Biography of Chandragupta Maurya

Chandragupta Maurya The accession of King Chandragupta Maurya is a great event in the history of India. He was the first ruler who practically established an empire encompassing almost the whole of India. We can learn about his career…

Short Essay on Unemployment in India

Unemployment in India Unemployment is a serious problem of India. It is becoming more and more serious day by day. India has the population of about 1.20 billion. Many of the Indians are jobless. The problem of unemployment is rising fast.…

Facts about Sikkim

Sikkim is located in Himalayan Mountains. Sikkim is the only state with Nepali Majority. Its economy is largely depends on agriculture and also tourism. As per Census 2011, Sikkim has the lowest population among all the Indian states. In…

Tribal Society in India and its Features

India is known to be a vast country with scanty population in the prehistoric age. During this period there were small groups of people scattered throughout the country in different spots having a characteristic look and life style. A…

History of Indian Art and Architecture

History of Indian Art and Architecture This articles gives discusses the Mauryan Art, Sunga and Kanva Art, Satavahana Art, Kushana Art, Gupta Art, Pala-Sena Art, Rajput Art, Pallava Art, Rashtrakuta Art, Chola Art, The Chalukya and…

Why the Second Anglo Sikh War did take place?

Introduction The Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) took place between the British and the Sikh Empire. The war resulted into decisive victory of the British. The British took control over Punjab and later made it the North West Frontier…

Essay on Democracy in India

India is the largest democratic country in the world. Democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is considered the finest form of government in which every individual participates…

Rajput Kingdoms (Rajput Empire)

Principal Rajput Kingdoms At the time of Muslim invasions the whole of Northern India was divided into a large number of Rajput Kingdoms. The major Rajput Kingdoms were Delhi, Mewar, Kanauj, Ajmer, Bihar, Bengal, Bundelkhand, Malwa and…

Essay on Water Pollution

Essay on Water Pollution Water covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, with over 97% present in the oceans and less than 1% in freshwater streams and lakes. Water is also present in the atmosphere in solid form in the polar icecaps and…