Short Paragraph about Friendship

Meaning: Friendship means closeness, association, relationship, and mutual trust – without any selfish motive. It refers to the feeling of companionship and the exchange of friendly emotions between people or more people. But true…

Biography of Meghnad Saha (Indian Scientist)

Meghnad Saha Meghnad Saha was a great Indian scientist. He is famous for his contribution in the field of Astrophysics. He formulated the ‘Saha ionization Equation’ that is popularly known as ‘Saha Equation’. He was born on the 6th…

Biography of King Kanishka (Kushan Empire)

Kanishka Kanishka was the greatest ruler and king of Kushan Empire in Ancient India. He was a foreigner by birth. But he had deep love for India. He adopted Buddhism as his religion. By his conquests, by religious activities and by…

Gupta Empire Art and Architecture

This article contains details of the Architecture of Gupta Empire, the Gupta Sculpture and the Art of Painting. Architecture of Gupta Empire The Gupta Age, being an age of intense religion interests, saw the construction of many temples…

Buddhism in India

Buddhism in India Gautama Buddha: Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism in India. Born to the republican state of Kapilavastu in the Terai region of Nepal in 563 B.C, Gautama Buddha was a Kshatriya prince and the founder of Buddhism.…

History of Diamonds in India

Diamond is unique among gemstones in that it is the hardest substance in the world and its high index of refraction (refractive index 2.417) and dispersion (0.063) gives it brilliance and ‘fire’. Chemically diamond is carbon. It is…

Short Biography of Rajiv Gandhi

Rajiv Gandhi, the son of Feroze Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. He was the sixth Prime Minister of India. He was born on 20th day of August, 1944 in Mumbai. Since childhood Rajiv was modest and attractive. His composure of taciturnity added…

History of Sikh Religion in India

Introduction The people of Sikh Religion follow the teachings of ten leaders whom they call Guru. All these Gurus lived between 1469 AD and 1708 AD in Punjab. Over the centuries, guided by the Gurus, the community belonging to the Sikh…