Bili Apes: The Largest Chimpanzee Ever?


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Man’s greatest relative is the chimpanzee, with around 99% of DNA shared between our two species. Looking at the chimp, we get a view of how similar our two species are. Chimpanzees belong to the order of Primates, which is estimated to have more than 375 members. 4 great apes exist, counting chimpanzees. Gorillas, orangutans, and humans are also members of the Great ape or Hominidae family.

Chimpanzees are unique creatures, and their lifestyle has some resemblance to our own. Black hair covers their body, and they have a humanoid structure. One of the few animals with opposable thumbs, and human-like features, the strength is much stronger than our own. The average chimpanzee is extremely strong and 1.5 stronger than a human on average. Most chimps are not as large as humans on average, but some have been reported to be as large as small gorillas. How big can chimpanzees get? Let’s dig into reports of Bili apes, which are reported to be the largest chimpanzees ever!

How Big Do Chimpanzees Get

Chimpanzee Lifespan - Baby Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees males can reach 176 pounds on the upper end of their average weight range.

When standing upright, chimps measure around 3.3 to 5.6 feet tall (1 to 1.7m). Most of the time, chimps will walk on all fours because they have long arms and short legs. Male chimps are larger and stronger than females. The hierarchy of chimps usually puts the larger male at the top.

Males weigh between 74 and 154 lbs (34 to 70kg), while females weigh 57.3 to 110 lbs (26 to 50kg). In captivity, chimpanzees can be much larger since they eat more and are less active. Males in captivity reach up to 176 lbs (80kg) and females 149 lbs (68kg).

Are “Lion Killer” Bili Apes the Largest Chimpanzees in the World?

Largest Chimpanzee - Alpha Male Chimpanzee
Alpha male chimpanzees can be extremely strong.

Darren Hopping-Mills/

Many sources will claim that the Bili ape is the largest chimpanzee, but this is a disputed claim. Let’s dive a bit more into why the “lion killer” Bili apes have been the source of so much controversy.

Reports out of the deep Congolese jungle have stated larger chimpanzees (with gorilla-like qualities) lived deep in jungles near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. The chimpanzees from the area became known as “Bili apes.”

Tribal sources claimed Bili apes also howled at the moon, nested like gorillas, would feast on predators like leopards (and perhaps even lions), and could grow to sizes beyond other chimpanzees. At their reported height of up to 6 feet tall, Bili apes would be the largest chimpanzees in the world.

Interest in Bili apes led to several expeditions to monitor them. Cleve Hicks, a primatologist who led several expeditions into the jungle, found that Bili apes are not a unique chimpanzee subspecies and that many of the claims around their behavior (such as howling at the moon) are exaggerated.

However, there are unique aspects to the chimpanzee populations in the area which may stem from their remoteness from human populations. DNA testing shows that Bili apes are the same subspecies as other apes in Central Africa, so it’s unlikely they reach a dramatically larger size than other chimpanzees. Yetr, there is still much to be learned about these remote apes!

Chimpanzees Compared With Other Apes

Gorillas, chimpanzees, humans, and orangutans are all members of the Hominidae family. The largest of great apes is the gorilla, and the bonobo, which is closely related to the chimpanzee, is the smallest. Each genus of great apes aside from humans has different species and subspecies within it. Gorillas and chimpanzees both live in Africa, while Orangutans live in the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. 

Gorillas are the strongest and largest of all primates. The size of the gorilla depends on the species, and the eastern lowland gorilla is the largest. Chimpanzees are smaller than humans but are stronger and more muscular. All primates are omnivores, however, their diets tilt mostly to plants. For example, chimpanzees eat 90% plant matter. Just 6% of their diet comes from animal products while 4% is from insects. Gorillas eat even more plants, occasionally feasting on termites to augment their diet.

Compared to chimps, orangutans are larger and much stronger. Chimps are more violent and are one of the most dangerous species of the great ape. In the wild, some chimps are known to have wars and attack each other for territory. On rare occasions, chimps were seen attacking gorillas for no reason. It is believed that the loss of habitats for both species has caused chimps to become more territorial. 

