Government Letter Formats | List of 35 Government Letter Formats

Government Letter Formats: A Government letter is a letter written between different offices and departments of government, autonomous bodies, and government or semi-government. These letters are written by the concerned authoritative officer in his official capacity and for the use of the office.

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There are 35 government letter formats. They are here as follows:

Request for Volunteers

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



The political campaign is consuming hours and hours of exhausting work and still, there is much more work to be done. This is the reason why I am writing this letter to you to ask you if you could spare some time to volunteer us in the campaign.

There is no need to have a political science degree or any special expertise. The volunteers are the most important part of a political machine and should believe in the candidate they are working with. We need someone who can help us with phone calls, typing, data entry, deliveries, and a lot more.

Contact us if you would like to volunteer and be a part of this campaign. We look forward to hearing from you.


Robert Anderson

Request for Volunteers

Offer To Volunteer for Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I support your campaign and I know how much work goes into a political campaign and I wanted to volunteer my services.

Time and area of experience aren’t the problems as I have both to offer for the campaign. Please give me a call if you would like to talk further or arrange a meeting with me.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to being a part of your campaign.


Robert Anderson

Negative Letter About A Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you about the other side of your candidate who is running for the office. The elections draw nearer and although the ads are painting a good image of him, he has another side, a dark side that you should know about before you vote for him.

(details and reasons)

Now you will know why I am against him in his campaign for office. He has kept this as a secret and runs things so quietly that even you wouldn’t suspect him. I hope you make the right decision.

Thank you


Robert Anderson

Negative Letter About A Candidate

Fundraiser for Political Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that we need some financial help from our loyal supporters like you to move one step closer to victory as running a political campaign is costly.

This is the reason why I’d like you to give as a small amount to the candidacy of (candidate name). Below, you can fill in your amount how much you’d like to give and then return this letter and the donation cheque in the envelope.

I would like to give:

$20____ $40 ____$80___$120____ other amount $____

Thank you for your support and consideration.


Robert Anderson

Down To The Wire Direct-Mail Letter

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



As you all know elections are almost here and I’m writing this letter to ask you one last time for your support. Your vote is important. Those who are already planning to vote for me, you have my thanks and respect but if you aren’t in my favor I would like to convince you that I am the best choice.

(details and reasons)

I hope you will take the decision after considering all the facts and you’ll look closely at the candidates and make the right choice.

Thank you for your time and support at the polls.


Robert Anderson

Down To The Wire Direct-Mail Letter

Down To The Wire Ballot Initiative Letter

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



As you all know elections are almost here and I’m writing this letter to ask you one last time for your support. Your vote is important. Those who are already planning to vote for me, you have my thanks and respect but if you aren’t in my favor I would like to convince you that I am the best choice.

(details and reasons)

I hope you will take the decision after considering all the facts and you’ll look closely at the candidates and make the right choice.

Thank you for your time and support at the polls.


Robert Anderson

Direct Mail Letter for Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that elections are in November and some important issues will be decided then. Voting is the main issue that will decide who will be the next elected candidate and I would like to convince you and earn your vote.

(reasons why they should vote for you)

Throughout the campaign, you will learn more about me through political ads and media and you’ll learn more about me and you’ll get to know what I stand for and why I am the best choice.

Thank you for your time and I hope you will make the right choice by voting for me.


Robert Anderson

Direct Mail Letter for Candidate

Announcement Of A Public Appearance By A Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This is to inform you about the opportunity to see and meet one of the leading candidates for the office in the next election. (name) will be appearing on (location, date, day, and time)

(description). Please arrive on time as the seating is limited.

(directions). Please join(name) along with the other voters at this prestigious public event. We look forward to seeing you there.


Robert Anderson

Support for The President

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



We all know that we are constantly dealing with the stress as your job is you are the President but things can’t be much easier with the current situation we are dealing with right now.

This is to inform you that you are doing a wonderful job as President and you have my full support. Keep up the good work and have confidence in what you believe.

Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Support for The President

Questioning About Touring The White House

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



I am (your title), and I am writing to try to arrange a personal appearance by you at <event> on (date/location).

I know you are busy in campaigning, policy meetings, strategy sessions, travel, and many other demands. However, this is an important event and something that I think would benefit you as well as (name). Most importantly, it would be a great honor for us.

I am not sure how to arrange something like this, so I decided to address it directly to you. If possible, please see that this request is passed on to a department that can at least let me know if such an appearance is possible. If it is possible, I will do everything in my power to arrange it.

Thank you very much for your time and keep up the good work!


Robert Anderson

A Personal Question

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This is to inform you that I have a question I wanted to ask you for a long time, Mr. President. I know this out of line and I shouldn’t be asking you this but I have to ask you this.


This isn’t a question someone should ask in the mail and I know it is a rather personal question and I’m sorry if it offended you in any way.

