Kosala Kingdom

The kingdom of Kosala covered the territories of Oudh and was ruled by king Mahakosala and his more powerful son Prasenajit who was a contemporary of Buddha. King Prasenajit was known for his devotion to Buddha, without being a Buddhist.…

Importance of Indian National Flag

The National Flag of India has got immense importance. The national flag of free India was first adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22 July 1947. Every independent country has its even national flag. It is a price-less possession of…

Land Reforms in India

Land Reforms In the wake of Independence when planning for economic development was undertaken, land reforms were given an important place in the overall framework of planning. It continues to occupy this place even now. Ideological…

Rainfall Distribution in India

There are five Rainfall zones in India. They are distributed as follows: 1. Excessive Heavy Rainfall Regions: Regions, experiencing 320 cm of rainfall or more, include parts of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and mountainous tracts of…

Why Peacock is our National Bird?

India is a land of music. It has produced Tansen and Baiju Bawara. Even the birds of our country are find singers. In fact, the whole of India looks like a nest of singing-birds. Our mainas, cuckoos, pigeons and nightingales are all sweet…

Main Teachings of Jainism

Lord Mahavira, also known as Vardhaman Mahavir, was the last Tirthankara and the founder of Jainism religion. What Lord Mahavira taught formed the teachings of Jainism which are the following: 1. Ahimsa: The first and foremost principle of…

Marriage and it’s Importance in Hinduism

What is a Marriage? Mating is preponderantly a psychophysical phenomenon involving the pairing off of individuals of opposite sex under the influence of the sexual drive. But all mating are not marriages. Marriage is something else. When…