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Gharanas of Indian Classical Music

Gharanas of Indian Classical Music ‘Gharana’, in common parlance, means a ‘family’, ‘tradition’, a group culture etc. In painting, we have certain ‘schools‘ of painting. But there are no gharanas in literature. In music, gharanas are linked…

Condition of Contemporary Classical Music

Condition of Contemporary Classical Music In Contemporary Classical Music, new and novel styles of presentation have come into existence. The nonconformists must gradually suffer extinction from the concert stage though thankfully not from…

State of Indian Music Concert

State of Indian Music Concert A typical picture of Indian Music Concert is something like this. The artist of celebrity arrives at the Music Concert or rather his arrival is duly heralded and the audience waiting in baited breath gets a…

Presentation of Music

Presentation of Music Independent India, almost inevitably, has thrown up a new set of music promoters, organizers, patrons backed by the might of government but more definitely and surely by the money power of the Corporate giants. Gone…

State of Classical Music

State of Classical Music The Govt. is by far the greatest employer and patron of Classical Music through its vast network of AIR, Doordarshan, Institutions and centers of a wide variety. Great opportunities have been provided by the…