Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 1CT

Influenza virus:

Influenza virus has a spherical shape of diameter, 80-120 nm. They are visible under dark microscope. They cause infections in animal species. Moreover, they occur spontaneously, as epidemics.

Life time activities of Robert Koch:

In addition, Robert Koch has become interested in the viral disease like influenza. He worked on viruses and has identified the diseases in the virus. Detection of viruses was not done, because virus cannot grow in the laboratory.

Thus, he has first succeeded with anthrax and provided his postulates. If he worked on viral diseases, his life time accomplishments would have been reduced.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 1FB

The presence of microorganisms in soil, water and associations with plants are considered as environmental microbiology.

Martinus beijerinck was a general microbiologist. He made a great contribution to microbial ecology and other fields. He isolated Azotobacter (an aerobic nitrogen fixing bacterium), Rhizobium (bacteria present in root nodules) and sulfur reducing bacteria.

Sergei Winograndsky made great contributions to the soil microbiology. He observed that soil bacteria could oxidize sulfur, iron and ammonia to fulfill their energy needs. He isolated an anaerobic nitrogen fixer and also studied the decomposition of cellulose.

Hence, the correct answers are Beijerinck and Winograndsky.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 1M

The sentence “developed smallpox immunization,” describes the person Edward Jenner.

Edward Jenner, a scientist and an English physician, who is well known for the pioneer of vaccine for small pox. He is often called “the father of immunology.” He tested the hypothesis that cowpox provided protection against smallpox in order to discover the vaccination process. His contributions established a safe and effective treatment for the prevention of small pox, and began a new branch of biology called immunology.

Hence, the correct match is option (J) Edward Jenner.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 1MC

a) Yeasts are single celled eukaryotic organisms. They undergo reproduction asexually and sexually. They mainly undergo preparation of alcohol from sugar; for instance, saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

b) Molds are multi-cellular eukaryotic organisms. Their body is made up of long filaments. They are reproducing by sexual and asexual spores. They mainly used in production of penicillin; for instance, pencillium chrysogenum. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.

c) Protozoan is unicellular eukaryotic organisms. They are locomotive structures are known as pseudopodia, which is done by cilia. Moreover, they are chemo-heterotrophs. They reproduce asexually and sexually. They are live in water and some in animal hosts. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

d) Bacteria are prokaryotes, because of the absence of nuclei. They do not have membrane surrounding the genetic material. They have call wall, which is composed of polysaccharide known as peptidoglycan.

Hence, the correct option is (a) bacteria.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 1SA

The theory of spontaneous generation states that microorganisms arose in spoiled food, and maggots were generated by spoiled meat. This theory is really a hindrance to the development of the field of microbiology, because it completely ignored the basic fact about microorganisms. That is microorganisms are the reason for causing food spoilage, and those are in fact alive and ubiquitous, and can thrive in many different conditions.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 2CT

According to the given data, the scientist Funk has proposed a limited diet in polished white rice. The disease is caused, due to the deficiency of thymine that affects the central nervous system. Funk was criticized by his colleagues, and they have told him to find the microbe that result in beriberi.

The scientific philosophy that has prevailed is:

During 1900, Pasteur and Koch have worked on the theory of disease and were accepted. It explains how the disease is caused by microorganisms prevailing in the atmosphere.

In addition, it explains the interpretation of the Funk’s observation, was correct. But, he could not provide a mechanism, how the polished rice increases the disease beriberi in the central nervous system.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 2FB

Biochemistry is a science concerned with chemical nature and behavior of the living matter. It also related the study of chemical constituents of the living matter, biological system transformations and energy changes with these transformations.

Louis Pasteur , a French microbiologist and chemist, contributed lot to the field of biochemistry. He discovered vaccination process, pasteurization, and microbial fermentation. His discoveries and useful inventions saved many lives ever since. Many other discoveries of Pasteur provided direct evidence for the germ theory of disease.

Eduard Buchner, a German zymologist and chemist, who worked on fermentation. He proved that the process of fermentation does not required living cells. His experiments demonstrated the presence of specific enzymes could result in fermentation. His major contributions began the field of biochemistry and the study of metabolism.

