ICSE Home Science Question Paper 2015 Solved for Class 10

ICSE Home Science Previous year Question Paper 2015 Solved for Class 10

Section – A [40 Marks]

(Attempt all questions from this section)

Question 1.

(a) What are cool colours? Give any two examples. [2]


Cool colours: Blue, green, purple are basically known as cool colours. These colours bring in freshness and a much relaxed feeling because these are peaceful colours. These colours also create a visual impact having enhanced size and length. Cool colours also provide a balance to the warm colours.

(b) Briefly explain the term home furnishing. [2]


Home furnishing: Home is the place where we are relaxed, fear free and protected/safe. A home provide us shelter. Home furnishing includes systematical furniture, curtains, good art work and other decorations. A home has to be beautiful from outside as well as from the inside. The interior decoration of a home mainly expresses the personality of that person who hold that home or who is the house holder. The exterior of a home should fit its surrounding. Creativity and art is other ability of the home-maker to sound it good from the outside and inside.

Mainly home furnishing include the three objectives on which it is based.

  • Beauty
  • Expressiveness
  • Functionalism

(c) Mention two disadvantages of direct lighting. [2]


  1. Direct lighting interferes with the vision.
  2. It create harshness of shadow causing the eye discomfort and fatigue.

(d) List two uses of a sink in the kitchen. [2]


  1. A sink is mainly used in the kitchen for washing the utensils.
  2. Sink is also used for washing vegetables.
  3. A kitchen sink can also be used for hand washing.

(e) Name any two agencies that help in voluntary savings. [2]


Post office, Bank, Life Insurance Schemes and Public Provident Funds are some agencies which help in voluntary savings.

Question 2.

(a) What is meant by endorsement of a cheque? [2]


Endorsement of a cheque: Endorsement means transferring your ownership to another person by signing on the back of a negotiable instrument (say a cheque).

(b) List two social behaviour patterns developed in early childhood. [2]


In early childhood, the social behaviour patterns developed by a child include quarrelling, co¬operation, teasing, sympathy, dependency, friendliness and social approval.

(c) State two reasons for using warm colours in the house. [2]


Warm colours are mainly associated with rich, bright and energetic look. These colours have an element of sun or fire. These colour make a visual impact of small size and length, hence these are more often used in the rooms: These colours also give warmth and comfort.

(d) Mention two ways to prevent body odour during adolescence. [2]


  1. Take a bath regularly twice in a day.
  2. Clean the area around your private parts, armpits etc. with an anti-bacterial soap.

(e) Differentiate between secondary and tertiary colours. [2]


  1. Secondary colours: When we combine two primary colours we get the secondary colour.

    e.g., Orange (Red + Yellow), Purple (Blue + Red), Green (Yellow + Blue).
  2. Tertiary colours: On combining primary and secondary colours we get tertiary colours.

    e.g., Yellow + Orange = Yellow orange.

Question 3.

(a) What is Binge eating disorder? [2]


Binge eating disorder also called obesity. While we consume huge/large amount of food or when we overeat, we generally feel out of the control and powerless. This disorder generally happend in early childhood or late adolescence.


  • No satisfaction, even when you eat too much.
  • Having tension and stress which is only removed by eating.
  • Unable to control eating habits and weight.

(b) State two reasons why breakfast is the most important meal of the day. [2]


Breakfast is considered as the most essential part of our diet. In a breakfast, we should include some protein food like as milk, eggs, bread etc. For the children and teenager milk is very much essential. Breakfast provide us one-fourth of daily calories and proteins which are required by our body and it is very much essential for maintaining a better performance and a better efficiency. In general, we can say that breakfast provide us the capacity or the energy to start our day with a smiling face.

(c) Mention two precautions to be followed while refrigerating food at home. [2]


Following are the precautions which should be followed while refrigerating food at home :

  • Only fresh food should be kept in the fridge.
  • Frequently defrost and clean the refrigerator.
  • Fruits and vegetables always be kept in the plastic bag to prevent the loss of moisture.
  • Consume the refrigerated food as soon as possible.