Thank you! Any reply would be appreciated.


Robert Anderson

A Personal Question

An Idea for President

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



I am (your name), and I am (your age). I am writing you this letter because (reason). I have some questions that I hope you will answer for me.


It would be an honor if you could answer these questions for me and revert with a letter with your signature. Thank you and keep doing a good job.


Robert Anderson

Offering Assistance To A Representative

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



My name is (name) and I have this (skills) set of skills. I would like to assist you in any way required as per my skills.


Please give me a call if you would accept my offer of assistance. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Offering Assistance To A Representative

Congratulating A Representative

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This is to inform you that I just wanted to drop you a quick letter to congratulate you on your victory. I know you worked hard to earn the prize, and it is a pleasure to see you enjoying it.

Congratulations again and Take care.


Robert Anderson

Complimenting To A Representative

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I just wanted to thank you for your (positive action). Your work was extraordinary and outstanding, and you represented a great service to the people.

Thank you for your efforts and consideration.


Robert Anderson

Complimenting To A Representative

Complaining To A Representative

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you about how disappointed and upset I am at your actions.

I know you have done good things and good actions before but your actions like these(details) have turned me against you.

You must address the public with an explanation for your actions. Make it clear that public opinion does matter to you and respond. These types of actions will not lead you to a victory but downhill.

I look forward to your reply.


Robert Anderson

Asking A Representative To Make A Speaking Appearance

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I wanted to ask you a question.

The reason I’m asking this question is that (reason).

Any information you give me would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Asking A Representative To Make A Speaking Appearance

Asking A Question Of A Representative

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I wanted to ask you a question.

The reason I’m asking this question is that (reason).

Any information you give me would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Underpaid Taxes

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that for the tax year (year), I have discovered that I underpaid my income tax. I paid (amount), while upon further calculation I should have paid (amount). I believe this underpayment means I owe the government a balance of (amount), plus any interest and penalties.

It would mean a great deal if you forgive me for this unintentional mistake and contact me as soon as possible to let me know about any interest or penalties that may be applicable. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Underpaid Taxes

Overpaid Taxes

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I have a tax audit scheduled for (date). Unfortunately, I am not able to meet the IRS requirements for the audit by that date. I hope that the date can be changed.


I would like the audit moved back or later if possible. This would give me sufficient time to prepare. If there is a problem or the arrangement is possible, please contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Robert Anderson

Late Tax Payment

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I apologize that I’m late in sending my tax return this year. I know there will be some penalties for late filing and I understand that but I thought this is my duty to inform you why my return is late.


These reasons are the reason why I’m late in filing but I believe this is a valid reason and I hope you will see your way and waive off the penalties and interest involved. Contact me for a face-to-face discussion of this matter. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Late Tax Payment

Filing By Phone

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This is to ask you how to file my income tax by phone. I would like to file my income tax by phone this year but I’ve never used this filing method before so I have some queries.

What number do I call? Are there specific consulting hours? (other questions)

Please contact me as I want the appropriate information as soon as possible and avoid any mistake.

Thank you for your time and efforts.


Robert Anderson

Filing By Internet

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to ask you how to file my income tax on the internet. I would like to file my income tax by internet this year but I’ve never used this filing method before so I have some queries.

should I get on the World Wide Web, or is there a proper online system that must be used? If the Web is used, what is the site address? (other questions)

Please contact me as I want the appropriate information as soon as possible and avoid any mistake.

Thank you for your time and efforts.


Robert Anderson

Filing By Internet

Disputing Tax Bill

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I hired to prepare my yearly taxes and I trusted that the result would be correct. Unfortunately, it was not. The tax preparation stated that I owe (amount) to the IRS. This is clearly in error and I have no intention or obligation of paying that amount.

I would like a discussion with an IRS representative and see if we can reach an acceptable solution in my favor. I can provide the necessary documents to the IRS and prove that I am not mistaken.

This is an unacceptable error and must be rectified immediately. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Claiming Exemption

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This is to inform you that I am exempted from paying federal income tax for this year, because (reason for tax exemption).

Please let me know if there is a problem with this statement immediately. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Claiming Exemption

Asking Tax Questions

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I was filing my income tax and I raised some questions.


I hope you will contact me with the answers as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

Questioning About Policy

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that I wanted to ask you about an issue and this is an important issue. I would like to know how you would plan to act on it in the future. (important issue)


Information like this will help the government and make it aware of the government’s stance in this. Please respond to this mail. Thank you for your time.


Robert Anderson

A Child’S Question To President

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



I am (your name), and I am (your age). I am writing you this letter because (reason). I have some questions that I hope you will answer for me.


It would be an honor if you could answer these questions for me and revert with a letter with your signature. Thank you and keep doing a good job.