Hence, the correct answers are Louis Pasteur and Eduard Buchner.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 2M

The description “First photomicrograph of bacteria” perfectly matches with the person “Robert Koch”.

Robert Koch was a German scientist. He discovered the causative organism of the disease anthrax, by observing the rod shaped bacterium in the blood of animals that got infected.

He introduced the process of culturing microorganism, by using potato slices, and agar. He had great role behind introducing staining techniques, culturing media, and sterilization techniques. He was the person who had taken the first photomicrograph of bacteria. He was the person who introduced petri-dishes for holding microorganisms.

Thus, it is correctly matched with the option H. Robert Koch.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 2MC

a) Bacteria are not used in the microbial growth, because they are devoid of nuclei. Their cell wall composed of polysaccharides, known as peptidoglycan. Due to this reason, they are not suitable in the microbial growth. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

b) Fungi are eukaryotic chemo-heterotrophs organisms. Their each cell wall consists of nucleus, which is composed of the genetic material by distinct membrane. They are used as biological control pests. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

c) Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotic organisms. They are locomotive structures known as pseudopodia cilia. They are chemoheterophs. Moreover, they reproduce asexually and sexually. They are live in water and some are in animal hosts. They are not used in the microbial growth media. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

d) Algae are unicellular photosynthetic organisms. They make their own food from CO2 and H2O using energy from sun light. They reproduce both sexually and asexually. They are photoautotrophs and they have different photosynthetic pigments. Their cell wall contains chemicals, which are used as thickness and emulsifiers in microbiological laboratory media, which is suitable for the microbial growth. They make chemicals that used in microbial growth.

Hence, the correct option is (c) algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 2SA

Like Spallanzani, Pasteur boiled infusions to kill everything in broth, but instead of sealing the flask, he bent the necks of the flasks into an S-shape to disprove the spontaneous generation theory. The goose neck flask allowed air inside the flask, but prevented the introduction of dust and microorganims.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 3CT

The Haemophilus influenza virus is opportunist pathogens. They live in the host, without causing the disease. But, they get opportunity like viral infection and reduce the immune function, and then they became pathogenic. There are six types of encapsulated Haemophilus influenza a, b, c, d, e and f.

In addition, large number of Haemophilus influenza virus will cause flu. The experiment of inoculation in Haemophilus influenza does not produce flu. Thus, the first postulate was not satisfied.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 3FB

Paul Ehrlich was a German physician and scientist, who contributed lot to chemotherapy, hematology and immunology. He proved that chemical could be used to kill microorganisms. To investigate his ideas, Ehrlich undertook a survey of new chemicals that could kill pathogens, and to remain nontoxic to humans. During the period of 1908, he discovered effective chemical agents against syphilis and sleeping sickness.

Hence, the investigations of Paul Ehrlich led to the field of Chemotherapy.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 3M

The description “Germ theory of disease” perfectly matches with the term “Louis Pasteur.”

Louis Pasteur discovered that bacteria are the agents that are spoiling the wine. This discovery has led to the impression that microorganisms are also responsible for diseases. This idea was developed as germ theory of disease.

Louis Pasteur and few other scientists have worked on this idea and observed the symptoms of few diseases. They have found that the symptoms are same in all the affected individuals for a particular disease. They also suspected that some diseases such as cholera, anthrax, and tuberculosis are caused by some specific germs, which they named as pathogens.

Thus, the correct match is C. Louis Pasteur.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 3MC

Archaea are prokaryotic, because of the absence of nuclei. They are small prokaryotes, which live in most of the habitats. Some of them are disease causing, while some are beneficial.

In addition, they live in pairs, chains, and individual. They require habitat and sufficient moisture. They are isolated from extreme environments like high salt, low pH and high temperature.

Furthermore, they are found in Yellow Stone National Park, oxygen-depleted mud at the swamps, and Great Salt Lake called Mono Lake in California. They do not cause disease.

Thus, the correct options are (a) Acidic hot springs, (b) swamp mud, and (c) Great Salt Lake in California.