(d) How does pickling help to preserve fruits, vegetables and meat? [2]


Pickling is an popular method of preservation of fruits, vegetables and meat. In this method vinegar is used as a preservative. The salt and spices in the pickle also used for flavor as well as a preservative. Oil is also added in the pickle to check the entry of air by forming an oil layer. This layer also reduced the action of microorganisms on the food.

(e) List any two conditions under which Prevention of Food Adulteration Act categorizes food as adulterated. [2]


The PFA Act (Prevention of Food Adulteration) is an act formulated by the Govt, in 1954. It prescribe the minimum requirements for all categorizes of food.


  • If the food contain added inferior and cheaper substances.
  • If it does not satisfy all the standards prescribed by the authorities.
  • If the food is prepared, packed and stored under unsanitary conditions.

These are some conditions which are used by PFA to categorizes food as adulterated.

Question 4.

(a) Mention two reasons of price variation of a product in the market. [2]


  1. The shopkeeper vary the price for his own profit.
  2. Price also vary depending upon the quality of the product.
  3. Also, the purchasing power because it varies in different areas.

(b) How do advertisements mislead and cheat a consumer? [2]


Advertisement mislead the consumer is true because nowadays there are many advertisements which play with the psyche of the consumer like as an add of cosmetic cream which say smooth or make one slim. Consumer buy that product because of that advertisement. We also hear that a company is saying or offering “free” gifts with their product. But who knows whether they add its price with the product we buy.

“Sale” is also an advertisement which make fool of consumers.

(c) What is the advantage of soaking clothes before washing? [2]


Basically, clothes should be soaked in water mainly in soap water, before washing. This is because by doing this the fixed dirt with the cloth becomes loose and easily get washed away. To remove the hard dirt particles or stains we soak the clothes in the soap water.

(d) What are the two major causes of food spoilage ? [2]


Food spoilage is the change in the normal state of food. We can detect such changes by s
mell, taste and sight. Food gets spoiled by a number of factors and reasons. Food spoilage mainly caused by microorganisms, enzymes, climatic variations etc.

(e) What are the two psychological changes observed during adolescence ? [2]


During the stage of adolescence, an adolescent have faced many psychological changes. These changes make him angry, moody and self-retained.

  1. In this stage the adolescent find his identify, want to prove himself.
  2. Want to be independent. Think that whatever he do is right. Self-decision ability arose. These are few psychological changes which occurs at the adolescence period.

Section – B [60 Marks]

(Attempt any four questions from this section)

Question 5.

“It is always desirable that the kitchen should be well planned.” In this context discuss the following:

(a) Characteristics of a good kitchen. [5]


We all know that kitchen is the main and essential part of a home, without kitchen we cannot imagine a home being full. This is the kitchen where a women or any home maker spend most of the time. It cannot be wrong if we call kitchen as a “heart of home”. So a kitchen should be well planned, cheerful, well ventilated and properly lighted. Cross-ventilation is very much essential and for removing the odours there should be an exhaust fan. The paint colour of the kitchen should be light which help in electing the light.

(b) Five important considerations in kitchen planning. [5]


While you are planning for a kitchen following consideration should be there :

  1. Aspect: It mean in which direction a kitchen should be. Mainly we should have to plan a kitchen in east or north east because by doing so we can get the early morning rays of the sun.
  2. Size: This is an important consideration which should always be in your mind while planning for a kitchen. A kitchen should always be large such that at a time two or three person can work. Size of the kitchen should be such enough that you can put all your accessories in the kitchen like as refrigerator, oven and other storage.
  3. Windows and Doors: For proper ventilation and proper circulation of air windows are necessory in the kitchen.
  4. Storage: Proper storage in a kitchen is very much essential. Shelves in the cupboards should be properly designed. Drawer should have movable dividers.

