Autobiography of a River

I am a river and I am writing my autobiography. I am the river Ganges, I was born from Gomukh. It is in the lap of the Himalayas. I was born thousands of years ago. I am very restless from my birth. By current is very strong in my upper…

Complete Essay on Poverty in India

Problem of Poverty Poverty is defines as inadequate supply of items that are essential to live a healthy and comfortable life. In the western developed countries some people are poor not because they lack food, clothing or shelter but…

Short Paragraph on Postman

The postman comes and gives you letters. He brings telegrams, too. How happy you feel! You feel like kissing the postman when he brings you parcels and money-orders. You don’t feel lonely. You don’t feel cut off from your friends and…

Speech on Future of Democracy in India

Democracy refers to the system of government run by through the elected representatives of the people of the country. Democracy means that the people should rule themselves. India is a democratic country and has a well defined constitution…

Achievements of Akbar

Mughal Emperor Akbar, as we know, came to rule a very small Mughal territory. He and his able successors transformed it to a pan-Indian power. A determined imperialist, Mughal Emperor Akbar, believed in constantly striving for expansion…

Essay on Happiness

What is Happiness? Happiness refers to the mental state of emotional well-being such as: feeling pleasurable, cheerful, and joyful, being contended and satisfied, being joyful delighted, and being of being in high-spirit. Happiness…

Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in India

Indian Constitution provides reservation for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes which are weaker sections of the population. The demands for a similar provision for castes other than the scheduled castes and tribes, which are…

King Sri Krishnadevaraya (History)

Sri Krishnadevaraya (1509 – 1529 A.D.) King Sri Krishnadevaraya was the greatest emperor South India has produced. When he ascended the throne in 1509, the political condition of the Vijayanagar Empire was very gloomy. The rulers of…