
Concept of Nirvana in Buddhism

In his search for that ultimate liberation, Buddha brought the con­cept of Nirvana. Nirvana was the eternal salvation from the misery of existence. To enjoy the bliss of Nirvana, he advised man to follow the Middle Path or the Noble Eight-fold Path of a purer life. It should be a life of no possessions, no desires and no worldly attachment. It should also be a life of compassion, goodness and kindness.

According to Buddha, there is only misery and not the miserable.

To Buddha, the Eight-fold Path would bring the realization that everything was transitory, full of misery and unreal.

The sense of nothing­ness would take away the sense of `I-ness’ or ‘me’, and destroy the ego. It would bring a state of happiness, far above selfish desires and worldly attachment. That would liberate the man from his self consciousness and from rebirth. With desires gone and with the annihilation of the self, the Nirvana comes as the final liberation from all pains, and the pain of worldly existence once for all.

Thus, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eight-fold Path and the realization of Nirvana were the basic fundamentals of Buddha’s teachings.

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