(c) Colour scheme suitable for a kitchen. [5]


Colour scheme for a kitchen: Colour scheme for a kitchen should be attractive and calm. Light colours should be used in the kitchen. Warm colour or dark colour should be avoided. White and light coloured walls generally are best for visibility. A well designed and well coloured kitchen provides a comfortable working. Wrong colour in the kitchen may create a bad feeling.

Question 6.

“Budgeting is the first step in Money management.” In this context explain the following :

(a) Steps in preparing a family budget. [5]


Steps in preparing a family budget:

It include the following steps :

  • Prepare a list of commodities and other services which are needed by the family members.
  • After preparing the list now estimate the cost of the desired items.
  • Now, bring your expected income and expenditure in balance.
  • Always check your plans to see if these are realistic. Means whether the needs of the members have been met or not.

(b) Importance of saving deposits. [5]


Importance of saving deposits :

The main and useful importances of saving deposits are given below :

  • It becomes a source of income.
  • Such deposits are important during an emergency such as natural calamity, loss.
  • These are also useful for marriage, child education.
  • Also used in the future.
  • Reduced insecurity especially when you get old.

(c) The two most important functions of a bank. [5]


Functions of a Bank :

Bank is an institution which accepts deposits from the public and in return advances loans by creating credit. Banks perform so many functions and provide varieties of services to the present society.

  1. A bank receive deposits from the public for the purpose of making investments and granting loans.
  2. The bank also lends out the money which it gets from the deposits of the public.
  3. Bank also grant loans for, a specific time period.

There are many other functions which a bank do. These were few of them.

Question 7.

“Adolescence is an emotionally trying period with an adolescent coping with rapid physiological changes.” In this context answer the following :

(a) Any five common emotional problems faced by a adolescent. [5]


Adolescent mainly have a number of emotional problems. Adolescents must have learn to control and express their emotions in a very systematic and socially approved manner. If these emotions cannot be controlled they leads some major problems.

  1. Experiment with sex and drugs, (sexual abuse)
  2. Feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem.
  3. Eating disorders – Fear of becoming over weight.
  4. Jealously.
  5. Social acceptance – Adolescents do a lot of things out of the desire for the acceptance and approval of their friends and society. If we neglect a child the child feel frustrated, dejected and neglected. This is a problem for the adolescent. Hence, we should take care of it.

(b) Ways of dealing with emotions. [5]


  1. Be honest with yourself.
  2. We should find ways (positive) to express anger.
  3. Be aware of one’s emotional level.
  4. Be able to distinguish others emotions.

(c) Role of peer group. [5]


Role of Peer Groups: In the adolescence stage, adolescent want somebody with whom he can share his feelings. So at this stage groups are formed. Adolescent give more importance to the peers than any other in his life. A peer group can give a stabilise influence to the adolescent. Peers can mobilize the energy of the adolescent, motivate him for success and also encourage the adolescent to adopt a healthy behaviour.

Peers often listen, accept and undertand the frustrations, challenges associated with an adolescent.

Question 8.

“Meal planning includes food purchase, storage and meal preparation.” In this context explain the following.

(a) Importance of meal planning. [5]


Importance of Meal Planning:

Meal planning is basically done to satisfy the nutritional needs of the family members according to their age and occupation.

  • Meal planning firstly determines the adequancy of the diet.
  • Better choice of food.
  • Helps to maintain a healthy life.
  • Beneficial for the old age persons.
  • Good exercise for the house wife.
  • Fulfill the nutritional value of the family.

(b) Classification of food on the basis of moisture content for the purpose of storage. Give two examples for each. [5]


Higher the moisture content greater the chances of food spoilage. On the basis of the moisture content food are classified into three categories :

  1. Perishable foods: These cannot be stored for more than 2-3 days under normal conditions. For example, Milk and milk products, meat etc.
  2. Semi perishable foods: Foods which do not require refrigeration, still have a limited shelf life. It can be stored for couple of weeks. For example, Cooking oil, butter, nuts, cheese etc.
  3. Non-perishable foods: These can be stored for a longer time as com
    pared to perishable and semi-perishable foods. For example, cereals, pulses, sugar, coffee and salt constitute this group.