Hence, the correct option is (d) all of the above.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 3SA

Microorganisms are microscopic in nature that exist as unicellular, multicellular, or cell clusters. They thrive in different places on earth and are beneficial to life. They can be divided into six major types: Bacteria, Fungi, Archaea, Protozoa, Algae, and Virus.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 4CT


Autoclaving and other forms of heat sterilization kill vegetative cells of microorganisms. This is because the temperature required, for sterilization possesses destruct various beverages and foods. While other methods, such as pasteurization is known to reduce contamination or microbial numbers.

Pasteurization was developed by Louis Pasteur in the year 1860. This process is used in the elimination of the pathogens in the milk. It eliminates the pathogens causing disease like bovine, tuberculosis, and brucellosis. This technique is used in fermentation industries and dairy industries. Pasteurization of milk kills the pathogenic vegetative cells and other microorganism, prolonging the quality of the products.

Similarly, pasteurization is a process of heating, which kills contaminated bacteria without changing the taste of the milk. It cannot destroy the bacterial endospores or fungal spores.

Therefore, the endospores have chance to germinate and ferment in the milk. That’s why the milk has sour taste.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 4FB

Edward Jenner, a scientist and an English physician, who is well known for the pioneer of vaccine for small pox. He is often called “the father of immunology.” He tested the hypothesis that cowpox provided protection against smallpox in order to discover the vaccination process. His contributions established a safe and effective treatment for the prevention of small pox, and began a new branch of biology called immunology.

Hence, the investigations of Edward Jenner led to the development of immunology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 4M

  • The description “germ cause disease” perfectly matches with the persons Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, and Girolamo Fracastoro.
  • Pasteur has worked on spontaneous generation theory using swan-neck flask experiment during the years 1822-1895.
  • He observed that there is no spontaneous generation of microorganisms, and they arise only from the preexisting forms.
  • He boiled the infusion of broth in a flask and did not allow the germs and dust to enter into it; the broth remained the same without spoiling.
  • Next, he allowed the germs to enter into the boiled broth, and found that broth got spoiled. This experiment aided Pasteur to give out the idea that germs cause diseases.
  • Robert Koch was a German scientist. He discovered the causative organism of the disease anthrax, by observing the rod shaped bacterium in the blood of animals that got infected.
  • had taken samples from diseased victims and cultured them on the solid surface. He hypothesized that each colony is a progeny or clone of a single cell.
  • He also found that the disease tuberculosis is caused by the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Girolamo Fracastoro was an Italian philosopher. He has conjectured that “germs of contagion” cause disease.Louis Pasteur and few other scientists have worked on this idea and observed the symptoms of few diseases.
  • They have found that the symptoms are same in all the affected individuals for a particular disease.
  • They also suspected that some diseases such as cholera, anthrax, and tuberculosis are caused by some specific germs, which they named as pathogens.
  • Hence, the correct matches are C. Louis Pasteur, H. Robert Koch, and K. Girolamo Fracastoro.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 4MC

(a) Pasteur has worked on spontaneous generation theory, by using swan-neck flask, in the year 1822-1895. He boiled the infusion for a long time to kill everything, but he did not seal the flask, instead he bent the neck into S-shape. It allows only air to pass, other than microbes in the broth. Moreover, he has explained the presence of living organisms in the flask. Thus, he has concluded that the spontaneous generation has recovered from the mortal blow of simple experiment. Hence, the option (a) is incorrect.

(b) Needham starts his work on the spontaneous generation theory during 1713-1781. The beef gravy and infusions of plant materials have sealed tightly. After some days he saw that vials are cloudy. Then he has concluded that there is a life force, which causes inanimate matter, spontaneously comes to life. Hence, the option (a) is incorrect.

(c) Spallanzani starts his work on the spontaneous generation theory in 1799. He boiled infusion for one hour and sealed the vials. After some days the infusion is clear. Later he has broken the seal and the infusion has become cloudy. Hence, the option (a) is incorrect.

