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First Highest Dam in the World?

Know Which is First Highest Dam in the World? Know about Location of the Nurek Dam, its Construction and Civil details, and Nurek Hydroelectric Power Plant. Also know about FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions) related to Nurek Dam.

Which is the Widest River in the World?

Know Which is the Widest River in the World? Know about the Quick Facts of Amazon River, Headwaters of Amazon, its Origin and History including Flow of the Amazon and Myths Related with Amazon. Also know some Frequently Asked Questions…

Major Types of Forests in India

India is very rich in forests. There are many types of forests. The differences in the character of forests are due to variations in climate, soil, elevation of the lauds, etc. Roughly speaking, there are five types of forests in India.…

Cash Crops: Major Cash Crops in India

What is the meaning of Cash crop? A crop that has good demand and has a ready market for sale, An agricultural crop that is grown with the object of making profit by selling them, A crop that is grown for sale rather than for personal use…

Major Climatic Zones of India

India is a big country and possesses a great diversity in physio-graphical features. India has therefore a variety of climatic environments in different regions of the country. The climatic zones of India can be broadly divided into six…