How to Keep Snakes Away: 10 Foolproof Steps You Can Take

Think You Know Snakes?

Snakes have been on this planet for at least 150 million years. Snakes have served as a deadly predator for humans, a threat to our livestock, and a danger even when we aren’t preyed on thanks to the venom some species carry. But snakes play a valuable role in maintaining pest populations, and the modern snake is almost always more a nuisance to humans than it is a direct and immediate danger to our lives. And you can keep snakes away from your home without having to employ deadly methods like shooting or poisoning them, which can also potentially be dangerous to yourself, pets, or wildlife that’s helpful to your local ecosystem. Here are 10 prevention methods you can you to keep snakes away from your property while still maintaining the natural order.

1. Garlic Mixes

There’s a good chance that you already have two of the most effective, snake repellents in your kitchen. Both garlic and onions contain sulfonic acid, and this is both the chemical that makes us cry when we chop onions and a smell that snakes have a natural aversion to. Smell is the most prominent sense that a snake possesses, and they’ve been known to steer clear of poisonous herbs and plants like garlic and onion in the wild. You can try planting garlic or onions near strategic areas to keep snakes away from your property.

If you’re lacking either a green thumb or the space for planting fresh herbs, garlic and onion can still be used effectively. Mix a combination of rock salt, garlic powder, and onion powder to create a preventive mixture or soak the herbs in water to create a spray that can be sprayed around your property. Just keep in mind that most proof of these natural repellents working is anecdotal.

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2. Sealing Up Cracks

Snakes in your yard are one thing, but an infestation within your house is another threat entirely. The best approach to prevention is to keep them from having access in the first place. Finding access points for snakes means thinking like a snake. These serpents have a particular fondness for crawlspaces that are warm and damp, so you’ll want to check around the perimeter of your home for any cracks or holes that might exist near ground level or in the foundation.

Storm drains can similarly offer access points to snakes, and you can extend your search to the sidewalk surrounding your home if you’re still dealing with the threat of an infestation. Making this a semi-regular part of your home maintenance can help not just keep them away but also serve as a prevention method to keep pests like raccoons, mice, and opossums from your home.

3. Moving Potential Food Sources

The efficacy of repellents like fox urine and lemongrass are largely anecdotal, but you can more effectively keep snakes away from your property by removing their reason for visiting in the first place. If a snake is venturing onto your property, there’s a good chance that they’re hunting for food. If they stay, there’s a high probability it’s because your yard affords a dependable food source. Bird feeders are especially attractive to snakes because they attract potential meals in the form of birds but also because seeds that have either been dropped by birds or spilled when filling the feeder can lure in rodents and insects which snakes can then hunt.

If you feed your cat or dog outdoors, that could also draw in rodents and bring snakes along with them. Move the pet bowl inside, and be sure to thoroughly seal any containers with birdseed.

To keep snakes away, it is important to make sure shrubs are trimmed so there’s less room for them to hide.

4. Removing Standing Water

Standing water tends to build a pretty diverse ecosystem, and that includes insects, frogs, and small mammals that are often the preferred prey of snakes. Making sure that any pool in your yard is properly treated can prevent snakes and other animals from establishing a community on your lawn, and snakes are also often drawn to the poolside because they like to sunbathe on concrete.

There’s some anecdotal evidence that ammonia or white vinegar placed around water sources can keep snakes away, but your surest bet is to reduce standing water sources as much as possible. Keep an eye out for parts of the lawn that gather standing water after heavy rainfall, and consider reducing the number of times you water your lawn if you’ve begun to notice snakes on your property.

5. Trapping the Snake

Trapping won’t do you much good if you have a larger infestation of snakes, but it can be very effective if you know that you simply have one troublemaker under your house or on the lawn. Traps can be bought at your local hardware store, and you should only use a professional trap rather than trying to make one yourself. This is especially true if you aren’t sure whether or not the snake could be poisonous. Eggs are a common choice of bait because snakes don’t eat carrion, and live bait can be hard to deal with. Be sure to relocate the snake at least two miles — but ideally five or six — from your home so that it won’t simply return.

6. Building Strong Fences

If your fence isn’t preventing a snake infestation — or if you don’t have any fence at all — it might be time for an upgrade. The unique physiology of snakes means that you’ll need to seek out fencing materials and employ techniques that can prevent them from just slithering through. The generally recognized height for a fence that will effectively keep snakes away is three feet, and there are two potential choices for materials. Vinyl fencing is a sheer option that snakes can neither climb over nor through, and tight mesh wire can be both effective and cheap as long as it’s positioned at an angle. In either case, you’re going to want to make sure that the fencing itself is buried at least half a foot into the ground.

7. Employing Proper Landscaping and Maintenance

If it’s been a while since you’ve done any maintenance on your lawn, you could be fostering an environment that attracts snakes. Taller grass provides a habitat for creatures like slugs and rabbits while also offering great cover for a hunting snake. You can also benefit from diligently trimming your shrubs, bushes, and trees. Maintaining a clearance of two to three feet underneath shrubs will reduce the amount of space where snakes can hide, and it can make sure that they’re more visible to you when they do appear.