(c) Personal hygiene and food handling a major aspect to prevent contamination of food. [5]


We know that food hygiene implies cleanliness in production and storage.

The safe handling of food should be in a way that it will remains safe and free from contamination. If we handle food in a incorrect way, the bacteria and other toxic material finds entry into the system and make us sick.

If we handle and prepare food with correct food handling practices and personal hygiene we can prevent us from being sick.

Some tips for safe handling of food are given :

  • Wash your hand while preparing or eating food.
  • Keep you nails short.
  • Cover the food with lid.
  • Use clean utensils for storage of food.

Question 9.

(a) Explain any five consumer rights as recognized by the Consumer Protection Act. [5]


Consumer Rights:

  1. Right to choose: It means right to be assured, wherever possible the access to variety of goods and services at competitive price, satisfactory quality and service at a fair price.
  2. Right to safety: It means right to be protected against the marketing of goods and services, which are hazardous to life and the product not only meets their immediate needs but also fulfills long term interests.
  3. Right to be informed or information: It means right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods so as the consumer should insist on getting all the information about the product or services before making a choice.
  4. Right to Redress : It means right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupluous exploitation of consumers.
  5. Right to be Heard : It means that consumer interests will receive due considerations at appropriate forums. It also includes consumer welfare.

(b) What are the objectives of consumer education ? [5]


Objective of Consumer Education: Consumer education mainly aims at making consumers aware about what, where, when, how and how much to buy. It develops critical awareness and living skills which are oriented towards building a better future for all. Consumer education assists the buyer in wise selection of goods to meet family requirements.

Consumer education is extremely important for every individual. This awareness safeguards the consumer interests for better living.

Consumer education enables an individual to :

  • Have proper knowledge and information as regards the items/services needed in day-to-day life.
  • Make better use of their money thus improving the standard of living.
  • Make intelligent choices and be better prepared for everyday living.
  • Derive maximum satisfaction from the product or item or service used.

(c) How are argemone seeds used as an adulterant ? What are the health hazards of consuming it? [5]


Argemone seeds are the most common adulterant used in the present days. These seeds are obtained from Argemone maxicans. These seeds are closely resembles with the mustard seeds. Little tail at one end is the difference between the both. Regular consumption of its oil results in the epidemic dropsy. Collection of watery fluid in the tissue of the body mainly causes swelling. Other effects are gastro-intestinal disturbance, irregular fever with rashes and many others.

Question 10.

Explain the following:

(a) Methods of applying friction in laundering of clothes. [5]


In laundering of clothes, friction is applied by hands only. In laundering, we apply friction on the clothes by rubbing them with brushes and scrub the clothes in one direction. With the help of a stick we can also apply friction. The clothes are soaped and soaked and after that friction is applied to remove the dirt particles and the stains. Water is sprinkled by time to time during the application of friction.

(b) Household method of laundering a silk garment. [5]


Steps followed for laundering a silk garment are as follows :

  1. Preparation: Firstly examine the garments for holes, tears and stains.
  2. Steeping: If the garments are much soiled it can be done in luke warm or cold water for a short time (10-15 minutes).
  3. Washing: Should be washed with gentle handling using kneading and squeezing method. Use neutral soaps for washing.
  4. Rinsing: Should be done in clear tap water. Last rinse with vinegar increases lusture of silk garment.
  5. Stiffening: It requires a treatment of gum water for stiffness, proper shape and shine.
  6. Drying and Ironing: Coloured silk should be dried in shade while white silk in sunlight. Silk should be properly ironed before they are completely dry.

(c) Hoarding and black marketing as a major problem faced by consumers. [5]


Both of these are the biggest problems that are faced by the consumers. When a dealer stock an essential commodity and create its artificial scarcity it is known as hoarding. Black marketing is buying or selling hoarded goods secretly at a higher price. Such practices create problems for the consumers. Because consumers have to pay a very high price to buy those commodities whose price are relatively less.

ICSE Class 10 Home Science Previous Years Question Papers

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