(d) Aristotle’s abiogenesis includes spontaneous generation. Abio means non-living, genesis means origin. The theory of spontaneous generation is first promulgated by the Aristotle in 384-322 B.C. This theory was widely accepted over 2000 years. It explains the appearance of maggots on spoiling meat. Aristotle thought some of the simpler invertebrates arise by spontaneous generation.

Hence, the correct option is (a) Aristotle.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 4SA

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek a Dutch tradesman from Delft learned to grind lenses. And his curiosity led him to craft simple microscopes. He constructed more than 500 microscopes. He succeeded in making many contributions to the microbial world. He discovered microscopic organism such as bacteria, nematodes, protists. He named them as “animalcules.” He also observed sperm cells, muscle fibers, and blood cells. These observations opened the door of a new field in science, and his contributions changed the world forever.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 5CT

Microbes do not generate spontaneously in the milk. It was demonstrated by the following experiment:

  1. A filter paper was taken and the milk was filtered into the sterile container or vesicle. The filter traps the bacteria, endospores, and spores.
  2. Then incubate sterile container placed into the chamber, which do not allow the air. See that there is no entry of microbes.
  3. Observe the sterile milk remains sterile, which indicates that microbes do not occur spontaneously in the milk.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 5FB

John Snow was an English physician. He was leader in the adoption of medical hygiene and anaesthesia. He is often called as one of the fathers of modern epidemiology. He played vital role in good public hygiene to cease the spread of infectious disease. He suspected that the cholera was spread by water.

Hence, the investigations of John Snow led to the development of Public health microbiology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 5M

The description, sought a “magic bullet to destroy pathogens” perfectly matches with the person “Paul Ehrlich.”

Paul Ehrlich was a German physician. He observed that chemical with selective toxicity can kill pathogens without causing any harm to human cells. He identified a toxic molecule, which he named as magic bullet; it specifically binds with pathogens and destroys them. He even got success in chemotherapy for sleeping sickness. Thus, Paul Ehrlich had an important role in chemotherapy.

Hence, the correct match is B. Paul Ehrlich.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 5MC

(a) Antoni van Leeuwenhoek has discovered simple microscope. He has observed each object and has recorded everything in detail. He observed decayed tooth and mixed with clean rain water. He saw the mobility in animalcules. He discovered major classes of bacteria, protozoa, algae, yeasts, erythrocytes, and spermatozoa. In most of the microorganisms the existence was reported in late 1600. Thus, he built over 400 microscopes. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

(b) Louis Pasteur has investigated the spontaneous generation theory by using swan-neck flask in the year 1822-1895. He has resolved the controversy in spontaneous generation theory. He has showed how to keep the solution sterile. Moreover, he found the fermentation of fruits and grains brought by the microbes. He also found the pasteurization technique, which is used in fermentation industries and dairy industries. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

(c) Richard Petri has developed Petri dish (plate). It is a container, for solid culture media. It is useful in the isolation of pure cultures, which contained only one type of bacterium. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

(d) Robert Koch is a doctor in Germany. He began a race with Pasteur to found the cause of anthrax. He has observed the blood of infected animals and identified rod-shaped bacterium. He has taken specimens from disease victims and has smeared the on solid surface. Thus, he has hypothesized that each colony consisted of the progeny of a single cell. Moreover, he has found the disease tuberculosis, which is caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Hence, the correct option is (c) Robert Koch.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 5SA

Tapeworms are intestinal parasites. Their head is used for the attachment to this intestinal mucosa of the host. They do not ingest into the host tissues. They lack complete digestive system. They obtain nutrients from small intestine. Their body is made up of segments known as proglottids. Proglottids are synthesized by the neck region of the scolex. Each proglottid has both male and female reproductive organs.

The eggs of tapeworms are microscopic, and hence require microscopes to study. Hence, a macroscopic tapeworm is studied in microbiology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 6CT

Snow and epidemiology:

John Snow (1813-1858) is an English physician. He has played an important role in public hygiene, to cease the spread of infectious diseases. He has widely studied the propagation of cholera, causing in the persons who are visited the street. He has found the occurrence of cholera during epidemic in London; moreover he has shown the disease is centered at public water supply on Broad Street. Similarly, the fermentation of nocturnal clouds of vapors is not the source of cholera in the persons, who visited the broad street.