Special attention should be paid to trees or shrubs that snakes could use to crawl over fencing. If you’re using rocks in your landscaping, it’s generally advised that you opt for smaller rocks, pebbles, and gravel. Larger rocks and the spaces between them tend to be popular hiding and nesting spots for snakes.

8. Bringing in Domesticated Fowl

It might seem counterintuitive to invite chickens into your yard considering that eggs are a tasty meal for snakes, but domesticated fowl are at least as unhappy as you to invite snakes into their home. Chickens can be a good choice for managing the populations of small snakes, as they’ll hunt more meager serpents they spot instinctively. Roosters in particular will seek out snakes that could threaten local hens and eggs.

If you’re looking for some fowl that are more effectively specialized in killing snakes, you can always bring a turkey or a guinea fowl into your yard. The latter in particular is known to actively seek out and kill smaller snakes. Just keep in mind that bigger species like rattlesnakes and water moccasins can pose a threat to your domesticated birds.

Making sure all cracks are sealed on a home helps to keep snakes away.

Lucian Coman/

9. Luring Birds of Prey

Snakes are a favored snack for most owl species, and luring them onto your property can serve as an effective way to control both snake and rodent populations on your property. Most hardware stores sell statues that look like owls and are designed to scare snakes off, but there’s little evidence that these methods fool snakes. Growing trees with strong branches high up can help transform your lawn into a popular hunting site for owls, and you can also buy or build a nesting box to offer even more attraction.

What owls — or other birds of prey — you can lure and how effective they’ll be will depend on where you live. In rare cases, great horned owls have been known to attack small dogs and cats, so you’ll want to be sure that you understand the local ecology before doing anything.

10. Calling Wildlife Control

If your snake situation is too much to handle or you’re worried that there might be a poisonous species in your lawn, it might be time to call a specialist. The issue might be handled by the fire department, police department, or animal control depending on your local government, and some private contractors can help you. If at all possible, try and safely take a picture of any snake you see so the professionals can better understand what they’re dealing with.

Our research shows that 10 foolproof ways to get rid of snakes are as follows:

  • Garlic mixes
  • Sealing up cracks
  • Moving potential food sources
  • Removing standing water
  • Trapping the snake
  • Building strong fences
  • Employing proper landscaping and maintenance
  • Bringing in domesticated fowl
  • Luring birds of prey
  • Calling wildlife control

Next Up: What Do Sugar Gliders Eat? 20+ Foods They Love

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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AZ Animals is a growing team of animals experts, researchers, farmers, conservationists, writers, editors, and — of course — pet owners who have come together to help you better understand the animal kingdom and how we interact.

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Think You Know Snakes?

Snakes have been on this planet for at least 150 million years. Snakes have served as a deadly predator for humans, a threat to our livestock, and a danger even when we aren’t preyed on thanks to the venom some species carry. But snakes play a valuable role in maintaining pest populations, and the modern snake is almost always more a nuisance to humans than it is a direct and immediate danger to our lives. And you can keep snakes away from your home without having to employ deadly methods like shooting or poisoning them, which can also potentially be dangerous to yourself, pets, or wildlife that’s helpful to your local ecosystem. Here are 10 prevention methods you can you to keep snakes away from your property while still maintaining the natural order.

1. Garlic Mixes

There’s a good chance that you already have two of the most effective, snake repellents in your kitchen. Both garlic and onions contain sulfonic acid, and this is both the chemical that makes us cry when we chop onions and a smell that snakes have a natural aversion to. Smell is the most prominent sense that a snake possesses, and they’ve been known to steer clear of poisonous herbs and plants like garlic and onion in the wild. You can try planting garlic or onions near strategic areas to keep snakes away from your property.

If you’re lacking either a green thumb or the space for planting fresh herbs, garlic and onion can still be used effectively. Mix a combination of rock salt, garlic powder, and onion powder to create a preventive mixture or soak the herbs in water to create a spray that can be sprayed around your property. Just keep in mind that most proof of these natural repellents working is anecdotal.

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2. Sealing Up Cracks

Snakes in your yard are one thing, but an infestation within your house is another threat entirely. The best approach to prevention is to keep them from having access in the first place. Finding access points for snakes means thinking like a snake. These serpents have a particular fondness for crawlspaces that are warm and damp, so you’ll want to check around the perimeter of your home for any cracks or holes that might exist near ground level or in the foundation.

Storm drains can similarly offer access points to snakes, and you can extend your search to the sidewalk surrounding your home if you’re still dealing with the threat of an infestation. Making this a semi-regular part of your home maintenance can help not just keep them away but also serve as a prevention method to keep pests like raccoons, mice, and opossums from your home.

3. Moving Potential Food Sources

The efficacy of repellents like fox urine and lemongrass are largely anecdotal, but you can more effectively keep snakes away from your property by removing their reason for visiting in the first place. If a snake is venturing onto your property, there’s a good chance that they’re hunting for food. If they stay, there’s a high probability it’s because your yard affords a dependable food source. Bird feeders are especially attractive to snakes because they attract potential meals in the form of birds but also because seeds that have either been dropped by birds or spilled when filling the feeder can lure in rodents and insects which snakes can then hunt.

