Gopher vs Beaver: What Are 8 Key Differences?


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Rodents make up 40% of the world’s animal population. They have long tails, strong bodies, and small limbs, and they inhabit fabricated and terrestrial settings. Squirrels, rats, mice, beavers, hamsters, groundhogs, and chipmunks are all types of rodents. To distinguish one from another, each one has a unique set of features. In this article, we are going to explore 8 key differences between two well-known rodents: the gopher and the beaver.

Gopher vs Beaver: A Comparison 

Beavers are longer than gophers.

Gopher Beaver
Size 5 to 14 inches long / 1-2 lbs.  2.4 – 4 ft. / 24 – 66 lbs.
Colors Light to Dark Brown, Buff Underside Yellow, Brown, Black
Physical Features Small Body, Tiny Ears And Eyes, Hairless Tail Big Head, Robust Body, Large And Flat Tail
Danger Can Carry Diseases, Mostly Causes Landscape Damage Can Be Aggressive And Attack
Diet Plants, Mostly Roots, and Tubers Leaves, Woody Stems, Vegetation
Lifespan 1 – 3 Years 15-20 Years
Habitats North/Central America, in Loose Soil Northern Hemisphere; Near Water
Habits Most Active In Spring/Evenings; Spends Time Tunneling/ Foraging Most Active At Night, Spends Time Foraging And Building Lodging
Gopher vs Beaver: A Comparison

Key Differences Between Gopher vs Beaver

The key differences between gophers and beavers are their size, appearance, habitat, lifespan, diet, habits, and physical features.

Gophers and beavers have several similar characteristics. As an example, both are rodents and herbivores. Human settlements are damaged by both. Both, on the other hand, are vital parts of the ecosystem. Now, we’ll talk about what sets them distinct, including their appearances, features, habitats, and more!

Gopher vs Beaver: Size

What Do Gophers Eat
Gophers are medium sized rodents.


Gophers are medium-sized rodents. Between 5 and 14 inches in length, they are larger than mice but smaller than rats. In terms of weight, they’re somewhere about a pound or so. Gophers can reach 2.2 pounds in some Central American species.

Beavers grow and mature to a total length of 3 to 4 feet, including the tail. The average adult beaver weighs anywhere between 24 to 66 pounds!

Gopher vs Beaver: Colors

Beavers occur in a range of colors, from yellowish-brown to black, with the most common being reddish-brown. Gophers, sometimes known as pocket gophers, range in hue from light brown to deep brown, while their undersides are a paler buff.

Gopher vs Beaver: Physical Features

Gophers have tiny eyes and ears, short noses, flat skulls, and small bodies. Their tails, which are typically dark with a white tip, are nearly hairless. Gophers have external cheek chambers lined with fur that stretch to their shoulders. These pouches are used to carry food.

Beavers have large heads, short necks, thick, robust bodies, and tiny ears and eyes. Perhaps its most distinguishing feature is a large, flat, hairless tail curved like a paddle. The American beaver is the largest rodent in the country, growing to a length of two to three feet without its tail. Its fur is waterproof, and its feet are webbed.

Gopher vs Beaver: Danger

Gophers can contract rabies. They are disease carriers and can infect others by biting. Also, when gophers build tunnels, they do damage to your landscape. To start, the holes they dig in the earth jeopardize your yard’s structural integrity. Plus, if a cave-in occurs, you may end up with larger surface holes.

Beavers can bite, attack, and even kill humans. Although rare, if you infringe on a beaver’s turf, expect an aggressive response. Beavers also erode and destabilize banks and levees. This inevitably destroys property and transit corridors such as roads, airports, and trains.

Gopher vs Beaver: Diet

Gopher climbed out of the hole on the lawn
Gophers are herbivores.


Beavers are herbivores and eat leaves, woody stems, and aquatic vegetation. There are a few kinds of wood that they use for construction and food: poplar, aspen, birch, and maple are among their favorites.

Herbivores, like gophers, eat only plant matter. They occasionally eat plants’ tops, but their primary diet consists of the roots and tubers of the plant. It’s common for gophers to peek out of a “feed hole” to snag a neighboring plant.