The Hierarchy of Chimps

Aggressive Animal: Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees will go to “war” to defend their territory.

Afandi Teguh Afriyanto/

In the chimp hierarchy, the strongest chimps help lead the group. Male chimps who run the pack are called alphas and are at the top. The alpha is above other males and gets to that spot through strength or kindness. Chimps who are stronger can try to intimidate their way into an alpha position, but creating bonds and doing favors for other chimps is also a way to gain status.

Chimps’ hierarchies are essential in maintaining a group’s survival. Alpha chimps have the job of patrolling and breeding with prime females. Strong chimps are preferred as the alpha, as others are always trying to fight their way into the top. 

Chimps’ social groups mirror how humans interact with the world. Different groups of chimps will go to war with each other for territory and mating rights. War is one of the reasons that stronger and larger chimps are preferred for the alpha spot and gain breeding rights. Alpha females also exist and have rights to food and breeding. Alpha females gain status through social interactions and have a high chance of bearing high-status offspring.

The Decline Of Chimpanzees

Habitat loss, disease, and poaching are some reasons that have caused chimps to become endangered. They also have a reproduction rate similar to humans and have an 8 month-long gestation period. Chimps also are more prompt to go to war for territory due to increased habitat loss. 

Around 170,000 to 300,000 chimps remain in the wild, and after three decades, they may become extinct. Laws and establishments have been put in place to project chimp populations and the habitats they live in. Limiting the tourists in areas and further studying chimps is helpful in trying to preserve what little number of left. They are one of the closest species to depict our evolutionary past, and the future of chimps is in our hands.

The Largest Extinct Ape

Gigantopithecus blacki is the largest ape ever to exist. It is now an extinct species and lived in China, India, and Vietnam around 300,000 to 1 million years ago. This giant stood 9.8 feet (3m) and weighed around 1100lbs (500kg). Like the gorillas of today, this species was mostly a herbivore. Climate change was why this species went extinct, as its size became a hindrance. Many great apes today are endangered, and preserving their species can help prevent them from ending up like this ancient giant.

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Man’s greatest relative is the chimpanzee, with around 99% of DNA shared between our two species. Looking at the chimp, we get a view of how similar our two species are. Chimpanzees belong to the order of Primates, which is estimated to have more than 375 members. 4 great apes exist, counting chimpanzees. Gorillas, orangutans, and humans are also members of the Great ape or Hominidae family.

Chimpanzees are unique creatures, and their lifestyle has some resemblance to our own. Black hair covers their body, and they have a humanoid structure. One of the few animals with opposable thumbs, and human-like features, the strength is much stronger than our own. The average chimpanzee is extremely strong and 1.5 stronger than a human on average. Most chimps are not as large as humans on average, but some have been reported to be as large as small gorillas. How big can chimpanzees get? Let’s dig into reports of Bili apes, which are reported to be the largest chimpanzees ever!

How Big Do Chimpanzees Get

Chimpanzee Lifespan - Baby Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees males can reach 176 pounds on the upper end of their average weight range.

When standing upright, chimps measure around 3.3 to 5.6 feet tall (1 to 1.7m). Most of the time, chimps will walk on all fours because they have long arms and short legs. Male chimps are larger and stronger than females. The hierarchy of chimps usually puts the larger male at the top.

Males weigh between 74 and 154 lbs (34 to 70kg), while females weigh 57.3 to 110 lbs (26 to 50kg). In captivity, chimpanzees can be much larger since they eat more and are less active. Males in captivity reach up to 176 lbs (80kg) and females 149 lbs (68kg).

Are “Lion Killer” Bili Apes the Largest Chimpanzees in the World?

Largest Chimpanzee - Alpha Male Chimpanzee
Alpha male chimpanzees can be extremely strong.

Darren Hopping-Mills/

Many sources will claim that the Bili ape is the largest chimpanzee, but this is a disputed claim. Let’s dive a bit more into why the “lion killer” Bili apes have been the source of so much controversy.

Reports out of the deep Congolese jungle have stated larger chimpanzees (with gorilla-like qualities) lived deep in jungles near the border of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. The chimpanzees from the area became known as “Bili apes.”

