The Indominus Rex: How it Compares to Real Dinosaurs


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Although humanity only has to examine the fossil record to see evidence of terrifying monsters like the Tyrannosaurus rex and Giganotosaurus roaming the planet. Sometimes, though, we want to create new nightmarish creatures to scare us senseless or to imagine what the perfect version of a terrifying monster would be.

The result of this line of thinking was the Indominus Rex, a devastating hybrid dinosaur that made its debut in Jurassic World. Although this creature never walked the earth, this imaginary dinosaur demonstrates a nightmare scenario where one creature has all the strongest attributes of other monstrous creatures.

We’re going to take a closer look at the I-rex and show you how it measures up, the dinosaurs that helped make it a reality, and how it compares to the dinosaur it was based upon, the T-Rex. We’ll even size them both up in a fight!

Why Was the Indominus Rex Made?

Indominus rex - Head
Indominus rex was designed to be the ultimate predator dinosaur to scare visitors to Jurassic World.


Indominus Rex was made to be the biggest, scariest attraction in the new Jurassic World. Dr. Henry Wu was tasked with creating a hybrid dinosaur that would feature all the most powerful and frightening aspects of dinosaurs that had been brought back to life in prior years.

The I-rex was designed to possess features from the most successful predator dinosaurs that had ever existed. In that endeavor, Dr. Wu and his team of well-funded scientists were successful.

How Big is the Indominus Rex?

indominus rex - illustration
Indominus rex was 20 feet high and 50 feet long, but it could have grown bigger.

andrea crisante/

The Indominus rex grows over 20 feet high and 50 feet long. The I-rex dinosaur was designed by Dr. Henry Wu, and it was an amalgamation of several incredible dinosaurs

Moreover, the Indominus rex is capable of reaching speeds of 30 mph when running at its top speed. This dinosaur was agile, too, capable of turning and accelerating to its top running speed in a small enclosure.

The Indominus rex looks similar to the T-rex in many ways, including its overall body shape and size. The I-rex has many differences from T-Rex, though.

Indominus rex is bigger than the T-Rex and Giganotosaurus, has longer arms than a T-Rex, and possesses spines on its neck and back. The I-rex is also different in terms of color, too. Its base colors are ashy white and gray. Due to its unique cuttlefish genes, the I-rex could quickly change its skin color and texture to suit its environment, creating camouflage on the fly.

The dinosaur’s camouflage worked in its enclosure in Jurassic World as well as in the forests surrounding the park.

Indominus rex also has the benefit of advanced intelligence due to genes it received from dinosaurs that were smarter and more capable of memory and complex thinking. Not only is the I-rex built for power, but it’s also capable of hiding in plain sight, stalking, and planning an assault.

What DNA is in the Indominus Rex?

Giganotosaurus vs T-Rex - T Rex hunting
The Indominus rex has DNA from many deadly dinosaurs, including Giganotosaurus.

Herschel Hoffmeyer/

The Indominus rex has DNA from T-rex, Giganotosaurus, cuttlefish, Velociraptor, pit viper, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, tree frog, and other creatures.

The I-rex was a theropod, and the base of its form came from the T-Rex. From the Giganotosaurus, the I-rex inherited a massive head and teeth. Its back was covered in spines known as osteoderms, and they came from the Carnotaurus or possibly the Majungasaurus.

Unlike the weak and small T-rex arms, Indominus Rex had powerful, swift arms from the Therizinosaurus genes, giving it another potent way to kill foes.

DNA from the velociraptors gave the I-rex incredible intelligence and swiftness while the cuttlefish gave the dinosaur the ability to camouflage from enemies.

Essentially, I-rex has the most potent mix of traits possible and represents a super apex predator.

How Does Indominus Rex Compare to a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

T-Rex vs Indominus Rex
T-Rex vs Indominus Rex would pit two fearsome predators against one another!

Indominus Rex T-Rex
Size Weight 16,000lbs

Height: 21ft

Length: 50ft
Weight: 11,000-15,000lbs

Height: 12-20ft

Length: 40ft
Speed and Movement Type -30 mph

-bipedal striding
17 mph

-bipedal striding
Bite Power and Teeth – Either rivals or exceeds T-Rex due to larger head

– 74 teeth

– Crocodile-like teeth instead of D-shaped, that are meant to hold onto prey.  
17,000lbf bite power

– 50-60

– D-shaped serrated teeth

– 12-inch teeth
Senses –  Powerful sense of smell

–  Incredible hearing

–  Amazing vision complete with heat sensory from pit viper DNA
– A very strong sense of smell

– High vision with very large eyes

– Great hearing
Defenses – Enhanced skin strength and very strong osteoderms that survive gunfire and bites from T-rex

– High running speed

– Large size

– Vast intelligence and ability to plan
– Massive size

– Running speed
Offensive Capabilities – Incredibly powerful bites

– Speed to hunt prey

– Intelligence to plan assaults
– Bone-crushing bites

– Speed to chase down enemies  
Predatory Behavior – Ambush predator with the benefit of on-demand camouflage

– Would probably hunt like a T-rex
– Possibly a devastating predator that could kill smaller creatures with ease

– Potentially a scavenger

Indominus Rex vs Tyrannosaurus Rex: Who Would Win in a Fight?

