Summer Season Essay | Essay on Summer Season for Students and Kids in English

Essay on Summer Season in English: Summer Season is the hottest season of the year having the longest days. Essay on Summer Season is an important topic for students from an academic perspective. Writing an essay on the topic of the summer not only helps them understand the season better, but also cope with the season more effectively.

Long and Short Essays on Summer Season for Students and Kids in English

However, there are a few guidelines that students are advised to follow when writing About summer season in English. These tips and tricks will enable students to secure more marks for their essays and perfect their writing techniques. Long Essay on Summer Season is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Short Essay on Summer season is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more

Essay on Summer Season Writing Tips & Guidelines

  • Provide an introductory paragraph about the summer season essay. State any background information or a brief history if possible.
  • Since this is an academic essay, use a formal style of writing. (avoid slangs)
  • Use specifics such as names, places, dates or other information that provides an unambiguous picture.
  • Organize the essay using subheadings.
  • Jargon may have to be avoided unless the essay specifically requires it.
  • Ensure that the content is presented in digestible chunks or paragraphs.
  • Present facts or other pertinent information in bulleted points
  • When ending the essay, use a concluding paragraph summarizing the important points
  • If time permits, read through the essay once before submission.

Composition on Summer Season

Short Essay on Summer Season 250 Words in English

Essay about Summer season Introduction: Around the world, the summer season is generally the hottest of the four seasons. It begins after spring and is followed by autumn. Usually, the exact date of the beginning of summer varies according to the climate, culture, and traction. Moreover, when it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa.

How is Summer Season Defined?

From an astronomical perspective, the solstices and the equinoxes would technically be the middle of the respective seasons. Summer in astronomical terms is defined as starting at the solstice, often identified on the 21st day of June or December. From a meteorological perspective, the summer season is defined as the months comprise of June, July and August in the northern hemisphere and the months comprise of December, January and February in the southern hemisphere. The most commonly viewed notion of summer aligns almost perfectly with the meteorological definition of summer. Summer is generally seen as the months that comprise the warmest days of the year.

Children Activities in Summer Season

During the summer months, there is also a general increase in outdoor activities. People tend to spend more time outdoors and perform various activities such as visiting the beach, going to picnics and playing various sports. Moreover, the number of water sports and water-related activities greatly increases during the summer.

Generally, schools are closed during the summers and as a result, there is a significant increase in vacation and travel. Parallelly, children’s cable channels (such as Disney) release television shows during the summer months. To sum up, the summer season is one of the most active seasons as supported by the number of activities that people undertake.

Long Essay on Summer Season 350 Words in English

Summer Season paragraph Introduction: The summer season, as we all know, is the hottest among the four seasons. In many places around the world, summer becomes unbearably hot as temperatures quickly soar. However, that does not stop most people from enjoying the summer.

Importance of Summer Season

In many places in India, as well as around the world, summers are seen as a season of travel and leisure. This is because most school-age students and college students have summer vacations during the summer months. Graduate and post-graduate students may seek out summer internships and jobs during this season. Businesses that are involved in tourism, travel and recreation often peak during these months.

Effects of Summer Season

The four seasons, from an astronomical view, would be the middle of the equinoxes and the solstices. Then summer would be the start of the solstice, often identified with the 21st day of December or June. However, our general notion of summer closely coincides with the meteorological definition of summer: The months of June, July and August in the northern hemisphere and the months of December, January and February in the southern hemisphere forms the summer season.

Festivals and Holidays in Summer Season

The onset of the summer season is also recognized by cultural and traditional views seen in various cultures around the world. For instance, there are many festivals celebrated in India during the summer seasons. Most popular include: Mahavir Jayanthi, Ganagaur, Chithirai Festival and Ram Navami. Moreover, many public holidays fall during this season – for instance, Independence Day in India is observed on August 15th every year. The Summer Olympics Games is also hosted during this season, with the next scheduled to begin from July 24th, 2020

Effects of Life in Summer Season

Traditionally, summers are associated with hot and warm weather. In some parts of the world, summer may be associated with dry weather, such as the Mediterranean regions. Other regions, such as Eastern Asia associate summers with rain. It is also common for storms in many parts of the world to peak during the summer seasons. Historically, most schools and colleges have breaks or vacations during the summer seasons. However, the exact dates may vary according to the region.

FAQ’s On Summer Season Essay in English

Question 1.

When is summer beginning in the Northern Hemisphere?


The summer season will begin in June 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere.

Question 2.

When is summer beginning in the Southern Hemisphere?


The summer season will begin in December 2020 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Question 3.

Why summer is my Favourite season?


The summer season is my favorite season because the school has a vacation and it is the time to play so many outdoor games. This Summer is my favorite season.

Question 4.

Why is the summer season important?


Summer Season is important because before this season earth will be occupied by humidity to remove this Warmth condition on earth summer season is important.

Question 5.

What is the summer season in English?


The summer season is one of the seasons among the four seasons. In some places, it is the hottest season and in some other places, it is the wettest season with moist rain.

Question 6.

What happens during the summer season?


The summer season will begin in June 2020 in the Northern Hemisphere and will begin in December 2020 in the Southern Hemisphere, this happens because the earth is tilted towards the sun.


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