Hazarat Ali’s Birthday

Hazarat Ali’s Birthday 2018: Birthdate of Hazrat Ali and Celebrations

Hazarat Ali Birthday 2018
Hazarat Ali’s birthday 2018 would be celebrated on 29th March, Thursday.

Hazarat Ali’s Birthday
The full name of the Hazarat Ali was Ali ibn Abi Talib who was born on 13th Rajab 22 or 16 BH ≈ 600 or September 20, 601 or July 17, 607 CE at Kaaba, Mecca, Arabia and died on 21st Ramadhan 40 AH ≈ Jan. 27, 661 CE at Great Mosque of Kufa, Kufa, Iraq. He was buried at Imam Ali Mosque, Najaf, Iraq. He was the son of Abu Talib (father) and Fatima bint Asad (mother) as well as cousin and son-in-law of the Muhammad (Islamic prophet).

Hazarat Ali was the 1st Muslim male who had accepted the Islam. Sunni and Shia were two branches of the Muslim community Ummah. He was considered as the 4th and last man of the Rashidun by the Sunnis community whereas he was considered as the 1st Imam by the Shias community. He was the only man who born at the holiest place of Islam means Kaaba sanctuary in the Mecca.

He took part in almost all the processions and battles fought by his Muslim community from Mecca. Muhammad Companions selected him a Caliph as their third caliph (Uthman ibn Affan) was assassinated. During his reign, he was attacked while praying at the mosque of Kufa in the early morning and died just after two days of the attack.

Hazarat Ali is the most respected and recognized person in the Muslim culture for his great work, courage, belief and devotion to the Islam, knowledge and generosity. His whole life history has become a big influence to the Islamic history. He declared the Islam at his 10 and became the first male who embraced the Islam.

Hazarat Ali’s Birthday Celebration
Hazarat Ali’s Birthday is the great celebration in the Islam, celebrated all over the India as well as outside the country with big enthusiasm and joy by the Muslim community as a Muslin culture. The day is celebrated annually as an event to dedicate the great person to remember his memories and good works.

At this day, Muslim people from every community come together to celebrate the Hazarat Ali’s birthday as well as to distribute the real message of love and care among each other. People get engaged in preparing variety of traditional dishes to enjoy and serve to the entire family. Family members, relatives and other near and dear ones come together to meet and enjoy with each other at one place. They eat their meal together in the name of their great prophet.

They clean up their houses, decorate with lights, colorful and nice smelling flowers and enjoy through the entire day with their friends and family. Mosques are also decorated to celebrate this huge festival and feast by organizing a big event. They engage in the prayer meetings, singing hymns and etc. It has not been declared as an official holiday by the government however, Muslims take off from their job and celebrate this occasion with immense passion.

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