Various Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electric Vehicles | 6 Biggest Pros and Cons of Electric Vehicles

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electric Vehicles: Technological advancements have brought a revolution in different fields. The automotive sector is no exception to it.  The latest in this trend is the introduction of Electric vehicle that doesn’t require any fuel to run but use rechargeable batteries. It is a very new concept in the automobile industry. This advanced model of vehicle has been projected as a cost-effective solution of transportation that also contributes towards a safe and healthy environment by avoiding harmful emissions.

In the current situation of rising fuel prices and environmental pollution, one of the best available alternatives for the conventional fuel-driven car is the electric vehicle. Although a lot of people have some apprehension about the mainstream uses of electric vehicles, awareness is growing about how electric vehicles can provide more economically efficient transport and help to reduce greenhouse gasses. Another important aspect of electric vehicles is that it helps in reducing the use of non-renewable energy resources like petrol, diesel, and natural gas which are scarce and need to be preserved.

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What is an Electric Vehicle? Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Vehicle

An electric vehicle is a vehicle that is either partially or fully powered by electricity. Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts and are easy to maintain. They are also very environmentally friendly as they use no fossil fuels like petrol or diesel or even gasoline.

Electric vehicles have an electric motor instead of a combustion engine and use a rechargeable battery pack to power the electric motor. The rechargeable batteries installed inside the car need to be recharged from time to time. These batteries are not only used to power the car but also provide power for the functioning of lights and wipers. The greatest advantage of this type of vehicle is that it doesn’t emit any exhaust that pollutes the air.  It does not contain any typical liquid fuel components like conventional fuel-driven vehicles so maintenance is easier and cost-effective. Some manufacturers have come up with hybrid models of cars that can use both electric power and gas. This concept is relatively new so people have less knowledge and awareness about it. As more and more people start using electric vehicles they will experience the benefits and demand for electric cars is expected to increase in the coming days.

Advantages of Electric Vehicle

  • Environment-friendly: Electric vehicles do not use fuels for combustion and hence there is no emission or exhaust of gasses. Vehicles using fossil fuels are large contributors to harmful gas buildup in the environment so the use of an electric car can help contribute to a cleaner atmosphere.
  • Renewable energy source: Electric vehicles run on electricity that is renewable whereas conventional cars work on the burning of fossil fuels that exhaust the fossil-fuel reserves on earth.
  • Cost-effective: Electricity is much cheaper than fuels like petrol and diesel which suffer a frequent price hike. The recharging of batteries is cost-effective if solar power is used at home.
  • Low maintenance: Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts so wear and tear is less as compared to conventional auto parts. Repair work is also simple and less expensive relative to combustion engines.
  • Less noise and smoother motion: Electric vehicles give a much smoother driving experience. The absence of rapidly moving parts makes them much quiet with low sound generation.
  • Government support: Governments in various countries have offered tax credits as an incentive to encourage people to use electric vehicles as a go-green initiative.

Disadvantages of Electric Vehicle

  • High initial cost: Electric vehicles are still very expensive and many consumers consider them not as affordable as conventional vehicles.
  • Charging station limitations: People who need to drive long distances are worried about getting suitable charging stations midway which is not available everywhere.
  • Recharging takes time: Unlike conventional cars that require a few minutes for refilling fuel, recharging of the electric vehicle takes much more time which is generally a few hours.
  • Limited choices: Presently there aren’t too many electric models of cars available to choose from when it comes to the looks, designs, or customized versions.
  • Less driving range: The driving range of the electric vehicles is found to be less as compared to conventional vehicles. Electric vehicles can be suitable for day-to-day travel but can be problematic for a long-distance journey.

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Vehicle

Advantages Disadvantages
Electric vehicles are powered by batteries so they are emissions-free which helps to maintain the pollution level at control in the environment. Electric vehicles involve a high initial cost for buying and many consumers aren’t able to afford it in their budgets so they are not ready to switch from traditional vehicles to Electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles run on renewable energy, so they help to preserve non-renewable energy resources that are getting exhausted rapidly due to extensive use. There aren’t too many models of electric cars available to the public, so there is very limited choice for customers in terms of designs, looks, or customized versions
Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts so they don’t wear out as fast as conventional auto parts. Repair work on EVs is also less expensive than traditional vehicles. People who drive long distances are worried about being stranded somewhere while driving Electric vehicles because there are fewer charging stations available.
Driving an electric vehicle is much smoother due to the absence of rapidly moving pistons and it generates less sound. Recharging of an electric vehicle takes a considerable time which is around four to six hours.
Governments around the world have offered tax credits as an incentive to encourage people to buy electric cars. The electric vehicle has less mileage as compared to fuel-driven cars and is considered suitable only for short distances.

FAQ’s on Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electric Vehicles

Question 1.

Why are the running costs of electric vehicles less as compared to fuel-driven vehicles?


Electric vehicles use rechargeable batteries that can be charged easily with much less cost while other cars use fuels like petrol and diesel that are costlier and subject to price hikes frequently. Moreover, the maintenance cost of electric vehicles is also less as they don’t suffer much wear and tear.

Question 2.

What are the concerns of people for driving long distances with electric vehicles?


Electric vehicles have less driving range as compared to traditional cars with one-time charging. Moreover, there are few charging stations available, and charging time is also very high so they are worried about the breakdown in case the car requires charging midway.

Question 3.

Why do governments offer tax credits to consumers who buy electric vehicles replacing fuel-driven vehicles?


Conventional vehicles use fossil fuels which not only increase pollution levels in the environment by harmful emissions but also rapidly deplete non-renewable resources like petrol, diesel, and natural gas. To reduce the use of fossil fuels and control pollution, the use of electric cars is being encouraged.

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