10 Snakes in Australia

Think You Know Snakes?

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Many people call Australia home, and so do many venomous reptiles and dangerous animals. Known as the land down under, Australia is home to no fewer than 100 species of snake. Many of these are venomous; some are large, some are small, and some can even kill a human with their bite. Australia is even home to saltwater-dwelling sea snakes that spend nearly their entire lives in the ocean.

Read on to learn more about ten of the most fascinating snakes in Australia.

1. Australian Scrub Python

scrub python
Australian scrub pythons can reach lengths of 25 feet.

Trent Townsend/Shutterstock.com

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Scrub pythons are the longest and heaviest snakes in Australia. They can reach lengths of 25 feet, and weigh over 50 pounds. They have mottled light and dark brown coloring with a long, heavy head. Scrub pythons aren’t venomous. Instead, they rely on constricting their prey to death before swallowing it whole. Typical food items include rodents, possums, baby kangaroos, and even fruit bats.

2. Eastern Brown Snake

Are snakes mammals
Eastern brown snakes cause more deaths in Australia than any other snake.

Eastern brown snakes are venomous and have small fangs for their size, but that doesn’t stop this species from causing more deaths from snakebite in Australia than any other snake. These snakes can grow up to six feet long. As their name suggests, their coloring ranges from light to dark brown. They prefer to eat rodents, but will also eat reptiles, amphibians, and birds.

3. Coastal Taipan

Most Venomous Snakes - Coastal Taipan
Coastal taipans can grow to over nine feet long.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Coastal taipans are long snakes that can grow to over nine feet long. They have a deadly bite, but would rather flee than fight when it comes to humans. They range from yellow-brown to black, with their coloring fading in the summer, and darkening in the winter. Unlike other snakes, coastal taipans only eat warm-blooded creatures, like rodents, birds, and bandicoots. They’re active during the day in all but the hottest months when they become more nocturnal.

4. Bandy-Bandy Snake

Bandy Bandy Snake
Bandy-bandy snakes rarely exceed 2.5 feet in length.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

These snakes are one of the most instantly recognizable snakes in Australia. They’re distinguished from other snakes by their stark black and white stripes. These snakes rarely exceed 2.5 feet in length, though their venom is strong enough to kill a human. However, bandy-bandy snakes rarely attack humans, or even mammals, preferring instead to eat mainly other reptiles and amphibians. They’re one of Australia’s most iconic and loved snakes.

5. Red-Bellied Black Snake

Red-bellied Black Snake
Red-bellied black snakes are venomous, but their venom poses little risk to humans.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Red-bellied black snakes are one of the most misunderstood snakes in Australia. They’re venomous, though their venom poses little risk to humans, and can reach lengths of over six feet. As their name suggests, their sides and back are black, and their undersides are red or orange-red. Unfortunately, they’re often killed by fearful people, even though they’re harmless to humans. These snakes eat everything from amphibians and reptiles to rodents and fish. They’re known to flee into freshwater when predators come too close.

6. Tiger Snake

tiger snake
Tiger snakes have narrow heads and black eyes.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Despite their beauty, tiger snakes are one of the deadliest snakes in Australia. They can grow up to six feet long and have narrow heads with black eyes. They’re characterized by alternating black and yellow stripes that run from head to tail. Their diet consists of just about everything small enough to swallow, including rodents, amphibians, and reptiles.

7. Common Death Adder

common death adder curled up on rocks
Common death adders max out at around three feet in length.

iStock.com/Ken Griffiths

One of the shortest, thickest-bodied snakes in Australia, the common death adder tops out at around three feet in length. They’re highly venomous, with diets that largely consist of small mammals and birds. Death adders have heavy bodies characterized by alternating bands of light and dark scales that range from brown to gray.

8. Inland Taipan

Most Venomous Snakes in the World - Inland Taipan
Inland taipans are non-aggressive, but they have one of the deadliest venoms in the world.

These snakes are often confused with brown snakes. Inland taipans have one of the deadliest venoms in the world, yet they’re secretive and non-aggressive, and live only in remote areas, so bites to humans are rare. They range in color from light brown to dark brown, with darker heads and necks. They grow to around 6.5 feet in length and eat only small mammals.

9. Pygmy Python

Pygmy Python
Pygmy pythons rely on constriction to kill their prey.


Pygmy pythons grow to a short two feet long. They’re non-venomous and rely on constriction to kill their prey. Pygmy pythons are red to orange in color, with small, dark, regular blotches and orange eyes. They eat small mammals.

10. Black-Headed Python

black-headed snake
Black-headed pythons have black coloring on their head and neck.

Jay Ondreicka/Shutterstock.com

Black-headed pythons can grow to nearly 11 feet long. Like all pythons, they have heavy bodies with narrow heads. Their bodies are pale brown in color, with subtle, darker markings. Black-headed pythons are so named for the black coloring on their head and neck. These snakes eat mostly reptiles with some small to medium-sized mammals.

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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Think You Know Snakes?

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Many people call Australia home, and so do many venomous reptiles and dangerous animals. Known as the land down under, Australia is home to no fewer than 100 species of snake. Many of these are venomous; some are large, some are small, and some can even kill a human with their bite. Australia is even home to saltwater-dwelling sea snakes that spend nearly their entire lives in the ocean.