If you feed your cat or dog outdoors, that could also draw in rodents and bring snakes along with them. Move the pet bowl inside, and be sure to thoroughly seal any containers with birdseed.

To keep snakes away, it is important to make sure shrubs are trimmed so there’s less room for them to hide.

4. Removing Standing Water

Standing water tends to build a pretty diverse ecosystem, and that includes insects, frogs, and small mammals that are often the preferred prey of snakes. Making sure that any pool in your yard is properly treated can prevent snakes and other animals from establishing a community on your lawn, and snakes are also often drawn to the poolside because they like to sunbathe on concrete.

There’s some anecdotal evidence that ammonia or white vinegar placed around water sources can keep snakes away, but your surest bet is to reduce standing water sources as much as possible. Keep an eye out for parts of the lawn that gather standing water after heavy rainfall, and consider reducing the number of times you water your lawn if you’ve begun to notice snakes on your property.

5. Trapping the Snake

Trapping won’t do you much good if you have a larger infestation of snakes, but it can be very effective if you know that you simply have one troublemaker under your house or on the lawn. Traps can be bought at your local hardware store, and you should only use a professional trap rather than trying to make one yourself. This is especially true if you aren’t sure whether or not the snake could be poisonous. Eggs are a common choice of bait because snakes don’t eat carrion, and live bait can be hard to deal with. Be sure to relocate the snake at least two miles — but ideally five or six — from your home so that it won’t simply return.

6. Building Strong Fences

If your fence isn’t preventing a snake infestation — or if you don’t have any fence at all — it might be time for an upgrade. The unique physiology of snakes means that you’ll need to seek out fencing materials and employ techniques that can prevent them from just slithering through. The generally recognized height for a fence that will effectively keep snakes away is three feet, and there are two potential choices for materials. Vinyl fencing is a sheer option that snakes can neither climb over nor through, and tight mesh wire can be both effective and cheap as long as it’s positioned at an angle. In either case, you’re going to want to make sure that the fencing itself is buried at least half a foot into the ground.

7. Employing Proper Landscaping and Maintenance

If it’s been a while since you’ve done any maintenance on your lawn, you could be fostering an environment that attracts snakes. Taller grass provides a habitat for creatures like slugs and rabbits while also offering great cover for a hunting snake. You can also benefit from diligently trimming your shrubs, bushes, and trees. Maintaining a clearance of two to three feet underneath shrubs will reduce the amount of space where snakes can hide, and it can make sure that they’re more visible to you when they do appear.

Special attention should be paid to trees or shrubs that snakes could use to crawl over fencing. If you’re using rocks in your landscaping, it’s generally advised that you opt for smaller rocks, pebbles, and gravel. Larger rocks and the spaces between them tend to be popular hiding and nesting spots for snakes.

8. Bringing in Domesticated Fowl

It might seem counterintuitive to invite chickens into your yard considering that eggs are a tasty meal for snakes, but domesticated fowl are at least as unhappy as you to invite snakes into their home. Chickens can be a good choice for managing the populations of small snakes, as they’ll hunt more meager serpents they spot instinctively. Roosters in particular will seek out snakes that could threaten local hens and eggs.

If you’re looking for some fowl that are more effectively specialized in killing snakes, you can always bring a turkey or a guinea fowl into your yard. The latter in particular is known to actively seek out and kill smaller snakes. Just keep in mind that bigger species like rattlesnakes and water moccasins can pose a threat to your domesticated birds.

Making sure all cracks are sealed on a home helps to keep snakes away.

Lucian Coman/

9. Luring Birds of Prey

Snakes are a favored snack for most owl species, and luring them onto your property can serve as an effective way to control both snake and rodent populations on your property. Most hardware stores sell statues that look like owls and are designed to scare snakes off, but there’s little evidence that these methods fool snakes. Growing trees with strong branches high up can help transform your lawn into a popular hunting site for owls, and you can also buy or build a nesting box to offer even more attraction.

What owls — or other birds of prey — you can lure and how effective they’ll be will depend on where you live. In rare cases, great horned owls have been known to attack small dogs and cats, so you’ll want to be sure that you understand the local ecology before doing anything.

10. Calling Wildlife Control

If your snake situation is too much to handle or you’re worried that there might be a poisonous species in your lawn, it might be time to call a specialist. The issue might be handled by the fire department, police department, or animal control depending on your local government, and some private contractors can help you. If at all possible, try and safely take a picture of any snake you see so the professionals can better understand what they’re dealing with.

Our research shows that 10 foolproof ways to get rid of snakes are as follows:

  • Garlic mixes
  • Sealing up cracks
  • Moving potential food sources
  • Removing standing water
  • Trapping the snake
  • Building strong fences
  • Employing proper landscaping and maintenance
  • Bringing in domesticated fowl
  • Luring birds of prey
  • Calling wildlife control

Next Up: What Do Sugar Gliders Eat? 20+ Foods They Love

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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