Tribal sources claimed Bili apes also howled at the moon, nested like gorillas, would feast on predators like leopards (and perhaps even lions), and could grow to sizes beyond other chimpanzees. At their reported height of up to 6 feet tall, Bili apes would be the largest chimpanzees in the world.

Interest in Bili apes led to several expeditions to monitor them. Cleve Hicks, a primatologist who led several expeditions into the jungle, found that Bili apes are not a unique chimpanzee subspecies and that many of the claims around their behavior (such as howling at the moon) are exaggerated.

However, there are unique aspects to the chimpanzee populations in the area which may stem from their remoteness from human populations. DNA testing shows that Bili apes are the same subspecies as other apes in Central Africa, so it’s unlikely they reach a dramatically larger size than other chimpanzees. Yetr, there is still much to be learned about these remote apes!

Chimpanzees Compared With Other Apes

Gorillas, chimpanzees, humans, and orangutans are all members of the Hominidae family. The largest of great apes is the gorilla, and the bonobo, which is closely related to the chimpanzee, is the smallest. Each genus of great apes aside from humans has different species and subspecies within it. Gorillas and chimpanzees both live in Africa, while Orangutans live in the Southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. 

Gorillas are the strongest and largest of all primates. The size of the gorilla depends on the species, and the eastern lowland gorilla is the largest. Chimpanzees are smaller than humans but are stronger and more muscular. All primates are omnivores, however, their diets tilt mostly to plants. For example, chimpanzees eat 90% plant matter. Just 6% of their diet comes from animal products while 4% is from insects. Gorillas eat even more plants, occasionally feasting on termites to augment their diet.

Compared to chimps, orangutans are larger and much stronger. Chimps are more violent and are one of the most dangerous species of the great ape. In the wild, some chimps are known to have wars and attack each other for territory. On rare occasions, chimps were seen attacking gorillas for no reason. It is believed that the loss of habitats for both species has caused chimps to become more territorial. 

The Hierarchy of Chimps

Aggressive Animal: Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees will go to “war” to defend their territory.

Afandi Teguh Afriyanto/

In the chimp hierarchy, the strongest chimps help lead the group. Male chimps who run the pack are called alphas and are at the top. The alpha is above other males and gets to that spot through strength or kindness. Chimps who are stronger can try to intimidate their way into an alpha position, but creating bonds and doing favors for other chimps is also a way to gain status.

Chimps’ hierarchies are essential in maintaining a group’s survival. Alpha chimps have the job of patrolling and breeding with prime females. Strong chimps are preferred as the alpha, as others are always trying to fight their way into the top. 

Chimps’ social groups mirror how humans interact with the world. Different groups of chimps will go to war with each other for territory and mating rights. War is one of the reasons that stronger and larger chimps are preferred for the alpha spot and gain breeding rights. Alpha females also exist and have rights to food and breeding. Alpha females gain status through social interactions and have a high chance of bearing high-status offspring.

The Decline Of Chimpanzees

Habitat loss, disease, and poaching are some reasons that have caused chimps to become endangered. They also have a reproduction rate similar to humans and have an 8 month-long gestation period. Chimps also are more prompt to go to war for territory due to increased habitat loss. 

Around 170,000 to 300,000 chimps remain in the wild, and after three decades, they may become extinct. Laws and establishments have been put in place to project chimp populations and the habitats they live in. Limiting the tourists in areas and further studying chimps is helpful in trying to preserve what little number of left. They are one of the closest species to depict our evolutionary past, and the future of chimps is in our hands.

The Largest Extinct Ape

Gigantopithecus blacki is the largest ape ever to exist. It is now an extinct species and lived in China, India, and Vietnam around 300,000 to 1 million years ago. This giant stood 9.8 feet (3m) and weighed around 1100lbs (500kg). Like the gorillas of today, this species was mostly a herbivore. Climate change was why this species went extinct, as its size became a hindrance. Many great apes today are endangered, and preserving their species can help prevent them from ending up like this ancient giant.

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