Read on to learn more about ten of the most fascinating snakes in Australia.

1. Australian Scrub Python

scrub python
Australian scrub pythons can reach lengths of 25 feet.

Trent Townsend/Shutterstock.com

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button.pulse {
transform: scale(1); animation: pulse 2s infinite;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(11, 247, 25, 1);

@keyframes pulse {
0% { transform: scale(0.90); box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(11, 247, 25, 0.5); }
60% { transform: scale(1); box-shadow: 0 0 0 15px rgba(11, 247, 25, 0); }
100% { transform: scale(0.90); box-shadow: 0 0 0 0 rgba(11, 247, 25, 0); }

Scrub pythons are the longest and heaviest snakes in Australia. They can reach lengths of 25 feet, and weigh over 50 pounds. They have mottled light and dark brown coloring with a long, heavy head. Scrub pythons aren’t venomous. Instead, they rely on constricting their prey to death before swallowing it whole. Typical food items include rodents, possums, baby kangaroos, and even fruit bats.

2. Eastern Brown Snake

Are snakes mammals
Eastern brown snakes cause more deaths in Australia than any other snake.

Eastern brown snakes are venomous and have small fangs for their size, but that doesn’t stop this species from causing more deaths from snakebite in Australia than any other snake. These snakes can grow up to six feet long. As their name suggests, their coloring ranges from light to dark brown. They prefer to eat rodents, but will also eat reptiles, amphibians, and birds.

3. Coastal Taipan

Most Venomous Snakes - Coastal Taipan
Coastal taipans can grow to over nine feet long.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Coastal taipans are long snakes that can grow to over nine feet long. They have a deadly bite, but would rather flee than fight when it comes to humans. They range from yellow-brown to black, with their coloring fading in the summer, and darkening in the winter. Unlike other snakes, coastal taipans only eat warm-blooded creatures, like rodents, birds, and bandicoots. They’re active during the day in all but the hottest months when they become more nocturnal.

4. Bandy-Bandy Snake

Bandy Bandy Snake
Bandy-bandy snakes rarely exceed 2.5 feet in length.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

These snakes are one of the most instantly recognizable snakes in Australia. They’re distinguished from other snakes by their stark black and white stripes. These snakes rarely exceed 2.5 feet in length, though their venom is strong enough to kill a human. However, bandy-bandy snakes rarely attack humans, or even mammals, preferring instead to eat mainly other reptiles and amphibians. They’re one of Australia’s most iconic and loved snakes.

5. Red-Bellied Black Snake

Red-bellied Black Snake
Red-bellied black snakes are venomous, but their venom poses little risk to humans.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Red-bellied black snakes are one of the most misunderstood snakes in Australia. They’re venomous, though their venom poses little risk to humans, and can reach lengths of over six feet. As their name suggests, their sides and back are black, and their undersides are red or orange-red. Unfortunately, they’re often killed by fearful people, even though they’re harmless to humans. These snakes eat everything from amphibians and reptiles to rodents and fish. They’re known to flee into freshwater when predators come too close.

6. Tiger Snake

tiger snake
Tiger snakes have narrow heads and black eyes.

Ken Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

Despite their beauty, tiger snakes are one of the deadliest snakes in Australia. They can grow up to six feet long and have narrow heads with black eyes. They’re characterized by alternating black and yellow stripes that run from head to tail. Their diet consists of just about everything small enough to swallow, including rodents, amphibians, and reptiles.

7. Common Death Adder

common death adder curled up on rocks
Common death adders max out at around three feet in length.

iStock.com/Ken Griffiths

One of the shortest, thickest-bodied snakes in Australia, the common death adder tops out at around three feet in length. They’re highly venomous, with diets that largely consist of small mammals and birds. Death adders have heavy bodies characterized by alternating bands of light and dark scales that range from brown to gray.

8. Inland Taipan

Most Venomous Snakes in the World - Inland Taipan
Inland taipans are non-aggressive, but they have one of the deadliest venoms in the world.

These snakes are often confused with brown snakes. Inland taipans have one of the deadliest venoms in the world, yet they’re secretive and non-aggressive, and live only in remote areas, so bites to humans are rare. They range in color from light brown to dark brown, with darker heads and necks. They grow to around 6.5 feet in length and eat only small mammals.

9. Pygmy Python

Pygmy Python
Pygmy pythons rely on constriction to kill their prey.


Pygmy pythons grow to a short two feet long. They’re non-venomous and rely on constriction to kill their prey. Pygmy pythons are red to orange in color, with small, dark, regular blotches and orange eyes. They eat small mammals.

10. Black-Headed Python

black-headed snake
Black-headed pythons have black coloring on their head and neck.

Jay Ondreicka/Shutterstock.com

Black-headed pythons can grow to nearly 11 feet long. Like all pythons, they have heavy bodies with narrow heads. Their bodies are pale brown in color, with subtle, darker markings. Black-headed pythons are so named for the black coloring on their head and neck. These snakes eat mostly reptiles with some small to medium-sized mammals.

Discover the “Monster” Snake 5X Bigger than an Anaconda

Every day A-Z Animals sends out some of the most incredible facts in the world from our free newsletter. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a “snake island” where you’re never more than 3 feet from danger, or a “monster” snake 5X larger than an anaconda? Then sign up right now and you’ll start receiving our daily newsletter absolutely free.

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