In addition, he suggested the essential need, for adequate sewage treatment, but he did not know the cause of cholera. His observation was useful in the infection control and epidemiology branches of microbiology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 6FB

Etiology is the study of causation, or origination. In medical terminology, it refers to the causes of diseases. Robert Koch demonstrated etiological discovery of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tubercle bacillus), anthrax causing bacteria, and cholera causing bacteria.

Hence, the correct option is Robert Koch.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 6M

The description “Early epidemiologist” perfectly matches with the person “John Snow.”

John Snow was an English physician. He had played vital role in maintaining good public hygiene to cease the spread of infectious disease.

He suspected that spread of cholera through polluted water and highlighted the need of water treatment. He was the first person to study epidemics and tried to control the spread of infectious disease. Thus, John Snow had played vital role in controlling the spread of infectious diseases and he was the first person to be recognized as epidemiologist.

Hence, the correct match is A. John Snow.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 6MC

(a) Edward Jenner is an English physician in 1796. He has tested the cow pox protection against fatal small pox. He has established safe treatment, for preventing small pox. Later, he began field of immunology defenses against pathogens on specific body. He used the term vaccine, for all weakened that protective against pathogen strains. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

(b) Joseph Lister is an English surgeon in 1827-1912. He developed a system of antiseptic surgery to prevent microorganisms from entering wounds. He used sterilized instruments and phenol, for surgical dressings. He also provides strong indirect proof, in the role of microorganisms, due to phenol. It kills bacteria and ceases the wound infections. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

(c)  John Snow is an English physician in 1813-1858. He played vital role in good public hygiene to cease the spread of infectious disease. He suspected that the cholera was spread by water. His epidemic highlighted the critical need, for sewage treatment and his study was foundation in two branches of infection to control epidemiology. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.

(d) Ignaz Semmelweis was a physician on obstetric ward of teaching hospital in Vienna. He hypothesized that medical students carried cadaver particles from autopsy students into the delivery rooms, as it results in puerperal fever. When doctor sliced his finger during autopsy and died after showing the symptoms that are similar to puerperal fever. It is caused by the bacterium in genus streptococcus. He has started the recommendations, for medical students to wash their hands to eliminate the carried cadaver particles.

Hence, the correct option is (d) Ignaz Semmelweis.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 6SA

The time from 1857-1914 is considered as the “Golden age of microbiology.” During this time many scientists contributed greatly to the field of microbiology. The inventions and discoveries of Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Alexander Flemming and Edward Jenner set the foundation to modern microbiology.

In Golden Age of Microbiology, scientists and the blossoming field of microbiology were driven by the search for answers to the below given questions, which include:

  1. Is spontaneous generation of microbial life possible?
  2. What causes disease?
  3. How can we prevent infection and disease?
  4. What causes fermentation?

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 7CT

Investigations of Spontaneous generation:

Spontaneous generation theory is also referred as Abiogenesis, which means spontaneous generation. Abio means non-living, genesis means origin.

  1. Spontaneous generation was first propagated by Aristotle, in 384-322 B.C. It explains the appearance of maggots on spoiling meat. This theory has widely accepted over 2000 years. Aristotle has thought that some simpler invertebrates arise by spontaneous generation.
  2. Italian physician Francesco Redi has worked on many experiments, by isolating from the decaying meat. Then, he observed that no maggots were developed. After completion of his theory, scientists doubt on the Aristotle theory.
  3. Needham starts his work on the spontaneous generation theory, in 1713-1781. He has taken beef gravy, infusions of plant materials, and sealed them tightly. After some days he saw that vials are cloudy. Then he has concluded that there must be a life force, which causes inanimate matter spontaneously come to life.
  4. Spallanzani starts his work on spontaneous generation theory, in 1799. He boiled infusion for one hour and sealed the vials. After some days the infusion is clear. After he broke the seal and observed the infusion has become cloudy.
  5. Louis Pasteur has worked on spontaneous generation theory by using swan-neck flask, in the year 1822-1895. He has resolved the controversy of the spontaneous generation theory. He also showed how to keep solution sterile. He boiled the infusion for a long time to kill everything, but he did not seal the flask, but bent the neck into S-shape. It allows only air, but do not allow the microbes in the broth. Thus, he explained the presence of living organisms in the flask. He concluded that spontaneous generation will never recover from the mortal blow of the simple experiment.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 7FB

The study of the transmission, incidence and frequency of disease is known as epidemiology. The modern epidemiology starts in the mid 1800 by Snow, Semmelweis, and Nightingale.