Gopher vs Beaver: Lifespan

The average lifespan of a gopher is between two and three years. Five weeks after birth, the young are weaned and ready to begin digging their own burrows. A beaver reaches adulthood after two to three years and lives for about 15-20 years.

Gopher vs Beaver: Habitat

Large Beaver isolated on a white background.
Beavers are found in ponds and streams.

Oleksandr Lytvynenko/

A beaver’s home is known as a lodge. To begin the process of constructing a lodge, the beaver must first find a suitable location. It’s common for beavers to seek a spot that’s near a food source. Beavers are found in ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams, except in the Southwest desert.

Geographically, gophers are found throughout North and Central America, primarily in areas with loose, sandy soil. The burrows that they reside in are made up of a series of tunnels.

Gopher vs Beaver: Habits

Gophers are rarely seen in the open, but when they are, it’s usually because they’re busy tunneling or eating. At any time of the day or year, they can burrow. Springtime is their busiest time of year, and they can make up to three mounds every day at their peak. In addition, they appear to be most at night, particularly after sunset.

Beavers sleep during the day and forage or labor at night. They are quite active when awake. A beaver colony can build a lodge in a few days. The beaver’s most distinctive characteristic is a long, flat, black tail. A beaver’s tail can be used to swim faster and make a loud alarm when slapped on water. The beaver’s long tail also helps balance a heavy log or trunk.

Wrapping Up Gopher vs Beaver

Gophers and beavers are both unwelcome news for home and property owners, no matter how difficult it may be to tell them apart. This is due to the extensive harm that is done to plants, landscapes, and even lawns. A tripping danger may arise from the holes gophers excavate because it is difficult to see them. As vital as they may be to the ecosystem, conflicts between these rodents and humans must not be overlooked. As a result, pests should be caught and securely removed using traps.

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About the Author

A substantial part of my life has been spent as a writer and artist, with great respect to observing nature with an analytical and metaphysical eye. Upon close investigation, the natural world exposes truths far beyond the obvious. For me, the source of all that we are is embodied in our planet; and the process of writing and creating art around this topic is an attempt to communicate its wonders.

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Rodents make up 40% of the world’s animal population. They have long tails, strong bodies, and small limbs, and they inhabit fabricated and terrestrial settings. Squirrels, rats, mice, beavers, hamsters, groundhogs, and chipmunks are all types of rodents. To distinguish one from another, each one has a unique set of features. In this article, we are going to explore 8 key differences between two well-known rodents: the gopher and the beaver.

Gopher vs Beaver: A Comparison 

Beavers are longer than gophers.

Gopher Beaver
Size 5 to 14 inches long / 1-2 lbs.  2.4 – 4 ft. / 24 – 66 lbs.
Colors Light to Dark Brown, Buff Underside Yellow, Brown, Black
Physical Features Small Body, Tiny Ears And Eyes, Hairless Tail Big Head, Robust Body, Large And Flat Tail
Danger Can Carry Diseases, Mostly Causes Landscape Damage Can Be Aggressive And Attack
Diet Plants, Mostly Roots, and Tubers Leaves, Woody Stems, Vegetation
Lifespan 1 – 3 Years 15-20 Years
Habitats North/Central America, in Loose Soil Northern Hemisphere; Near Water
Habits Most Active In Spring/Evenings; Spends Time Tunneling/ Foraging Most Active At Night, Spends Time Foraging And Building Lodging
Gopher vs Beaver: A Comparison

Key Differences Between Gopher vs Beaver

The key differences between gophers and beavers are their size, appearance, habitat, lifespan, diet, habits, and physical features.

Gophers and beavers have several similar characteristics. As an example, both are rodents and herbivores. Human settlements are damaged by both. Both, on the other hand, are vital parts of the ecosystem. Now, we’ll talk about what sets them distinct, including their appearances, features, habitats, and more!

Gopher vs Beaver: Size

What Do Gophers Eat
Gophers are medium sized rodents.