Indominus Rex - Roar
Indominus Rex would use its wits and power to kill a t-rex.


Indominus rex would beat a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a fight. The I-rex was built to be the most powerful predator on the planet, and we have a very good simulation in the form of Jurassic World of what would happen in such a fight, and it’s not good for the T-rex.

Indominus rex is bigger, faster, and probably longer. Its bite force would rival or exceed the T-Rex and its teeth are meant to grab and crush rather than slice apart the prey. That means I-rex is going to grab something and sink its crocodile-like teeth deep into its prey without the prey getting away.

I-rex can camouflage itself so well that it was barely perceptible by modern technology, and it has reinforced skin that holds up to gunfire and bites, including those from the T-rex!

The most likely outcome for this fight would see the Indominus rex lying in wait for the T-rex to wander into its territory. Then, it would charge to the T-rex, slamming into it and grabbing ahold of the T-Rex with its powerful jaws and long, sharp teeth.

Depending on where that bite lands, the fight might be over immediately. A bite to the neck would be fatal. If not, though, the T-rex would counter, using its teeth and short arms to fight back. However, Indominus rex has stronger, longer arms that would inflict deep, brutal cuts on the enemy.

However, Indominus rex is smart, and it would realize that its power, size, and weight are greater than the T-rex. This dinosaur would change tactics, using all its might to take T-rex to the ground where it would flounder while the Indominus numerous attacks, ending its life.

With its immense power, intellect, defenses, and speed, the Indominus rex would kill the T-rex.

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About the Author

I am a freelancer specializing in SEO content writing. I write in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. I’ve been writing full-time since 2018, so I’ve been doing remote work before it was cool. When I’m not working, I can be found reading, trying to catch up on my tv show backlog, playing video games, and starting stories that I’ll never finish.

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Although humanity only has to examine the fossil record to see evidence of terrifying monsters like the Tyrannosaurus rex and Giganotosaurus roaming the planet. Sometimes, though, we want to create new nightmarish creatures to scare us senseless or to imagine what the perfect version of a terrifying monster would be.

The result of this line of thinking was the Indominus Rex, a devastating hybrid dinosaur that made its debut in Jurassic World. Although this creature never walked the earth, this imaginary dinosaur demonstrates a nightmare scenario where one creature has all the strongest attributes of other monstrous creatures.

We’re going to take a closer look at the I-rex and show you how it measures up, the dinosaurs that helped make it a reality, and how it compares to the dinosaur it was based upon, the T-Rex. We’ll even size them both up in a fight!

Why Was the Indominus Rex Made?

Indominus rex - Head
Indominus rex was designed to be the ultimate predator dinosaur to scare visitors to Jurassic World.


Indominus Rex was made to be the biggest, scariest attraction in the new Jurassic World. Dr. Henry Wu was tasked with creating a hybrid dinosaur that would feature all the most powerful and frightening aspects of dinosaurs that had been brought back to life in prior years.

The I-rex was designed to possess features from the most successful predator dinosaurs that had ever existed. In that endeavor, Dr. Wu and his team of well-funded scientists were successful.

How Big is the Indominus Rex?

indominus rex - illustration
Indominus rex was 20 feet high and 50 feet long, but it could have grown bigger.

andrea crisante/

The Indominus rex grows over 20 feet high and 50 feet long. The I-rex dinosaur was designed by Dr. Henry Wu, and it was an amalgamation of several incredible dinosaurs

Moreover, the Indominus rex is capable of reaching speeds of 30 mph when running at its top speed. This dinosaur was agile, too, capable of turning and accelerating to its top running speed in a small enclosure.

The Indominus rex looks similar to the T-rex in many ways, including its overall body shape and size. The I-rex has many differences from T-Rex, though.

Indominus rex is bigger than the T-Rex and Giganotosaurus, has longer arms than a T-Rex, and possesses spines on its neck and back. The I-rex is also different in terms of color, too. Its base colors are ashy white and gray. Due to its unique cuttlefish genes, the I-rex could quickly change its skin color and texture to suit its environment, creating camouflage on the fly.