John Snow was an English physician. He was leader in the adoption of medical hygiene and anaesthesia. He is often called as one of the fathers of modern epidemiology. He played vital role in good public hygiene to cease the spread of infectious disease. He suspected that the cholera was spread by water.

Hence, the correct answer is John Snow.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 7M

The word “Father of Microbiology” perfectly matches with the name “Louis Pasteur.”

Louis Pasteur was a French microbiologist as well as chemist. He is famous for discovering the principles of pasteurization, vaccination, and microbial fermentation. He was the person who made vaccines for the first time. He prepared vaccines for the diseases anthrax and rabies. He is one of the persons who laid foundation for bacteriology. He has resolved the controversy of spontaneous generation theory using his swan-neck flask experiment. Because of his great contributions to the field of microbiology, he was honored as “father of microbiology.”

Hence, the correct match is C. Louis Pasteur.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 7MC

(a) Prokaryotes do not have the cell membrane surrounding its genetic material. They do not have nucleus. Their internal structures are bound with phosphate membrane. They do not have chloroplast; for instance, bacteria. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

(b) Eukaryotes contain nucleus. They have membrane surrounding their DNA. They have internal membranes that compartmentalize cellular functions. They are usually large when compared to prokaryotes. Example is algae. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.

(d) Protozoans are unicellular eukaryotic organisms. Their locomotive structures are known as pseudopodia cilia. They are chemoheterophs. They reproduce asexually and sexually. They live in water and some of the protozoans live in animal hosts. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

(c) Animalcules: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was grinding lenses and observing different materials. He observed small round and oval shaped organisms, and named as animalcules. Moreover, he has identified unknown microbial world. Today we know that animalcules are animals, algae, fungi, bacteria, and single celled protozoa. Later, he described microorganisms into six basic groups.

Hence the correct answer is (a) Animalcules.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 7SA

Four major questions that drive microbiological investigations today are:

How can we develop successful programs to control current untreatable diases?

What prevents us from growing certain species of microbes in the lab?

Can we use microbes in nano-technology?

How can we use microbes in a positive way?

How can we decrease antibiotic resistance?

How do bacteria communicate with each other in biofilms?

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 8CT

If I’m a career counselor, I suggest the student to follow the following disciplines in applied microbiology. The three possible disciplines are medical microbiology, environmental microbiology, and industries microbiology.

Medical microbiology includes serology immunology, epidemiology, etiology, infection control, and chemotherapy. Serology is branch of science that deals with antibodies in blood serum, particularly as an indicator of infection. Immunology is branch of science, which deals with body’s defenses against specific disease.

Epidemiology is a branch of science that deals with frequency, distribution, and spread of disease. Etiology is branch of science, which deals with the causes of disease. Infection control is branch of science, deals with hygiene in health care settings and control of nosocomial infections. Chemotherapy is branch of science, deals with development and use of drugs to treat infectious diseases.

Environmental microbiology includes public health microbiology, and agricultural microbiology. Bioremediation is branch of science that deals with the use of microbes, to remove pollutants. Public health microbiology is branch of science, which deals with sewage treatment, water purification, and control of insects to speed disease. Agricultural microbiology is branch of science that deals with the use of microbes to control insect pests.

Industries microbiology includes food and beverage technology, pharmaceutical microbiology, and recombinant DNA technology. Food and beverage technology is branch of science that deals with reduction of harmful microbes in food and drink.

