are some of the most beautiful sound in nature. A peacock calling out, a cuckoo singing, a woodpecker pecking away at a tree is some delights that everyone is eager to partake. Then there is the crowing of a cockerel that ushers in the morning on a farm.


Birds are an indispensable part of animal kingdom and must be nurtured.

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