How to Write a Good Essay | Write a Good Essay for Students and Children in English

How to Write a Good Essay: An essay is a piece of article surrounding a given subject where the writer expresses their opinion. Depending on the purpose of writing, you can classify into a range of types like academic, descriptive, creative, formal, informal, etc. Though there are numerous types of essays, all the essays follow a particular format.

Introduction: The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph which introduces the topic to the readers. Use simple sentences to describe the theme in brief. You are also required to write a thesis statement which is the backbone of your essay.

Body Paragraphs: Typically, an essay contains a minimum of two body paragraphs. The body paragraphs explain and elaborate on the thesis statement. You can provide shreds of evidence to support your theory.

Conclusion: A conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. It highlights the vital points of the body paragraphs. You can add a hook statement and use transition phrases to make it more appealing.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Types of Essays

There are many types of essays that you can write. You can determine what type of essay it is by the subject. A severe topic will mean that it might be argumentative, persuasive, definition, compare and contrast, opinion or such essay types. An easy-going topic might mean that it is an informal, personal, or biography essay.

Some essays tell a story, some answers a question, some help to build your point of view. Hence, it is more important to select an appropriate topic for your essay, rather than thinking about what type of category it falls into. If you are mainly required to write a particular format for essay, you can research about that category specifically before you commence writing.

Steps of Writing an Essay

These are the basic categories of an essay. Now let us move on to how to write a proper essay. There are a few steps you can follow to make the writing very productive.

You can sit down and brainstorm everything you know about the subject you are about to write.

You can then continue to jot down the points in a blank sheet. Now check if the information you have is correct factually correct. If it is not, you can change it to the correct one.

See if the points you have accumulated are enough to fill the essay.In most cases, you might need to research for more information.

Next, you have to focus on your subject. Think about what kind of essay is demanded from your subject. Is it an informative, serious topic, or is it an informal and personal article?

Decide how you want to approach the topic. If it is a serious and informative essay, settle down, and concentrate on the topic. If it is a general subject, you can listen to some music. The most challenging task is to get started with your work.

If the work seems daunting, you will want to delay it. So push yourself and think that you will only write two lines and then keep the rest for later. You will see that you will want to keep writing the remaining essay as soon as you finish the first two lines. It is best not to take up the entire essay in one go. Divide it into small chunks. This method is fruitful in all difficult tasks of life.

How to Choose a Topic for your Essay

If no one has assigned you with any topic, it is a blessing to be able to select your topic. Choosing a topic might seem daunting, but it isn’t. When you get a topic from your teachers and professors, it does not always correspond with your vision. Hence, it is better to choose your own if given the opportunity. Let’s narrow down your topics.


Write a list of ideas regarding the theme or topic you have chosen. Brainstorming is fun if you can concentrate on it for about ten minutes. You can then take a break and come back to it later. When you return, you can highlight the most exciting points from the list.


After you have finished the first step, you can research the topic you have chosen from Google. If the search results bring forth numerous search results, it is not a good sign. Getting many search results mean that you will not have any problem with your research, but it also means that you have chosen an average subject. Choosing a mediocre topic means that your writing with overlap with ones written previously and there will not be much creativity in your piece.

Select a topic which makes you excited

Since your writing will reflect your mental state, it is best to choose a topic which you are excited about. Readers can pick up the vibe of the writer with ease. Hence, if you are excited about your theme, your readers will pick up on the vibe and feel the thrill along the journey. Since you are passionate about the subject, you will not feel as if you have to do a tremendous amount of work for the essay.

Approve your topic from your professor or teacher

You can select two or three topics and then present them to your teacher and let them choose one that they like. It will show how much you have worked on the essay and how much thought you have put into it. You can show them why you prefer one more than the other to impress them even more.

How to Create a Catchy Title

A title is the first thing that catches the eye of the reader. It plays a crucial role in hooking your readers in the first hit. A few characteristics of a good title are-

It should be eye-catching- The title should be relevant but might also be a bit controversial so that the readers are intrigued by it. It should attract attention. Though it is best not to write a scandalous title.

It should not contain a question- You can use rhetorical questions in the body of the essay. Your title can, however, have a hidden question.

Only use active voice- Nowadays, passive voice is considered a bad taste in any article. You do not need to use the passive voice in your paper to make it sound more serious.

Don’t make it too long- Long and extended titles are not welcome. You can stick to writing short and crisp titles. Long ones are not catchy at all. Hence it is best to avoid it.

Essay Writing Format

The format that every essay requires is:


The introduction of an essay is the introductory paragraph where the writer talks about what their subject states. The introduction should speak about the subject in general. It should also contain a theses statement. A thesis statement is a sentence which describes the writer’s point of view on the subject. An introduction is the beginning of the article. Hence you can consider writing it with the utmost care and concentration.

Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs are where the main body of the essay is. An article should contain a minimum of two body paragraphs. The thesis statement, mentioned in the introduction, is proved with pieces of evidence in the body paragraphs. This portion is typically the largest piece of the writing. Use all the information you have gathered about your term, all the tactics like negation here. Use each method and knowledge in a separate paragraph.

You should not club two pieces of information or two different tactics or arguments in the same section. Describe the subject as much as you possibly can. Throw in all the background history, the etymology, the similarities to other words, any tactics you can to prove why all should accept your definition of the subject provided in the thesis statement.

You can use any quotes from novels and articles to prove your point and support the thesis statement. The body paragraphs should be made attractive with the use of vivid imageries and recent information.


A conclusion is the next crucial aspect that comes after the body paragraphs. A conclusion where the writer discloses what happens after all the turn of events. It is fundamental in the case of an essay. It deals with bringing all the loose ends together and gives the final touch and closure. Since the conclusion is the last paragraph of the article, you should consider writing it in such a way that it leaves a lasting impression on the readers.

FAQ’s on How to Write a Good Essay

Question 1.  

How can I write a plan for an essay?


It is a well-known method to make a plan or an outline before writing a well thought out essay. Though it might seem tedious to make a plan, it works. You can follow the plan when writing your paper. The outline works for both school essays, as well as college or university essays. The outline will guide you on how to make a profound impact on your readers and also help you to arrange your thoughts.

Question 2. 

How can I make quality research for an essay?


You can follow the tips to write a standard essay:

  • You can research on Google Scholar and not on standard Google Search to get relevant results.
  • You can limit your time for research to learn how to manage your time.
  • You can look for up-to-date sources and news to get access to the reference required for the paper.
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