Pharmaceutical microbiology is a branch of science that deals with manufacture of vaccines and antibiotics. Recombinant DNA technology is a branch of science that deals with alteration of microbial genes to synthesize useful products.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 8FB

Louis Pasteur, a French microbiologist and chemist, contributed lot to the field of biochemistry and biotechnology. In 1857, he showed that milk souring was caused by microorganisms. He also demonstrated that the spoilage of wine was due to microorganisms, and demonstrated the role of microorganims in fermentation process. Then he introduced a process called pasteurization to kill undesirable microorganisms present in wine.

Hence, the correct answer is Louis Pasteur.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 8M

The word “Classification system” perfectly matches with the person “Carolus Linnaeus.”

Carolus Linnaeus was a Swedish botanist, zoologist, and physician who developed taxonomic system and described classification system. He was the person who laid foundation for modern binomial nomenclature methods; hence, he is honored as father of modern taxonomy. This system is mainly used for naming plants, animals, and also for classifying different organisms.

Hence, the correct match is E. Carolus Linnaeus.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 8MC

(a) Spallanzani has started his work on spontaneous generation theory, in 1799. He boiled infusion, for one hour and sealed the vials. After some days the infusion is clear. Later, the broken seal has shown the infusion very cloudy. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

(b) Pasteur has worked on spontaneous generation theory by using swan-neck flask, in the year 1822-1895. He boiled the infusion, for a long time to kill everything, but he did not seal the flask, instead he bent the neck into S-shape. This allows only air to pass through, but not the dust and microbes in the broth. He has explained the presence of living organisms in the flask. Thus, he has concluded that the spontaneous generation will recover from the mortal blow of the simple experiment. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.

(c) Robert Koch is a doctor in Germany. He began a race with Pasteur to found the cause of anthrax. He observed the blood of infected animals and identified rod-shaped bacterium. He has taken specimens from disease victims and smeared the specimens on the solid surface. Moreover, he has hypothesized that each colony consists of the progeny of a single cell. He also found the disease tuberculosis is caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hence, option (d) is incorrect.

(d) Needham has worked on spontaneous generation theory in 1713-1781. He has taken the beef gravy, infusions of plant materials, and sealed them tightly. After some days he saw that vials are cloudy. Then he has concluded that there must be a life force, which causes inanimate matter to spontaneously come to life. This has favored to the theory of spontaneous generation. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

Hence, the correct option is (b) Needham.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 8SA

After complete discussion of the spontaneous generation theory, it was guided in the part of improvement of generalized scientific method. The questions are answered through careful observation of experiments. The scientific method that gives a frame work for evidence of investigation consists of four basic steps.

  1. A group of observations leads a scientist to ask a question about some phenomenon.
  2. The scientist generates a hypothesis- that is, a potential answer to the question.
  3. The scientist designs and conducts an experiment to test the hypothesis.
  4. Based on the observed results of the experiment the scientist either accepts, rejects or modifies the hypothesis.

The above mentioned four steps in the scientific method helped Pasteur in describing his fermentation experiments.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 9FB

Louis Pasteur, a French microbiologist and chemist, contributed lot to the field of biochemistry, medical and food microbiology. He discovered vaccination process, pasteurization, and microbial fermentation. The process of pasteurization saved the wine, beer, and many food industries, where microorganisms play vital role. Thus, he contributed to food microbiology.

Hence, the correct answer is Louis Pasteur.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 9M

The term “Discoverer of bacteria” perfectly matches with the person “Antoni van Leeuwenhoek”.

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek had great interest in making lenses. With his fascination he made simple microscope for observing very minute things. He examined different substances like tooth scrapings, stool, mud water, rain water etc. He observed some minute living forms mobilizing in the samples. He named them as “animalcules.” He drew the pictures of the animalcules, which he observed. Later on, those animalcules were observed to be prokaryotes, in particular bacterial forms. Thus, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to discover bacteria.

Hence, the correct match is D. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 9MC

(a) Genetic technologist: The person who studies genetics is known as genetic technologist. It deals with DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) structure along with their function. Hence, option (a) is incorrect.

