Debate on Artificial Intelligence | Risks and Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Debate on Artificial Intelligence: Good morning respected jury members, respected teachers, my worthy opponents, and my dear friends.

All of us are quite aware of why we assembled here today. Standing in the twenty-first century it is obvious that all of us are aware of the great advantages of technology and its impact on our lives. So, to start with the motion of the day, I ________feel honored to have been allowed to put forward my view on “Artificial Intelligence”. I’m aware of the impact of Artificial Intelligence in our society or better to say on the world in a wider aspect. But I stand here to strongly oppose the motion. Though I would like to say that I do admit some advantages of Artificial Intelligence in today’s world but the negative sides of it are more dangerous.

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The very first question that arises in our mind is “Artificial Intelligence is a boon or bane in our life”. Truly speaking there is a lot of controversy regarding the statement. Some think that Artificial Intelligence is the future of efficiency, competency, and accuracy. But lots of people don’t agree with the above view. They consider Artificial Intelligence quite harmful to mankind as it holds many negative aspects and can lead to dangerous consequences. Yes, I too support this view as I will point out various negative aspects of Artificial Intelligence in our life that can impact human society to grave consequences.

I do not expect that my worthy opponents will readily accept my views and will try to prove me outdated and against the development for the future. But my dear friends I can prove to them that I am not wrong and my points to the topic will slowly reveal the darker aspects of Artificial Intelligence in our life. As you attend the session you will get to know what I want to prove and my explanation will surely clarify all the doubts that you have.

So let me tell you the various negative aspects of Artificial Intelligence one by one. It is true that through Artificial Intelligence many works can be done in less time with high accuracy. But the lack of ability of Artificial Intelligence to create a bond with human beings leads to a critical situation while managing a team of humans. It is because only human beings can connect, feel and respond to emotional attachment with their team. So, Artificial Intelligence at no stage can give emotional support to a team of human beings. Artificial Intelligence can store huge information but to retrieve it requires huge efforts in comparison to human beings. Thus again it is quite clear that Artificial Intelligence is not successful at every stage they are used.

Another important question that drills in my mind and I think many from the audience present here also have this question in their minds. Why is Artificial Intelligence considered to be dangerous? One major reason is that when Artificial Intelligence surpasses humanity by intelligence that is called ‘super intelligence’, which is quite dangerous and is beyond the control of human beings. It can also lead to an ‘intelligence explosion’ which is another threat to the human race. It is quite apprehensive that Artificial Intelligence will overtake human interventions in the next few years being much smarter than humans.

There are various risks of Artificial Intelligence because it can cause loss of jobs for many sections of people. The application of Artificial Intelligence will reduce menial jobs that take repetitive work and are time-consuming. But there is a chance that humans will not be able to cope up with the faster speed of Artificial Intelligence. I think an important question that arises in the minds of all is: is Artificial Intelligence needed in our life and society? Now here is a great dilemma. If human beings need a quicker and efficient way to accomplish all the tasks, then Artificial Intelligence is required. But that doesn’t mean that human society can’t work without Artificial Intelligence assistance.

If humans are satisfied with the pace of work, our life can comfortably move without Artificial Intelligence. To understand the effect of Artificial Intelligence as beneficial or dangerous it is needed to quote the famous saying of the legendary physicist Stephen Hawking: “Success in creating effective Artificial Intelligence will be the biggest event in the history of our civilization. So we can’t know if we will be infinitely helped by Artificial Intelligence or ignored by it and sidelined or destroyed by it.”

One major negative aspect of Artificial Intelligence in our modern life is the loss of a creative and intellectual approach to handling various issues in life. The development of human intelligence to deal with ever-changing situations and problems will be seriously affected as Artificial Intelligence replaces it all.  The decision-making based on experience will be gradually replaced by some calculative formula-based decisions and supported by defined actions.

With less demand for jobs for certain sectors, poverty will be on the rise amongst various sections of society. It means the creators are going to face hardships while the creation becomes popular and widely accepted. This ultimately leads to the disintegration of human society. Only people of some sectors of society will be able to respite their position and jobs, while a great vacuum of jobs will be created for a large mass of people.

At the time of fast advancement of technology due to globalization, different countries tend to seek the advantage of Artificial Intelligence and every decision taken by Artificial Intelligence in various sectors can’t be hidden from other countries. This can be harmful as one may be benefited but the other may face problems with that. Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly super smart and efficient.  It can handle huge information and instructions. But too much dependence on Artificial Intelligence can easily put the future at risk or sometimes the present also. Artificial Intelligence can also be used in unethical processes such as hacking and cybercrimes. Even the terrorist groups may use it to find a new means of destruction. So my dear friends I strongly disagree with the introduction and domination of Artificial Intelligence in human lives to replace emotions, intellect, and creative abilities.

Artificial Intelligence

FAQ’s on Debate on Artificial Intelligence

Question 1.

How is artificial intelligence going to replace human activities in the future?


Scientists predict that robots could replace up to 30% of the world’s current human labor by 2030.

Question 2.

What are the negative effects of artificial intelligence in education?


One of the main negative effects of artificial intelligence is it decreases human interaction in education to enrich the learning experience.

Question 3.

What are the jobs likely to be affected by the introduction of artificial intelligence?


The jobs like retail services, receptionists, couriers, cab drivers, and some manufacturing jobs are going to be affected.

Question 4.

Can artificial intelligence cause casualties for humans?


If programmed by wrong people to do something devastating, artificial intelligence can result in mass casualties.

Question 5.

Give an example of artificial intelligence already being used in daily life in some countries.


Self-driven cars (driverless) is an example of artificial intelligence in daily life.

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