10 Sample Greeting Letters | Format, Examples and How To Write Greeting Letters?

Sample Greeting Letters: Greetings are the way we communicate; we convey good wishes and congratulate others. When someone achieves well in their lives, or they have come across something very new. Presently, greeting anyone is very easy and quick through messaging, but the best is the traditional way we follow is writing letters. However, It gives a feeling of affinity to whom you are writing and to the one who is receiving.

The greeting letters are welcomed in every field, either official or personal. The only difference is how you write and the tone you use if its formal or informal. The format of style could be the same, but the words you use matter. Here below, some samples depict a lot about the style and selection of words in both cases. Let us begin with a small description of both types.

Get Other Types of Letter Writing like Formal, Informal and Different Types of Letter Writing Samples.

Both letters will begin with a date mentioned on the top left corner, following an address to the one you are writing. However, coming to the salutation may vary as per the letter you are writing, if formal or informal. Make sure your letter is very too the point and particular to your subject. Informal letters must bring ease while you are writing that can begin with a casual line.

It becomes effortless to interact with your friends with informal letters where you can take a reference of memories. However, whatever the case is, make sure it brings up a true greeting from your heart while writing. The reader must be pleased as if it depicts your true feelings. It will emphasize your opinion in the reader’s mind. In case you write a formal letter, end it with a complementary clause, but for informal letters, add some casual words to bring comfort in communication.

How To Write Sample Greeting Letters?

Points to Ponder while Writing Greeting Letters:

  • Give appropriate greetings at the start of the letter.
  • With the starting introduction, introduce yourself and your purpose of writing.
  • The body will be one to two paragraphs to describe your purpose of writing in detail.
  • There will be a conclusion, sum up, your views. It will be great to include a Thank You or write Yours Truly, Faithfully, Sincerely at the end.
  • Next, provide the receiver with your contact details. Also, you can give your designation if it’s a formal letter.
  • In the case of a formal letter, never give a casual greeting.
  • Proofread your letter before you send it.

Read the sample Greeting letters below to know the complete format.

Some Sample Greeting Letters

Below are some sample greeting letters you should have a look at:

Seasonal Greeting Letter by a Company

December 20, 2021 (Date)


(Name of the Person)

Dear (name)


Enjoy the new upcoming year with a lot of exciting prizes and purchasing valuable products at amazing prices. Gift your loved ones and every member of the family with lovable gifts.

This new year, we are ready to help you celebrate with a new trending style and delightful footwear and jewellery designs. There is a complete range of products available for every age members, and you need not search for them anywhere else around. Buy great stuff at Hush-Hush puppies.

Feel free to share your views for our store products and look at our best trending offers raised specially for you.

We are grateful and wish you luck for the upcoming year ahead. Happy New Year!

Hush-Hush Puppies

Seasonal Greeting Letter by a Company

Sample Letter for Award Winning


36 Model Town

New Delhi


Dear Bhrigu,

It was much exciting to know about your success award. Kalinga Award is among a thousand dreams, but your hard work paid off. I have read all your popular articles on computers, quantum physics, lasers, hi-tech communication, and space-age. These are relevant to base studies during school times, and some have found their way to textbooks. I am really very delighted for your success and the way to rendered towards your dreams. You have put on a good contribution to a better future for India.

May you continuing succeeding with such speed and will power. And what about your mark in the international field?

May God bring success to your doorsteps as you keep writing for a better future.

Yours Truly,


(Name of the Sender)

Sample Letter for Award Winning

Welcome Greeting Letter

(Receiver’s Name)


(State Code)


Dear (Receiver’s Name),

Welcome to our company! We are delightful to have you as a part of our company as our client. Thanks a ton to chose us one among thousands to file your company taxes. We are already working in this field for the past 20 years and are thankful to assist you this time.

With our hard work and good reputation, we have earned the best work efficiency, work with full dedication, and have professionalism throughout our work. You will get account records within a specified time range as our employees are well trained with tax laws and related issues.

Feel free to contact us anytime from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Yours Sincerely,

(Sender’s Name)

Welcome Greeting Letter

New Year Greeting Letter For A Customer


(Receiver’s Name)

(Receiver’s Address)

Dear (Receiver’s Name)

Re: Greetings

Happy 2021! We congratulate you on completing five years of our best clients to date. You have been a faithful client of Capgemini Pvt. Ltd since 2016, and now we are looking to have you as our business partner.

This letter is expected to bring good feedback for our services. We are on the path to improve our services and bring up new products to serve you in our best practices. We will keep your data and feedback confidential, which won’t harm your good links with us.

Looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

(Sender’s Name)


New Year Greeting Letter For ACustomer

Greetings to Family

Dear Sam

A pleasing greeting for this special year. May God bless you with success and fulfil all your dreams with this approaching year. I am very thankful to god for the best times we had this year. I wish you a very Happy New Year!

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Yours Truly,


Greetings to Family

Greetings for a New Job

(Receiver’s Name)


XYZ Company


I am glad to be part of your company as a Branch Manager. It is a significant chance to prove myself a hard-working and beneficial part of a company and its success. The faith you showed to me is a new opportunity to withstand your trust.

I am looking forward to joining you soon, taking over my duties, and proving valuable to you. I will make sure not to feel you regret choosing me for this posting.

Yours faithfully,

Clark Henry

Branch Manager

XYZ Company

Greetings for a New Job

Business Greeting Letters


To (Association Name)

Being State Secretary of North India, I would present all my greetings to welcome you to this special occasion of the Science Exhibition hosted for State Children. We want to promote our State friendship on good norms. This will bring good economic exchange between our states for better development.

After this, we will conduct a conference meeting with our state Chief’s to discuss further innovations that can be brought within our states, which will set a good mark for historical times. It will be an ice one cake for having a bright future for our future children.

Hopefully, you will visit us for such a great opportunity. We are waiting to present our greetings for your welcome to our state.



(Sender’s Name)

Business Greeting Letters


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