Robert Anderson

A Child’S Question To President

Government Letter With Snapshots


Lenny D Souza


Dated: xx June 20xx

Subject: letter for travel authorization

Respected Mr. D Souza,

This letter is to inform you that I am authorizing my son Norman Creed, a sixth-grade student in your respected school, to travel for the school excursion organized by your school in June.

This is an appreciable act by the school for organizing such a Historical excursion to little Isles. This will help to increase the general knowledge of the students. This will even help the students to gain travel experience.

Trips like these even help the students to become more independent. My son is so excited to go on this trip that he does not want to miss it at any cost and I cannot wait to hear all about it. I am sure the school will be good to him and help him understand what he doesn’t.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Jonathan creed

Letter To Government for Better School System

The Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa

Mayor of Los Angeles

14410 Sylvan Street#211

Van Nuys, CA

Dear Mayor Villaraisoga,

This letter is to inform you, on behalf of myself and my colleagues of the Los Angeles Unified School District that we are concerned with the condition of our school system. The quality of Los Angeles schools has dropped down drastically over the years due to the budget cuts.

I am a teacher in East Elementary school and our school is facing trouble now. We have children who need individual attention as well as the best education. The morale of students, teachers as well as parents is low as they are not getting proper supplies, the books are out of date and the syllabus is vast. The infrastructure is poor and inadequate and the playgrounds are not safe for the kids to play.

As the Mayor of Los Angeles, I am aware that you have a tightly packed schedule but if you could find some solution to this problem and help our school with the budget it would be much appreciated. I am a concerned teacher and a concerned parent and looking for the best means to provide the students the education they need.

I hope to reply with a positive reply. Thank you for the time and efforts you do for our city.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Scott

First-grade teacher

East Elementary School

Letter To Government To Stop Unfavorable Construction

Dear Government Official,

This letter is to inform you about the unfavorable construction of the cruise ship terminal in Bimini that should be stopped. Fourteen dive sites in Bimini will be affected due to the construction of this terminal and this will hurt the environment as well.

I have gained information from Environmental Impact Assessment shows that the construction in Bimini is just bad news in disguise. Stop this construction and protect our environment.

Freedom of Information Act should be implemented to protect the environment from developments like these in the future. Please help save the Bimini from so-called development. God Bless Bimini!


Concerned Bimini Citizen

Letter To Government To Stop Unfavorable Construction

Letter To Government Official for Social Development

Dear (name of the official),

This is to inform you that 10th march each year will be observed as Histotechnology Professionals Day. The scientific and technical personnel will be recognized this day for their work in the laboratory that gives us the best possible health care.

I am appointed as the coordinator of the Histotechnology Professionals day for this state and we would appreciate being officially recognized in our state.

I, on behalf of every scientific and technical personnel, request you to participate in a ceremony to sign a proclamation declaring a celebration of Histotechnology Professionals Day.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



Letter To Government About Tax

(Recipients name)


(State, ZIP code)

Subject: (Intention of the letter)

Dear (recipients name),

This letter is to inform you about the tax system for this year. I would like to suggest that the taxes should be reduced to an affordable amount as per my experience. Taxes like Value Added taxes should be more tolerable but most importantly, the tax system should be more simpler and understandable to avoid exploitation, extortion, and corruption.

These reasons would be beneficial for everyone and they will gain support from the public. Everyone’s aim is that maximum tax should be collected but at the same time savings are unchanged.

I would request you to look into this situation and make efforts for an effective and affordable tax system. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing positive changes in the government’s tax system.


(Sender’s Name)

Letter To Government Official

(Name of the Government Official)

(Official’s Title)

(Section of Government)

Dear (title and name of the official),

This is to inform you that World AIDS Day is near and we must take critical steps for the women and girls who are vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. Unwanted pregnancy among HIV-positive women is on the rise. HIV through sexual transmission is rising dramatically. This deadly disease will not stop affecting women and girls until some measures are not taken.

In many parts of the world, marriage poses more threats of HIV infection. Through global facts, almost eighty percent of the women who get infected are married or in a long-term relationship. Even Educational Institutions and Hospitals have made it mandatory for everyone to know the importance of protection and cleanliness for HIV prevention but still, the infection is increasing rapidly.

Women and girls will only get a true chance at survival and relaxation when strong financial planning and political support for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and strong family planning services take place. I hope you will look into this matter and take measures accordingly.

Thank you for your time.


(Your name)

(Title and organization)

Letter To Government Official

Support for Political Candidate

1234, Main Street

Boston, MA 02123

05 April 2005



This letter is to inform you that the elections draw near and you probably are aware that (candidate name) is running the office. As he is the only choice that makes sense for the interest group, I want you to take a closer look at his(candidate name) work.

(Details and Reasons)

(Candidate name) is the most suitable person for this campaign and I’d like you to do the same. Contact me and I’ll send you further information and facts about the importance of these elections.

Thank you for your time and I hope to see us working together.


Robert Anderson

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