Gophers are medium-sized rodents. Between 5 and 14 inches in length, they are larger than mice but smaller than rats. In terms of weight, they’re somewhere about a pound or so. Gophers can reach 2.2 pounds in some Central American species.

Beavers grow and mature to a total length of 3 to 4 feet, including the tail. The average adult beaver weighs anywhere between 24 to 66 pounds!

Gopher vs Beaver: Colors

Beavers occur in a range of colors, from yellowish-brown to black, with the most common being reddish-brown. Gophers, sometimes known as pocket gophers, range in hue from light brown to deep brown, while their undersides are a paler buff.

Gopher vs Beaver: Physical Features

Gophers have tiny eyes and ears, short noses, flat skulls, and small bodies. Their tails, which are typically dark with a white tip, are nearly hairless. Gophers have external cheek chambers lined with fur that stretch to their shoulders. These pouches are used to carry food.

Beavers have large heads, short necks, thick, robust bodies, and tiny ears and eyes. Perhaps its most distinguishing feature is a large, flat, hairless tail curved like a paddle. The American beaver is the largest rodent in the country, growing to a length of two to three feet without its tail. Its fur is waterproof, and its feet are webbed.

Gopher vs Beaver: Danger

Gophers can contract rabies. They are disease carriers and can infect others by biting. Also, when gophers build tunnels, they do damage to your landscape. To start, the holes they dig in the earth jeopardize your yard’s structural integrity. Plus, if a cave-in occurs, you may end up with larger surface holes.

Beavers can bite, attack, and even kill humans. Although rare, if you infringe on a beaver’s turf, expect an aggressive response. Beavers also erode and destabilize banks and levees. This inevitably destroys property and transit corridors such as roads, airports, and trains.

Gopher vs Beaver: Diet

Gopher climbed out of the hole on the lawn
Gophers are herbivores.


Beavers are herbivores and eat leaves, woody stems, and aquatic vegetation. There are a few kinds of wood that they use for construction and food: poplar, aspen, birch, and maple are among their favorites.

Herbivores, like gophers, eat only plant matter. They occasionally eat plants’ tops, but their primary diet consists of the roots and tubers of the plant. It’s common for gophers to peek out of a “feed hole” to snag a neighboring plant.

Gopher vs Beaver: Lifespan

The average lifespan of a gopher is between two and three years. Five weeks after birth, the young are weaned and ready to begin digging their own burrows. A beaver reaches adulthood after two to three years and lives for about 15-20 years.

Gopher vs Beaver: Habitat

Large Beaver isolated on a white background.
Beavers are found in ponds and streams.

Oleksandr Lytvynenko/

A beaver’s home is known as a lodge. To begin the process of constructing a lodge, the beaver must first find a suitable location. It’s common for beavers to seek a spot that’s near a food source. Beavers are found in ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams, except in the Southwest desert.

Geographically, gophers are found throughout North and Central America, primarily in areas with loose, sandy soil. The burrows that they reside in are made up of a series of tunnels.

Gopher vs Beaver: Habits

Gophers are rarely seen in the open, but when they are, it’s usually because they’re busy tunneling or eating. At any time of the day or year, they can burrow. Springtime is their busiest time of year, and they can make up to three mounds every day at their peak. In addition, they appear to be most at night, particularly after sunset.

Beavers sleep during the day and forage or labor at night. They are quite active when awake. A beaver colony can build a lodge in a few days. The beaver’s most distinctive characteristic is a long, flat, black tail. A beaver’s tail can be used to swim faster and make a loud alarm when slapped on water. The beaver’s long tail also helps balance a heavy log or trunk.

Wrapping Up Gopher vs Beaver

Gophers and beavers are both unwelcome news for home and property owners, no matter how difficult it may be to tell them apart. This is due to the extensive harm that is done to plants, landscapes, and even lawns. A tripping danger may arise from the holes gophers excavate because it is difficult to see them. As vital as they may be to the ecosystem, conflicts between these rodents and humans must not be overlooked. As a result, pests should be caught and securely removed using traps.

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