(b) An earth microbiologist: The person who studies about the earth is known as an earth microbiologist. Its study deals with the soil and the properties in the soil. Hence, option (b) is incorrect.

(c) An epidemiologist: The person, who studies the frequency and distribution of the diseases in humans and environment, is known as an epidemiologist. The study helps to prevent from many disease spreading and reoccurrence. Hence, option (c) is incorrect.

(d) An environmental microbiologist: The study of microorganisms and their environment is known as environmental microbiology. The scientist, who studies microorganisms in the environment, is known as environmental microbiologist.

Hence, the correct answer is (d) an environmental microbiologist.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 9SA

Koch has demonstrated four postulates that must be taken to prove the cause of any infectious disease. These steps are known as Koch’s postulates. These include:

  • The causative microorganims must be present in every case of the disease but should not be present in healthy organisms.
  • The suspected microorganims must be isolated and grown outside the host.
  • When the agent is inoculated into a healthy host, the same disease must result.
  • The same microorganism must be isolated from the diseased experimental host.

The term suspected causative agent is used because it is merely suspected until the postulates have been fulfilled, and agent can refer to any fungus, protozoan, bacterium, virus, or other pathogen.

There are practical and ethical limits in the application of Koch’s postulates, but in almost every case they must be satisfied before the cause of an infectious disease is proven.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 10M

The term “Discoverer of protozoa” perfectly matches with the person “Antoni van Leeuwenhoek”.

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek had great interest in making lenses. With his fascination, he made simple microscopes for observing very minute things. He examined different substances like tooth scrapings, stool, mud water, rain water etc. He observed some minute living forms mobilizing in the samples. He named them as “animalcules.”

He drew the pictures of the animalcules, which he observed. Later on, those animalcules were observed to be different classes of bacteria, protozoa, algae, yeasts, erythrocytes, and spermatozoa. Thus, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to discover different microorganism, including protozoa.

Hence, the correct match is D. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 10MC

Robert Koch is a doctor in Germany. He began a race with Pasteur and found the cause of anthrax. He observed the blood of infected animals and identified rod-shaped bacterium. He has taken specimens from disease victims and smeared the specimens on the solid surface. Moreover, he has hypothesized that each colony consists of the progeny of a single cell. He also found the disease tuberculosis is caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Koch and his colleagues are responsible, for so many advantages in microbiology laboratory, such as simple staining technique for bacterial cells and flagella.

In this technique, single basic dye is used; for instance, methylene blue crystal violet, carbol fuschin, and safranine.

In addition, it helps to study the cellular shape and structure of microorganisms. Moreover, he has used Petri dish to hold the solid growth media. He also used first photomicrograph of bacteria. Thus, the option

Hence, the correct option is (d) all of the above.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 10SA

Louis Pasteur was a French microbiologist and chemist. He was well known for his discoveries of the vaccination procedure, pasteurization and fermentation. His valuable contributions and discoveries in the field of microbiology saved many lives. His is best known to the people for his invention of pasteurization.

Hence, he is honored with the title “Father of microbiology.”

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 11M

The term “Founder of antiseptic surgery” perfectly matches with the person “Joseph Lister.”

Joseph Lister was an English surgeon during the time 1827-1912. He has developed a system of antiseptic surgery in order to prevent the microorganisms from entering into the wounds. He started using phenol as antiseptic agent, and sterilized surgical instruments with it. He even used it, while the dressing the wounds.

He has provided many evidences, that microorganisms has great role in causing diseases. He used phenol as antiseptic agent and started research on various substances, which can function as antiseptic agents and disinfecting agents. Thus, Joseph Lister was the first person to implement antiseptic surgery.

Hence, the correct match is I. Joseph Lister.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 1 Answers 12M

The statement “developed the most widely used bacterial staining technique,” describes the person Hans Christian Gram.

Hans Christian Gram was a Danish bacteriologist. He developed a method of distinguishing two major classes of bacteria based on their cell wall composition. This technique is now known as Gram’s stain. This staining process is still continuing as a standard procedure in microbiology.

Hence, the correct match is option (L) Hans Christian gram.


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