The dinosaur’s camouflage worked in its enclosure in Jurassic World as well as in the forests surrounding the park.

Indominus rex also has the benefit of advanced intelligence due to genes it received from dinosaurs that were smarter and more capable of memory and complex thinking. Not only is the I-rex built for power, but it’s also capable of hiding in plain sight, stalking, and planning an assault.

What DNA is in the Indominus Rex?

Giganotosaurus vs T-Rex - T Rex hunting
The Indominus rex has DNA from many deadly dinosaurs, including Giganotosaurus.

Herschel Hoffmeyer/

The Indominus rex has DNA from T-rex, Giganotosaurus, cuttlefish, Velociraptor, pit viper, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, tree frog, and other creatures.

The I-rex was a theropod, and the base of its form came from the T-Rex. From the Giganotosaurus, the I-rex inherited a massive head and teeth. Its back was covered in spines known as osteoderms, and they came from the Carnotaurus or possibly the Majungasaurus.

Unlike the weak and small T-rex arms, Indominus Rex had powerful, swift arms from the Therizinosaurus genes, giving it another potent way to kill foes.

DNA from the velociraptors gave the I-rex incredible intelligence and swiftness while the cuttlefish gave the dinosaur the ability to camouflage from enemies.

Essentially, I-rex has the most potent mix of traits possible and represents a super apex predator.

How Does Indominus Rex Compare to a Tyrannosaurus Rex?

T-Rex vs Indominus Rex
T-Rex vs Indominus Rex would pit two fearsome predators against one another!

Indominus Rex T-Rex
Size Weight 16,000lbs

Height: 21ft

Length: 50ft
Weight: 11,000-15,000lbs

Height: 12-20ft

Length: 40ft
Speed and Movement Type -30 mph

-bipedal striding
17 mph

-bipedal striding
Bite Power and Teeth – Either rivals or exceeds T-Rex due to larger head

– 74 teeth

– Crocodile-like teeth instead of D-shaped, that are meant to hold onto prey.  
17,000lbf bite power

– 50-60

– D-shaped serrated teeth

– 12-inch teeth
Senses –  Powerful sense of smell

–  Incredible hearing

–  Amazing vision complete with heat sensory from pit viper DNA
– A very strong sense of smell

– High vision with very large eyes

– Great hearing
Defenses – Enhanced skin strength and very strong osteoderms that survive gunfire and bites from T-rex

– High running speed

– Large size

– Vast intelligence and ability to plan
– Massive size

– Running speed
Offensive Capabilities – Incredibly powerful bites

– Speed to hunt prey

– Intelligence to plan assaults
– Bone-crushing bites

– Speed to chase down enemies  
Predatory Behavior – Ambush predator with the benefit of on-demand camouflage

– Would probably hunt like a T-rex
– Possibly a devastating predator that could kill smaller creatures with ease

– Potentially a scavenger

Indominus Rex vs Tyrannosaurus Rex: Who Would Win in a Fight?

Indominus Rex - Roar
Indominus Rex would use its wits and power to kill a t-rex.


Indominus rex would beat a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a fight. The I-rex was built to be the most powerful predator on the planet, and we have a very good simulation in the form of Jurassic World of what would happen in such a fight, and it’s not good for the T-rex.

Indominus rex is bigger, faster, and probably longer. Its bite force would rival or exceed the T-Rex and its teeth are meant to grab and crush rather than slice apart the prey. That means I-rex is going to grab something and sink its crocodile-like teeth deep into its prey without the prey getting away.

I-rex can camouflage itself so well that it was barely perceptible by modern technology, and it has reinforced skin that holds up to gunfire and bites, including those from the T-rex!

The most likely outcome for this fight would see the Indominus rex lying in wait for the T-rex to wander into its territory. Then, it would charge to the T-rex, slamming into it and grabbing ahold of the T-Rex with its powerful jaws and long, sharp teeth.

Depending on where that bite lands, the fight might be over immediately. A bite to the neck would be fatal. If not, though, the T-rex would counter, using its teeth and short arms to fight back. However, Indominus rex has stronger, longer arms that would inflict deep, brutal cuts on the enemy.

However, Indominus rex is smart, and it would realize that its power, size, and weight are greater than the T-rex. This dinosaur would change tactics, using all its might to take T-rex to the ground where it would flounder while the Indominus numerous attacks, ending its life.

With its immense power, intellect, defenses, and speed, the Indominus rex would kill the T-rex.

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